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Hate that feeling when you know there was something you were supposed to do today
@CorneliaGeppert @yosp Oh wow, thank you. Sea of Solitude is 😘👌
Look what arrived today ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you from everyone on the team 🙏 @kulver @StripesbyNW @Cloudrunner_TV @MarvelDCfan15
@NoMansSky: Amazing fan vid from @Elca_Gaming @kulver
@NoMansSky: Our community raised more money than they needed to put up a billboard to thank Hello Games...
And they used the extra mone…
@_HopFrog That means a lot 🙏
Huge fan, absolutely love Forager ❤️
The best part of release is soon we get to see your screenshots of Beyond
For you and us, this is version 2.0, but for VR players, and new players, this is their first experience. We're glad to have you on the journey with us, the community is warm and welcoming and Hello Games look forward to surprising you in future
We've focused on other ways to give the game new life and variety, but know also that Beyond provides a broader foundation for radical things in the future. Beyond is just another step
People have invested so much time and effort into No Man's Sky, hundreds of millions of hours. Unlike Next we aren't wiping the servers or rebooting the universe. We know how much people care about their creations and discoveries.
Before a large update is an crazy time. Launch, Atlas Rises, Next and now Beyond, July & August of the last four years has been so incredibly intense
Always so nervous the night before, but excited to see real people play tomorrow, to start fixing issues and improving the game
Playstation Access 🥳 "No Man's Sky Beyond - Why PS VR Is An Absolute Game Changer"
Upload VR 😍 "the implementation is nothing short of magnificent."
@65dos Miss you guys ❤️❤️❤️
@65dos 🙏
Thanks Waterstones Uxbridge ❤️
Our favourite of all the Waterstones
(I’m just gonna go quickly check our liability insurance before tomorrow)
Amazing fan vid from @Elca_Gaming @kulver
Our community raised more money than they needed to put up a billboard to thank Hello Games...
And they used the extra money to support an amazing charity