over 1 year ago - - Direct link
This week’s update takes us to the depths of the Scar Essence Mine!
over 1 year ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by TakinShots

So will shooting stars still fall in every world or just in designated worlds now?

The blog is proposing that we'd have them fall in designated Star worlds only, by having more than one star world we'd hope that players would spread out more. Again would like to reassure the community that if you are not happy with this we can look at other suggestions as the team would love to keep the positive sentiment regarding stars but also deal with the valid issue of lag from the servers.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by HoundNZ_2022

I'm confused by this - The 3-tick teleport delay in the single-way Wilderness Boss lairs now only applies if you have recently attacked the bosses.

Did you change the delay from entering the room or something? I thought the current system was that when you entered the room, that was when the 3t delay happened.

It used to be 3t delay when you enter the room, but following last week's feedback that players felt this change should "behave like the rev caves", the delay was changed to now when you recently attack the bosses. Does this help?

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by BawsYannis

/u/JagexLight Any clarification on why Astrals seem to be the only rune that's being offered from this method at 4x the shop price while other runes are somewhat at their shop price? It would make more sense to offer them in the Twisted Extract tier, even that is paying a premium over the shop, but atleast it makes more sense.

Heya, I asked the devs about this. This is an intentional thing as the devs ideally wanted to balance it around the tier of the runes rather than their price. We can see why players may be not happy with that as the shop prices for Astrals are very low. In terms of making changes we are happy to monitor feedback. Generally we think the balancing is at an OK place as we think players don't need a tonne of astrals anyway. We see astrals on par with deaths etc. The Scar Essence Mine is an alternative to the shop, it may not completely eliminate shops all together, so players wanting to save money can still use shops if they want to.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexMaylea - Direct link

Originally posted by HoundNZ_2022

I'm confused by this - The 3-tick teleport delay in the single-way Wilderness Boss lairs now only applies if you have recently attacked the bosses.

Did you change the delay from entering the room or something? I thought the current system was that when you entered the room, that was when the 3t delay happened.

So the delay was designed to match exactly how it works in the revenant caves. For reference, it is any time, as long as you're in the cave and have recently been in PvM combat.

However. It used to take effect "the moment you entered the room" because the bit of code that should have restricted to after combat wasn't in the right set of brackets. This is now fixed.
It was never exclusively "when entering the room", I think that is just an unfortunate wording that kind of stuck and I didn't pick up on when reviewing the newspost.