Original Post — Direct link
about 5 years ago - /u/ModMatK - Direct link

Originally posted by TheMykoMethod

Wow! How can you commit to sinking so much time into an account, knowing this could happen to you at any moment. If this happened with my account I seriously doubt id return to the game with a new one.

Jagex need to recognise that this isn't just the end of the road for that account, it will often be the end of the road for that player too. They've done so well to expand their player base since launching on mobile, but it will all be for nothing if they don't start improving their customer support.

What generally happens is that when someone appeals an offence, who was in control of the account at the time of the offence is looked at. It doesn't matter whether it is the real person or a bot that appeals the offence, the same things are looked at.

What is probably going on is that the player is lying. But at least he got the offer of head (probably for the first time ever) which I think goes above and beyond.