about 5 years ago - Old School RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s I'm your host mark gambit joining me are
2s mots ween hello not Kiran yo monhun
5s not flippy hello and thank you guys for
8s joining us before we move on to the
10s announcements there's a couple things
11s I'd like to say about the streams in
13s general so after last week quite a few
16s of you guys voiced your concerns about
17s the way some of the time was being spent
20s and we know how valuable this time is
22s for you guys to connect with us get your
24s questions answered that's a lot of thing
26s as well as raise your concerns for us to
29s address so in light of that we're gonna
31s be maybe a bit less jovial with some of
33s the questions that we choose and
34s hopefully that appeases people who were
36s fought the time wasn't being as well
37s spent as it could have there's lots of
41s news for us to go over and talk about
43s this week so we may not have so much
45s time for suggestions there will be some
46s at the end but there is lots to talk
48s about anyone who doesn't have their
50s suggestion answered we will either add
53s to the backlog if it's suitable or if
56s not we'll sort of talk about it an
57s answer in the reddit thread and on the
58s Twitter thread hopefully before the end
62s of the week so yeah I'll start off with
64s the first announcement that we do have
66s then which is a merge one I've got a
69s slideshow prepared to show you guys I've
73s got some actual physical samples here to
74s show off but I think they probably too
75s small to actually show on camera as of
79s tomorrow we'll be adding the following
81s to the merch store like you see we've
94s got some new Ranger escapes pins and
96s keyrings these are God Wars dungeon
98s themed doors you got General Grant over
100s there on the right and silviana on the
101s left I think these are awesome
104s particularly the bandhas one it looks
107s sick I get all the ones that I like for
120s content that I've had I've got a bunch
123s of them they're cool yeah like you can
126s see that we've also got a couple of
127s additions to the the skill capes yeah if
131s you've got those 99s or you're working
132s towards them make
133s to back those as of the update tomorrow
136s grab my clicker we're also adding some
140s mobile phone cases to the merch store
142s apologies for the middle one there I
144s know that's not quite all the school
145s themed but the others at least are as
147s you can see we've printed on these ones
148s the Volkhov artwork for car that's very
151s upper-class me for cat the old-school
156s map the login screen and Tim and crunch
159s you know I like these I think they're
162s cool but there's also loads of potential
164s for other designs if you guys want them
166s let us know what you think and it's
169s quite easy for us to produce these I
170s understand so let us know what prints
172s you would like if you're interested
173s similarly if I believe did the person
176s who runs the motion die store she said
178s if you're the kind of your phone model
180s isn't represented in the store and tell
183s us what phone you have so they can
185s charge quantities I've got a pick stocks
187s all free and I can't get any of those
189s phone cases I think they look great
190s so lots of Android users seem to be out
193s of the luck in a moment and many iPhones
196s cool I see a couple people in the chat
198s saying talking about the quality and
201s that kind of thing I'm not gonna ignore
203s that so the situation is while we trial
206s these out these are I think lower end is
208s the right way to put it but there is
211s totally potential for higher quality
213s higher end more premium phone cases if
215s that's what you're looking for if you
217s guys would actually buy them and be
218s interested in them we could expand the
219s range later on let us know if there is
222s demand for that and it's something we
223s can explore I've seen the first capital
226s letters next in the chat so I'm going to
228s move on to the next picture we have
229s which is yep this art by legend arts it
237s features of the sketch of why one on
239s fossil island this was a dedication
240s piece for mod mouse who of the announced
243s that she is leaving very sadly leaving
245s the old school team yeah sad news not we
251s hope it has to say about that obviously
252s she's served 15 years which is a massive
255s massive achievement should we hone the
257s game because she wrote and I saw that
258s the community don't have a message link
261s this we do we have exactly that she did
263s write a letter out to you guys to to
265s announce this I think X
267s it's a moobot c'mon - exclamation mark
268s Mars if you're interested in reading
269s that letter dropping her a follow on
272s Twitter as well believe she said she'll
274s be keeping your Twitter around yeah yeah
277s sure we sure we plan to know she'll
279s still play the game and like interact
280s with you guys to make sure to drop her
281s follow and like it's not like she's
282s disappearing off the face of the earth
