over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Post your Questions here for our General Q&A stream!

Joining us this week:

Mod Kirby: Kirby can handle questions about small game suggestions, and can also touch on some topics related to the recent PvP Arena Blog.
Mod Arcane: Arcane would like to talk to you about more in-depth game design stuff. He is currently working on ToA, so feel free to ask ToA questions - but do keep in mind we can't share too much at this stage and we will look to share more in due course. So, feel free to ask and we'll see what we can answer.
Mod Tide: Tide can cover your general game improvement questions, anything about client work also.

We originally were planning for a Guardians of the Rift Lore themed Livestream with Mod Ed & Mod Errol, however, there are some absences in the team which may prevent this happening. Feel free to send us your lore questions but keep in mind that they may not be answered this week, I do apologise.

Ask away!

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