over 2 years ago - - Direct link
Postie Pete is back as we talk about Game Jam II and what you want to see in the future of the gazette!
over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

*EDIT: Looks like a lot of this wound up getting in so feel free to save yourself an extra read if you fancy!

We wound up hitting the character limit so I'm not sure if this'll make it in, but wanted to give some extra info on some of the stuff with Agility that might not be able to be edited into the Gazette:

For this project, we looked into Run Energy itself and proposed a couple of changes.

- Buff the rate at which Energy regenerates (Energy regen rate)

- Change the rate at which Energy drains to:

--- Scale off of Agility level

--- Scale harder with higher weight

Since weight in-game effectively ranges from 0-64kg (values either side of this don't actually impact your Energy drain rate!) we made comparisons using weights of 0kg and 64kg.

Without going over a bunch of maths regarding the formulae for Energy drain and regeneration, we'll drop a few comparisons below.

To compare how Energy works in the Live game vs. our proposed rework, we calculated a ratio of restore rate vs. drain rate. At each Agility Level and weight, this ratio can be compared between 'Live' and 'Proposed' so that we can understand how Agility levels and Weight will affect going fast (a.k.a. running) with our proposal.

At a glance, here's how our proposed rework stacks up, remember that the comparison is a ratio, worked out as Energy Restore rate divided by Energy Drain rate:

1 Agility

1kg - 150% buff vs. Live

64kg - 17% nerf vs. Live

20 Agility

64kg - 0.8% buff vs. Live

This is the 'breakpoint' at which our proposed system is always better than what's currently in-game.

50 Agility

1kg - 191% buff vs. Live

64kg - 26% buff vs. Live

99 Agility

1kg - 153% buff vs. Live

64kg - 48% buff vs. Live

Ultimately the aim is to get you running more often and running earlier, while trying to improve the value of Agility levels. This opens up room for us to consider adjustments to Graceful that might make it a little less ubiquitous and hopefully get you all out in your best fashionscape!

There's a whole bunch of other considerations around things like potentially increasing the weight cap, adjustments to energy/super energy/stamina potions early on, though it's worth noting that in instances where you're constantly running (e.g. ZMI, Blast Furnace) that stams would still be essential.

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Redditooooooooooooor

Weight cap increase seems atrocious for inferrno speed runners and raiders, as masori and all other gears are incredibly heavy

It's just a consideration, and worth bearing in mind that something like this could still morph to further reduce the impact of Weight at higher Agility levels. Would be a whole lot of tweaking!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Crassus-sFireBrigade

Looks like we may be missing the data for 20 Agility 1kg both here and in the blog....or I have misread something.

The aim was mostly that people would realise that at low weight (i.e. at 1kg) even at 1 Agility the system we put forward is a buff, meaning it would still be a buff at 20 Agility. But every Agility level beyond 20 is a buff even at 64kg, as long as you're not in a situation where you're permanently running

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by roklpolgl

I love the idea of the randomizer game mode, just to see the absolute chaos that would be associated with people trying to figure out how to do even the most basic tasks. With how much people theorycraft and optimize everything, there’s not much creativity and adventure left in the game aside from the first maybe week or two of leagues.

Logging into a game world where nothing makes sense and you can buy a tbow from lumbridge general store that shoots gold chinchompas you have to grind from pyramid plunder would be hilarious.

It would be a OSRS content creator gold mine.

It would take a ton of community coordination to figure out what obscure shop sells what, what mobs have what drop tables, where to get what xp, etc.

Can confirm that I spent about 4 hours playing Nin's Randomiser and still hadn't figured out how to get my hitpoints high enough for an Ape Atoll scorpion to stop one-shotting me repeatedly in Lumbridge Castle Courtyard. Nin knocked it out of the park

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by BadAtNamingPlsHelp

Hey /u/JagexSarnie, I found a typo at the beginning of the game jam section. Bit ironic which sentence ended up having a typo in it lol

For those of you wondering about the previous Game Jam projects, these haven't been forgotten and really showed us what the whole team is capabale of creating when there's this level of freedom.

Thank you, this has been changed now :)

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by autumn_elegy

Instead of just giving us a ratio of restore rate / drain rate can you give use separate values for each? A ratio of restore rate to drain rate is not that useful. Different activities have different amounts of running vs walking/standing time, so we can only accurately determine the impact of these changes on a particular method if we know how drain rate and restore rate are impacted separately.

They're not specifics I have on hand right this second, these values were 'snapshots' taken a while ago. I'd say that if something like this ever makes it to polling (even insofar as greenlighting 'should we investigate adjustments to agility/run energy) then we'd release any and all specifics that we might already have as a baseline ahead of community consultation.

None of the numbers used during Game Jam are the kind that we'd just put into the game tomorrow and you'd have ample time to math out various methods whenever an Agility rework makes its way beyond a Game Jam pitch!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by JimenezJo2

Please bring back the trading card idea!!! D:

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Gamer_2k4

Sure, but would you play it for another 4 hours? Or 8 hours? Or a week? Or multiple weeks in a row?

It's a cool concept ONLY AS a concept. No one's going to have any interest in this as a long-term game mode.

idk I could 100% see a sizeable community coming together to crowdsource for regular resets - it's literally never the same game twice. Plus, it's a Game Jam project that already works and is fun as hell!