over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Mylife212

Are the Nex changes coming this update or are the jmods asking for feedback on the idea?

The Nex changes are coming in this update, but we welcome feedback for it and I'll ensure it's passed to the team!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by cheeeeeeeeeesegromit

Found some typos /u/JagexLight:

"The first tells you when the open entrances to Runecraft Altars will change, and the second shows youh ow long it will be until the shortcut portal closes"

"Inventivising players to be making Rift Guardians" -> Incentivising

Thank you and apologies, we made some quick edits to the newspost to clarify more info, and I've fixed this now. (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by andreluppers

u/JagexLight alt + 26 to turn -> into → Thank me later

not working how do i do it without a numpad ;_;

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Affectionate-Dirt926


new skill pausechamp

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Habbitatt

Is GOTR finally playable full FPS on mobile ? Has this been addressed ?

We're still looking into this unfortunately. It's only happening on iOS so we think it might be a memory issue. The iOS Beta is still coming up, hopefully in a few weeks' time, and we'll have a better idea on this problem once we can get players testing it on the more enhanced mobile iOS client. More news should be shared next week on the closed iOS beta

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by ragnell56

Can we have a visual indicator of which altars are active? It doesn't seem like you've addressed this. I was thinking some form of an energy bolt that "links the altar to the Guardian"? Something more noticeable, and a bit more readability, instead of having to stare at the HUD the entire time.

That was addressed in this newspost as something our art team is working on at the moment, but I don't have an ETA on when it is likely to happen.

Edit - I'm aware there's a visual indicator but the art team is investigating ways to make this even easier to see especially in larger groups, for those who may not want to memorise their locations. :)

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Them_Is_Me

‘we'd like to revert her unique drop rates back to their original rate of 1/43 instead of the current 1/53’

‘So to compensate we hope that the adjusted drop rates are a welcome change.’

So have you actually changed this or not? Saying you’d like to and then saying in the next paragraph that the adjusted drop rates are a welcome change seems to be contradicting

It has been changed, I will make this clearer in the newspost

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


I believe this means that when two players click the same pile to create a Rift Guardians with different batteries, during the cycle that the Rift Guardian is created, the better battery will be prioritised over the weaker one for the actual Guardian. But the weaker one will still gain XP. Please let me know if this needs further clarification?

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by fml4real

"Players may now uncharge the Ring of Elements by right-clicking it. This action will restore any used Runes."

This is also supposed to say "unused Runes" right?

Yes! It is. Correcting now c:

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by ArrgsVsZuk

Hey, if you google ios crash osrs app youll find about 40 reports of ios players crashing in areas on the app. Its an ios specific bug that Jagex said they would address about 18 months ago and then never mentioned it again. I think someone on the team knows about it and gave up on fixing it and now its affecting the new mini game. Seems to effect the GE, and spiders room in tob, along with a couple other places.

Thank you for the context, I'll send this to the team. Keen to get you guys access to the iOS Beta to see if this fixes any problems. It's not a magic solution and I know it's not ideal, I'm really sorry, but hoping it helps. News should be shared on that next week.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by jeremiah1119

Try copy and pasting it in from what he did. Sometimes it'll transfer over the specific character depending on the available fonts

yay it looks prettier now thank you <3

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by WasThatThree

Has the team talked about having Raiments of the Eye body give the Varrock armor bonus inside the minigame (if unlocked)? It looks strange having BiS body for mining clash with the rest of the outfit. It also makes the top the least desirable piece to buy.

We talked about this briefly but we felt the current community sentiment was more in favour of having different pieces providing different benefits? I'm happy to bring this up again to the team but generally we thought people might reasonably enjoy the fact that you have different armours with different bonuses. I understand why it might look a bit strange though

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Dubiox

Is the abyssal lantern remaining as a 1 in 700 drop?

We discussed this with the team briefly and we still don't have a conclusion on it (it's still being monitored). We understand that most players see the Abyssal Lantern as a QoL item to help you on the grind through the minigame, whereas I think the devs saw the Lantern as a QoL item to incentivise staying in the minigame after you've got the Runecraft Skilling Outfit.

In retrospect, maybe we could have made the Abyssal Needle rarer (so you're more likely to get it at the end of your grind) and the Lantern easier to achieve (so that you're more likely to get it earlier on to assist you with the grind).

We think that the Lantern serves a good QoL purpose to keep you playing the minigame, as it is a really fun way to runecraft, but we're a bit cautious about making it very easy to achieve because it would speed up the minigame so much more than it is now.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by fj186

Refunding pearls and trading dupes but not replacing lost laterns? Why is the player faulted for losing a 1/700 drop due to a bug?

We omitted the part about restoring lost lanterns because we were concerned about the potential for abuse and duplications. However the game update is live now so I'll amend this into the newspost!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by tonitz4493

Can you also switch the left click option for the deposit bank inside GOTR to Deposit all runes? It makes more sense and it’s a great qol change specially for us playing in mobile.

Yep we can. It's something we're looking at doing addressed in this newspost.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by stayhardaf23

With the new update to GOTR came the ability to drop your minigame items without the need to destroy. This is a great feature added, however, upon attempting to drop my runes, I have misclicked and dropped my entire stack of gaurdian fragments... twice. Instantly deleted and ruined my match. Any way we could get this option looked at? Maybe to appear on the floor or an option saying, "do you really want to do that?" Just specifically the fragments. I mean who would really drop those anyway? Also, I know my clicks are ass.

I've mentioned this to the devs - it's not hotfixable but we can look into this.