New World

New World Dev Tracker

25 Jan


Hm? No you’re correct, mutations are Jan with BBB being March.


I appreciate the feedback!

The request for a roadmap is loud and heard! Thank you :slight_smile: and new content is something the team is always keeping in mind and has been pushing out. Currently they are just focusing on bots, balance and bugs as that was a huge request too. Only so many hours in the day sadly!


Alright everyone, deep breaths. I’m going to now go through and apparently suspend some users that took this too far. Let’s all walk away from the PC for a minute and chill.

Let me say this one last time and very clearly.

There is NO current update on any patch. This one or any other patch that anyone is talking about. There is NO set in stone, clear schedule each month where a patch is released.

A patch is never late, nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to.

We will be happy to let you know as soon as we can if anything changes. It’s not that we’re not communicating, there is just nothing to communicate at this time. Please don’t read into every action and stress yourself out about it. Every patch has it’s own set of challenges and the devs work endlessly doing the best they can.

Once again, we’re all humans with human feelings. Be nice to each other. Or I will suspend then ban you. Being excited and wanting to ask ...

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The patches are released when the dev team feels like they can be released. I repeat, there is not hard set in stone exact timeline to when things are accomplished as each patch has it’s own set of challenges for the team to over come.


There is no current timeline in regards to this.

24 Jan


As soon as we have any information, we’ll let you know

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

I understand it’s frustrating, we have been working on this non-stop (it is a topic we discuss daily to keep pressure on ourselves to get the fix out as soon as we can) because we know the impact and want to get this resolved.

For stuck contracts, which is the primary and prolonged issue for most folks who currently have a token and are blocked from using it, there were a ton of edge cases which we have worked to resolve but this is incredibly slow moving due to the number of manual changes needed for each case. We did this manual work while also completing work on the bigger fix which I anticipate will be out sometime soon after the January update. Why did it take so long? It’s complex, and required a service rework.

As far as earlier posts where a resolution was found quickly, this was likely the related issue where players were stuck due to a company/friend request from someone who had transferred off the server, leaving the invite stuck. This is a different system ...

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Not at all, just that there is still plenty of time in the month and when it’s ready, we will update you all.


Constructive feedback is something that can be had as a conversation and helps the topic progress with something to learn from. Being rude, insulting and just straight out mean is not constructive in any way. Please keep this in mind or the next action I will take is a timeout.

If you have actual constructive criticism, I’d love to hear it!


The team is currently focusing on bugs, balance and bots. You should start to see some of those fixes go into play.


I must have missed something… hippos!!!


How about we compromise? We can talk about how excited we are but let’s hold off on the stressful ‘when/where is it?!’. It’s already alot of pressure to get updates/patches out, and I promise we’re not holding onto it just to make ya squirm :wink:


Never too much coffee!

And there’s still an entire week in Jan! So many things can happen in 7 days!


Totally understand about being excited!!


Please be patient, there is still plenty of time left in January. If there are any updates that we can share with you all, we will do so.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all,

Here is the most up to date information on all things transfer and merge related:

Have a Token, Can’t Transfer due to Stuck Contract: What we anticipate are the final set of fixes for this, are in the January release (eta for that release is Soon :tm:). Once the January update is released, players with stuck contracts will need to log in and log out a few times over the following couple days in order for the contract service to remove the ghost contract.

Used a Token, or Never Had a Token and want to Transfer: This is blocked due to a particularly nefarious and complex housing persistence issue. The changes associated with this, due to the level of complexity, require additional time with QA. I anticipate the fix going live sometime soon after the January update goes live. Once the housing persistence fix ...

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Oh hi there!
Great to see you all again! While I’m gathering up the great feedback on other topics, I wanted to bring up another conversation.

Seems there appears to be a ‘wall’ that players hit around the levels 40-50. Enough to have experienced the game a decent amount but not enough interest to see their character through to 60.

Have you experienced this? Could you share with me the reason of why you didn’t hit level 60?

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don’t have an exact time frame for when these changes will be made but when I know more, you will too.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all!

The team is highly aware of the movement bug and the videos have been sent over to the devs to review and investigate alongside others that were posted here on the forums. We know that this bug is really frustrating, especially since it impacts such a large part of the game and it is on our priority list to resolve.