over 3 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

Hi all, as an update, in this release the in-game Harvester gear has been re-added to the loot tables, and is earnable in-game once again. Unfortunately we found issues with the horticulture gear we intended to grant players. We want to make sure to get you the gear exactly as described, so we will be correcting this and issuing the gear later than we had thought - we will update when we know that schedule.

over 3 years ago - TigerCr4ne - Direct link

In this release the in-game Harvester gear has been re-added to the loot tables, and is earnable in-game once again. Unfortunately, we found issues with the horticulture gear we intended to grant players. The gear we intended to provide had stats and player level requirements that would have caused significant and unintentional imbalances in both PvE and PvP play.

We want to make sure to get you the gear exactly as described while keeping the experience fair and balanced. We will be correcting this and issuing the gear later than we had thought - we will update when we know that schedule. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused and thank you for your patience and understanding.

over 3 years ago - Tosch - Direct link

The downtime has been completed and all worlds are available again.

Thank you for your patience!

over 3 years ago - Tosch - Direct link

Hello everyone!

Due to our current investigations with incorrect player coin compensations (that started today on EU Central) we are holding off on rolling this out for all other regions until the problem is solved. There is no ETA at the moment.

We will give an update once we have more news.