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@JayVinchi 🙏
@adam_orth 🙈
Remember that you can experience all of this in virtual reality
You guys ❤️
This is No Man's Sky Beyond
Virtual Reality, Massively Online and much more on Xbox, PC, PS4, PSVR and Steam VR
This is our biggest update so far 😅😅😅
August 14th
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Making games for a living is a privilege, and I'll never take the community support for granted. We are always so incredibly nervous showing what we've been working so very hard on
Beyond is our biggest update to date, and has been a very difficult undertaking. I never dreamt what our game would become
Multiplayer is something we introduced in NEXT, and we know that people who play together play for nearly twice as long on average - we are excited to expand this for Beyond. It's going to be a radical change for our game, we've got a short vid that will give you a *small* taste.
Virtual reality was a pet project for us, but one that we know is surprisingly popular. With over a million NMS owners already owning a headset, it's by far our most requested feature 😎
8 years ago I sat down writing the first lines of code on a thing called Skyscraper, which eventually became No Man's Sky. We wanted you to feel like you had stepped into the cover of a sci-fi novel
@Matt_Silverman: While you're waiting for @NoMansSky BEYOND, why not enjoy the wonderful @GameOverGreggy & @XavierWoodsPhD in our NOMAD…
@screencuisine @Pelodance I INVITED YOU!!! 🙈🙈🙈 Do I go to your spam Chris 😀😀😀
We recently showed the third component of our update to some press, you'll be able to read about it closer to release. It's not a single feature, it's a few subtler things that are hard to make a trailer for, but we hope it'll please a bunch of players
VR is about 30-40% of what we are doing. Online is another 30-40%. We are going to be revealing a short video showing a couple of details of our Online component very very soon. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
We think actions and patch notes are how we best communicate, but we knew we needed to announce VR early. We showed this trailer. We’re super proud of how the game works in VR
We looked at 3 planned updates for 2019, found them growing in size and their features were so much better together. We combined them into one huge update, Beyond, which launches August 14th (⌐■_■)
Last year we shipped Next, and the response surprised and overwhelmed us. We thought we'd never do a huge update like that again, we planned out a roadmap of smaller updates for the coming year ¯\_(ツ)_/¯