New World

New World Dev Tracker

19 Jan


I’m sorry to hear that… I know my husband would be SUPER frustrated too. The team is hard at work fixing the problem so they can get new character creation up and running asap.


This is very helpful, thank you!


I’m sorry you feel so strongly negative about the game and appreciate you putting thought into the entire situation but I can assure you that AGS does not want the game to die. The team is currently growing and harder than ever working on the current and future gameplay of New World.

I’m absolutely not here to lessen anyone’s frustration towards their experience of the game but I would ask that instead we attempt to work together through some sort of constructive criticism. Assuming untruths really just kinda shuts people down, ya know? I’d like to know instead WHY you’re so upset?

But no one on the team wants New World to die.


Oooooh okay, that makes sense and is a good idea, I’ll bring it up. Thanks!!


I personally honestly have NO idea what drives people to play or not play on the PTR. Hence my question because when the devs brought it up last week it got me thinking. Sure, I can guess or assume but that doesn’t accomplish anything… so, figured I’d just ask! Thankfully everyone has been super helpful so far, including yourself! Thanks!


We do listen, I promise, and we’re about to listen even more. The team is growing and more focused than ever. The theme for this upcoming push is bots, bugs and battlestar galatica… no, sorry, I’m kidding, I couldn’t help it haha. Bots, bugs and balance is the name of the game with this next big push. It’s not that we don’t WANT to fix stuff, but either time or resources makes it difficult and alot of fixes have already gone out. You do absolutely understand the current state of the game.


Sadly I don’t think it would work out as well as you’d like if the community votes on things. If the forums give you any idea, players can be very strong with some of their ideas, especially when they start to have some ownership on it. I think it’s great to find a perfect balance of feedback from both sides and then overall balance into the game. As keep in mind… not all who play this game, speak on the forums.


This is great feedback!! Thank you for listing it out and explaining. I know the azoth thing was talked about alot, so great to see it brought up again.


Hahaha okay okay, that’s fair. I do get SO STRESSED when I only have like 2 pots of special dye… like how does one decide when to use it?!


Definitely all great points, the arena is brought up alot.

Thank you!!


Hahahaha fair!! I appreciate it! I think I was just more thinking out loud too but curious if you had strong thoughts about it. Thank you!


Yes, but would that convince you to play on the PTR or just something you’d like to see?


That’s totally fair feedback and the team is working hard on fixing this. We recently gathered a TON of information and questions from the PTR forums and brought it to the devs. Granted not ALL feedback is what the team is looking for, but we’re totally on the same page here. Hence why I’m starting to ask more and take more notes! :smiley:


Not sure if that would pertain to PTR but I completely understand what you mean. My husband hates tanking because of this. But more so, you’d like to test different mechanics that aren’t promised to go into the game?


Of course! Thank you for the answer! Maybe some sort of tracking system or maybe better tools?


This is great feedback! Thank you!! Maybe the devs can better communicate why certain things arn’t in there.

I can also mention the idea about direction. We all love accomplishing goals, would be fun… like find 5 bugs! Haha I don’t know, but I’ll add the idea, thank you!


I completely agree, 100%. That was something we were chatting about earlier too, incentives. Who doesn’t love a free title or skin or pot of dye.


I appreciate this answer, it’s well thought out even if you feel like you didn’t think you could answer. Knowing that nothing or little to nothing can entice people to play is still great feedback. And your example of how eager you were about the void guantlet is something to take note of. Thank you!


Ah okay, that makes sense. If you want to be part of the process you want to BE part of the process. I think the devs are always hesitant, if these forums are anything to go by… how strongly some people feel about their thoughts on different aspects of the game.