284s see exclamation mark amaz it's a try
287s game as on Twitter yeah so I want to
290s show that farewell piece moving on to
295s PvP then thank you for the slideshow mod
299s shed PP if the next thing I wanted to
301s talk about not briefly but I won't
304s linger the Bounty Hunter blog has been
308s postponed as you guys know we will so
311s not the block the other poll where we're
312s going to pull her Awards it's been
314s postponed while we work on the designs
317s in particular the PvP weapons we wanted
320s more time to get right just because
324s we're keen on having them in-game as
326s they were originally doesn't mean that's
327s the right design for the game people
329s have pointed out things like if it drops
331s the coins for example that's not
333s necessarily giving back the full value
334s to someone who's PK a PvP weapon that
338s sort of thing but it means it means
340s working out what the right thing is
341s we've talked about ideas like having
343s them drop shards or fragments which you
345s then use to recharge the weapon that
346s sort of thing what you guys did you guys
350s have any thoughts about the PvP weapons
351s in general or how we might implement
352s them or they were very very strong a
355s dead man I don't know if they're too
358s strong I'd let the community decide on
360s that and in terms of implementation
362s players didn't seem too happy with what
364s we initially proposed and I seen a few
366s different suggestions for how we might
367s do it I think you've got one linked
369s which is the ancient warriors kind of
372s the wardens bearers type yet suggestion
374s I looked really cool I don't know if is
375s suitable for people be update like that
377s under there cool yes I'd like say we all
382s talk about other sort of alternatives if
384s that's the kind of thing that is popular
388s in the meantime you guys have also I say
391s you guys PvP is who are watching in
393s particular weren't really happy about
396s the LMS rewards poll how come
400s a lot of you guys feel like well the
403s truth is all the rewards minus one
405s failed and there's been some concerns
407s around how we introduce that kind of
410s content or the fact that you guys aren't
412s getting much content through we said on
415s Monday on Twitter that we would be
416s discussing this and and how how we might
419s improve that for you guys that's still
424s ongoing but this week we are planning to
426s let you guys know what Willie's share
427s our thoughts on the situation and open
429s that discussion with you there's no
431s quick fix and first of all you determine
434s is anything to fix we talked a block and
437s in the blogs we kind of been so we
439s aren't ignoring it the blog exists but
441s we're getting feedback internally that's
443s why isn't in published yet we talk what
445s do we talk about we talk about this
446s player suggestion which is limiting only
448s to PvP is whether that's the right thing
449s to do talk about whether or not we
450s should introduce a PvP Council what kind
453s of remit they would have been in all the
456s different logistical problems about
457s establishing that and working with that
459s and how to approach it's more of a
461s discussion piece of how to approach
463s polling PvP there won't be a this is
466s definitive this is what we're doing from
467s now on yeah absolutely
470s I think only interest in thinks as well
471s as it's such a low number of votes it
473s just means that anyone who is spite
474s voting they can have a higher impact on
476s that vote as opposed to maybe a a ppm
479s upward that had a lot more people voting
480s on it it's just unfortunately difficult
482s problem to tackle there probably a lot
483s of people who just sat there and said
484s this poll isn't for me so I'm just not
487s going to bother voting either way even
488s if they don't mind yeah obviously and
492s that that's the kind of thing we want to
493s look into as well is total voter baby in
495s general obviously with fewer people
497s voting everyone's vote counts more that
499s said we want to look at that might be
502s made up for example by the fact you'd
504s expect more PvP used to have voted on
505s that poll for instance this is the kind
507s of thing we want to understand before we
508s make any any action in the meantime what
513s we have done is we have reached out to
514s you guys on Twitter and we're building a
516s discord server a platform for you guys
520s to talk to us a bit more directly about
522s PvP content rather than just listening
524s to people shouting out on Twitter so
525s that's what thing it's going to take a
527s bit of time to build as as we reached
530s out more and more people were vocal
532s about wanting to be involved and
533s of warrants more time being put into
535s organizing it making sure all of the sub
537s categories in PvP are represented and
540s have a voice so more on that as it as it
542s develops not very news anchor of me cool
548s so I'm gonna move on to a question which
551s I picked out the very first one from
555s Jesse and Jesse he says that we were
