almost 2 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

Greetings Adventurers,

Due to increasing live server populations, and in anticipation of our Brimstone Sands release, we are preparing to open additional worlds to accommodate the influx of new and returning players. Below, you will find our roll-out plan as well as an FAQ for any questions you may have.

Based on the extended login queues we saw over this past weekend, new purchases, and in accomodation for additional returning players, we are going to open one new world in a new world set for US-East, South America, and Central Europe on the following dates:

Region World Name Date and Time
Central Europe Fae 2022-09-08T16:00:00Z
South America Atlantis 2022-09-08T21:00:00Z
US East Eden 2022-09-08T22:00:00Z

These will be completely new servers with no existing territory ownership. We highly recommend discussing with any of your friends or company mates to determine whether or not you’d like to take advantage of these new servers or hold dominion on your current world.

As a note, players will be able to choose whether or not to transfer their existing characters or create a new character. Please keep in mind that should you wish to transfer, you will need to use an existing server transfer token on your account or purchase a new one from the Shop page. Normal transfer rules apply.

Thanks for your support! We’ll see you in Aeternum.


Are these completely new servers?
Yes. Despite the throwback server names, these are completely new servers added to mitigate existing queues. Interested in being the first company to claim a territory or win a war? This is the place to be! The only caveat? Anyone can transfer into these servers.

Can I transfer to these new servers?
Yes, you can. All regular server transfer rules apply. Please find our server transfer instructions and FAQ here: [FAQ] How to Transfer to Another Server or Region

Will you be providing us with a server transfer token?
No, we will not be providing any free server tokens. You may purchase one from the in-game shop and learn more with the information provided above.

Will you be increasing the character limit so we can create a new character on these servers?
No, we will not be increasing the character limit at this time. If you only have one character on the region you’ve selected, you may create another one. If you’ve already got 2 in that region, you will not be able to create an additional one.

What is the maximum population for each server?
2,200 is the current maximum population for these servers.

Will these servers be merged?
These worlds follow the normal retail server guidelines, and could undergo a merge in the future to maintain population health as needed.

almost 2 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

Fae has been opened! For players who plan to transfer and rush the new land, we wish you best of luck in the race toward territory ownership.

almost 2 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

Atlantis is now opened! Go forth, adventurers!

almost 2 years ago - Luxendra - Direct link

Eden is now opened. That concludes our opening of additional servers at this time but we’ll continue monitoring the health of all of these worlds.

See you in Aeternum!