almost 3 years ago - NW_Mugsy - Direct link

Fixed it for you.

almost 3 years ago - NW_Mugsy - Direct link

Hey, I am still here, I wasn’t active this weekend, spent the holiday with my family.

almost 3 years ago - NW_Mugsy - Direct link

Yea, we have dedicated Support team members who review the entire bug report section and generate reports that turn into Jira tickets for the team.

almost 3 years ago - NW_Mugsy - Direct link

We do hear the ask for an improved Bug Tracker/Known Issues list and we’re working on a solution with the team.

almost 3 years ago - NW_Mugsy - Direct link

Yes, Customer Support is monitoring the Bug section and should be letting every person who posts there know that their report has been received and provide any updates they can on the status of the bugs.