558s told that if warding failed an equally
560s big piece of content would take its
561s place yet nothing has been announced
563s just yet
564s what is the team that develops large
566s content working on now and have a
568s comment from mod edy who heads up the
571s project team and he points out that the
573s the team at the moment is working on
575s from UK excels in particular which is
576s jus next week exclamation mark freqs
579s Isles so I for the name of Pat move up
581s command will take you straight to the
583s poll blog of Z all past so that's what
585s you're looking forward well hopefully
586s you're looking forward to you can look
587s forward to next week but at the same
591s time they're also laying ground the
593s groundwork for something slightly bigger
595s which hopefully the mods either side of
597s me will be able to to talk about I hand
600s over to mod Sakura and husky for this
602s missile leak sandwich on the homepage or
609s Twitter I might have seen we made and
611s that's been earlier for a new piece of
614s content or new game would my curently
617s may be that were calling leaks so that's
621s also been work done and by the babbly by
625s the same team right yeah in and about
628s different people but within the same
630s team so quite an exciting announcement
633s if you haven't read it already I suggest
635s going and reading it because it can the
637s blog Fiona explain it in better detail
638s than I can right here it's a exclamation
641s mark leagues fan even point but to sum
645s it up basically it's a new game-mode
646s alongside old school it's temporary so
650s it only runs for a set amount of time
652s within that we have a different spin or
656s twist every single season or League that
659s basically completely makes the game wood
661s fresh within that you have to complete
666s various challenges
667s tasks that score you points what really
670s makes it interesting and I think this is
672s to me the most exciting part of the game
674s mode what we're calling relics these
677s relics are very powerful sort of
681s artifacts powers that change your mode
684s but you can only choose one of three
688s each time you get a choice of relic
690s which means the relic you choose might
692s be different or something else and you
693s get to sort of choose your own path
695s through this league and these are
699s intended to be as I mentioned really
701s powerful these are not just subtle
703s boosts you could be talking ninety
705s percent reduction in prayer drain
707s infinite run double drops from
709s everything like that's the sort of scale
712s we're talking there and there'll be
714s multiple of those through the season or
716s through the league that allows you to do
718s you know completely completely change
722s the way you want to play it depending on
723s what you want to do within the within
725s the limited league I think some people
728s have not incorrectly drawn comparisons
730s with the likes of path of Exile and
732s Diablo and like I said it's not
734s incorrect the very similarities
736s particularly the kind of seasonal
737s aspects and different buffs buying the
740s relics that Kieran is mentioned and
741s they're kind of different features so if
744s you're aware of what the way they do
745s their kind of League or seasons then
747s there is there are similarities you can
749s draw from to get more of an idea of what
751s leagues are awesome all very exciting I
755s like the very first line in the in the
757s blog hopefully you guys are looking at
759s now rota is what if you could be the
761s first player to get a fire cape it's
763s that feeling of we've made the whole
766s game sort of well hopefully we'll be
767s making the game fresh again in that in
770s when you're competing this or thing
771s you'll be the very first person to
772s achieve that thing and you'll you'll
774s mark your name as the person who did
776s that for the league it it's been so long
779s since we've had something well like I
780s mean how long the fire cakes been around
782s how long ago was it the first person got
784s one that's that's very exciting one I
788s mean one little saying people say I
789s don't want to start an account again I
791s don't wanna go through all the same
791s quest again because each league's gonna
793s be different it should actually be quite
794s a different experience each time that's
796s what we're hoping for that it's not
798s gonna feel like you're just doing the
799s same thing again
800s again and again we wanted to be fresh it
802s should be like a fish it's gonna feel
803s hopefully like a new way to play old
805s school we also want to capture that kind
808s of experience that Dedmon had right to
810s the start which was that feeling of
812s unknown and not knowing what the matter
814s is
814s right I think as people like people made
816s a lot of partners today at Mack and it
818s was at least I'm drawn in this
819s comparison because people generally
821s figure do Slayer get a whip go to
823s barrows this sort of thing right but if
825s you've got these sort of firsts that you
827s want to complete and these challenges
