Hotfix 2.06 has released on PC, moving from experimental to live as users have confirmed fixes, and will follow soon on XBox and PS4
New build also pushed to experimental PC
Evening! A new build has been sent to experimental branch on PC with fixes for current most common issues.
This will go live to everyone on PC soon.
Hot fix patches are in progress for PS4 and XBox (MS/Sony cert means this is a tiny bit slower)
@joshscherr: So, um, playing NO MAN'S SKY with PSVR is kind of amazing. Really solid implementation of VR controls, lots of movement opt…
@JacksFlavour: My first time taking off in VR. Nothing could convey just how powerful this experience felt first hand. Breathtaking http…
Hotfix 2.05 has released on PC, moving from experimental to live as users have confirmed fixes, and will follow soon on XBox and PS4
Hotfix 2.04 is live on XBox and PS4.
Updated build has been sent to experimental branch on PC with further fixes, including some early Nexus issues resolved.
These will be rolled up for PS4 and XBox (MS/Sony cert means this is a tiny bit slower)
A new build has been sent to experimental branch on PC with fixes for a number of issues experienced since release.
Hot fix patches are in flight for PS4 and XBox (MS/Sony cert means this is a tiny bit slower)
@astroneergame 🙏
@NoMansSky: This is No Man’s Sky Beyond
Our largest update so far, launching TODAY for free.
I’m so proud of this team.
You can feel…
🥰 via u/burgercake
No Man's Sky Beyond is out now on PS4, XBox, Steam, GoG, Steam VR and PSVR in all territories
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@GossiTheDog: This dude, lol. @NoMansSky VR is ace.
@xpatriciah: The No Man’s Sky community is the only good video game community
This is No Man’s Sky Beyond
You can feel the love pouring out of these Patch Notes... 😭😭😭
@yosp @madduey ❤️
seriously, let's all agree to log off for a second, and we can upload this thing
wtf guys. I thought we had a deal
Everybody stop checking the website for a minute
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