over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Namzeh011

Great write up! One small thing, you appear to be missing whatever Question 23 is.

Thank you Namzeh, this has been fixed. Hoping we can do some more lore streams in future! For this week I'll try and get a General Q&A going. :)

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by driskavsalci2

Anyone else getting access denied?

I have passed this onto the web team to investigate, apologies for any inconvenience casued!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by JagexLight

I have passed this onto the web team to investigate, apologies for any inconvenience casued!

It should be good to go now. Our web team would be interested in RSN's of anyone affected by this as it was to do with a measure they put in place this morning, so feel free to let me know this if you were blocked and couldn't get access, and I'll pass it on!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by KriibusLoL

Hey I know it's not related to todays post but is there going to be any more updates on Leagues, like changes or fixes? Some tasks are borderline impossible to complete unless you spent 4-5 days doing a single task and since league is extended, it would be nice to see some new tasks added in, there are few minigames/places that don't have tasks atm like Mahogany homes, gnome restauraunt, blast furnace, organised crime and deranged archaeologist... Since in the upcoming weeks there are going to be less and less tasks to complete, it would be nice to get few more tasks added in for diversity.

Hey there! Right so in terms of Leagues there will naturally be less updates to it as time goes on.

The team who were making the fixes for the first 4 weeks made some hotfixes and took a lot of feedback to make some changes but the team have now been moved onto their work outside of Leagues.

This isn’t to say we aren’t monitoring Leagues at all but bugs and issues are going to the bugs/issues/QoL team now which also deal with bugs and issues across the main game.

We will fix any issues impacting gameplay for Leagues, but these need to be weighed up against how much resources it will require vs how long Leagues will last for. In short we are likely not going to add more content in at this stage and only focus on immediate pressing issues that impact user experience. I hope this helps but sorry if it’s not the answer you hoped for!

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by WastingEXP

So, tomorrow will be the last day of league tweaks (in theory?)

hopefully the BA queen x3 will be on the list.

I haven’t checked exactly what’s coming tomorrow other than the Bday event. But essentially the team is moving onto their other scheduled work now so we will monitor and resolve bugs or big issues, as far as tweaks go however we need to manage the time spent on those as we are 4 weeks into the League and need to be moving onto other projects as well. I hope that’s okay, just trying to bring a bit more transparency to the way we are working!