New World

New World Dev Tracker

18 Jan

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

The team’s looking into it, thank you for the report!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Forwarded it to the team for investigation, thanks!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Forwarded this to the team, thanks!

15 Jan


Sleep well and thank you!

I think that’s a great idea!!! I’ll bring it up to the team Monday and see what we can do.
As for Waterdrop, I was actually just looking into that brand!! But I read some reviews that they take FOREVER to ship… so I wasn’t sure. But maybe I’ll give them a try!


For sure, I think we all agree and we do all understand. The team understands that the anger starts from a love and a passion of a game that they themselves love. I think it will balance out in time, especially with AGS realizing that they need a bigger team and to increase communication.


I think the problem here is, and the team knows it, there are ALOT of suggestions and feedback from the community on ALOT of different platforms from ALOT of different people. And some think that once it’s suggested, that someone does hear it and… its brought instantly to the team and it’s the only thing they focus on and work on until completetion. Sadly, that’s not the case. Many times these ideas get missed or are passed onto the wrong person, or it’s buried under a list of more pressing projects and bug fixes OR it’s just decided against completely. I’m 1000% not saying that is the case with this suggestion, not at all, I actually have NO IDEA what the team is doing with the arena suggestion. All I can say personally is I’ll bring it up with the team and we’ll go from there.

I was recently hired, two weeks ago actually, for this purpose. To better create this network of communication directly to the devs and then back to you guys. We’re just getting started :smiley:...

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I’m not sure? I could ask… or have something done in a similar way. A few devs did hop on the forums for an hour Tuesday and yesterday. It’s hard on them because there is so much anger and negativity but they did their best and tried to answer a few questions. Hopefully we can do it agian next week and answer a few more!


I’m sorry, haha I’m trying to keep up and absolutely not ignoring you. I also don’t have any definite answers for you. I do know the team is working hard on making transfers better so they may be waiting on that for sure. I can ask them about it and add both topics to my list of things they might want to discuss.


I agree SO MUCH with that, if plans do change, why NOT talk about?! Yes, yes yes! Haha yes, this is exactly what I’m here for and something I’ll bring up and work on. Maybe even alot of this anger and frustration could be lessened, even a little, if there was just some understanding on both sides and more communication on what is being done.


Haha thanks!! I appreciate it! And welcome to our chat!!


I think that would be great and now that the team is growing, with more hands on deck means we can better get across what we’re thinking too.


Woohoo! They and we as CMs really are! And we really are trying for sure.


It’s definitely okay to understand that there are two sides to all of this. Solutions to previous complaints that bring on more complaints and more solutions that… well… you get the point.


Which I really appreciate this, this is the kind of feedback I need. Not angry, yelling or insulting me while trying to get your point across. Thank you. I’ll write this down and add it to my ‘thoughts’ about the orbs.


Haha no idea, everyone is too chatty!! Myself included :wink:


Thank you so much! Great that you should bring that up!! Next week I’ll be asking more about the PTR from the player’s side. Thoughts on it, which tools you’d rather have access too, what would encourage more to use it, what if there wasn’t ANY new content and just testing, etc.


One can be friendly and informative. I understand the forums have become very focused this past year… very focused on players bringing forth problems and the CM/Mod/Dev team addressing what they can in the most diplomatic way. They are trying with blogs, with the dev video and more. And now… there is me. Hello. I’m both friendly and informative! At this time I’m gathering information and having conversations to gather information for the devs so they can better focus on the concerns you have. Information on the forums should and can go both ways.


Hahaha Romez, as much as I’d LOVE to tell you that something you suggested mere days ago will yes be implemented into a game as big as New World… I can’t. I don’t have an answer for you buddy. It’s a great idea and it was brought up the team. Now we must let the chips fall where they may.


Thank you, I really am trying here.


Not having a promise fulfilled is upsetting to anyone, especially those that made it. I’m sure it was never their intention. Things are constantly changing and popping up. Resources, time and work is always being shuffled around to find that constantly rare gem of ‘balance’.