828s you want to do there's definitely a case
830s of what what relics are available I
832s don't know the ideas we're not gonna
834s tell people until they until they see
837s that selection for the first time
838s Shirley shared online afterwards but
840s people are not going to know what's
841s going ahead people aren't going to be
842s able to theory craft people will
844s probably just vaguely know what the
845s rules are for that season ahead of time
847s but not actual the tasks that we're
849s giving points for and the relics I think
850s that that has that interesting story
852s which is you know I got that speaking to
855s screen about this and he said that we're
857s gonna see five different videos to say
858s the best way to get points in this
860s league and they're all gonna be
861s different you know because everyone's
863s got their own spin on it and I think
864s that I'm excited that people see the
867s reward system when it comes out and a
869s future blog because there is a lot of
872s reason to play even if you can only play
873s for a small amount of time each day
874s you're still gonna feel like you made
876s progress and you achieve stuff I think
879s that's really important to capture I
880s think more icon gave it a lot of leaks
882s bleh questions so selling Biglia content
887s monster what they've got yes so you guys
889s asked lots of questions about this and
891s we'd like to answer a few the first the
895s first being how long will a league last
898s it might vary what works for one league
903s might not work for another depends on
905s what we're doing with it it's likely
909s gonna be a number of months and the
911s first one the player to do will be two
912s months long okay when we say two months
917s long is that measured in actual play
919s like time playing or real time Lobby
923s real time it's not actual physical time
926s logged in yeah okay if we start it in if
929s we start it now and two months from now
932s well how many leagues will there be
936s suppose impossible to say I don't know I
939s mean this is something that's quite
941s fresh for old school we've not tried
942s anything like this before so in that
944s case it's quite experimental we don't
946s know how it's gonna go and that will
950s probably infer how long it goes on for
952s and how often let me do it okay read
955s what the appetite for it is from the
956s community really cool will it feature
959s accelerated XP rates again that sort
963s depends League to league right we I
966s think the first one we are thinking
967s about increasing the experience rates
968s we're not going to go into what the
970s first one is right now but um that is
972s therefore the case we could even have a
974s league where it's half experience rates
975s it depends on the content and what the
977s end game is for that league I guess is a
980s good way of seeing it you know if we
981s need people to get there quicker because
983s that'll be fun to complete within the
984s period will increase the experience rate
986s so we want people to get there slower
987s well will reduce them but yeah there
989s probably will be some sort of modifier
991s but we have to look at it in a league by
992s league basis there's no way we can
995s answer that as a global system okay will
998s there be PvP in the game mode there
1002s could be again it depends on the rule
1003s set of the league and yeah again so I
1009s said last time yeah I think I think for
1011s a lot of this it is still sort of a ball
1013s of potential based on what you guys
1015s would like it to be I think it's very
1017s much what those things were he'll be
1019s shaped as we come up with the designers
1021s of that sorry as we come up with designs
1023s and as you guys give us suggestions for
1026s it yeah I mean I'd like to see like once
1028s people fighting experience the first
1029s league I guarantee we're gonna see
1030s reddit posts repeatedly what if this is
1033s the next league what if that is the next
1034s league and you'll be damn sure we're
1035s reading them all and keeping a track of
1037s all the good ones I mean there are ideas
1039s we've bounced around in house of like
1041s what if you were basically you know
1043s swamp Latics you were locked in
1044s mauritania for an entire league right
1046s that's the sort of interesting rule sets
1048s we are thinking of and that we've
1050s considered so you know I think that's
1053s the scope of interesting rules that
1055s people are thinking it was not just the
1056s relics let's talk rewards so what kind
1060s of rewards are we have we got in store
1062s if we got planned for well competing in
1064s these leagues
1065s varies literally in the block we
1068s mentioned the idea of league the league
1069s rewards ie your progress in Ligue 1 will
1072s dictate what rewards you get in league 2
1073s and we also raise the idea of
1075s potentially being rewards in I guess I
1078s call it the main game normal over school
1079s there because medic only and they will
1082s be voted upon so if you don't want to
1083s vote no and they won't get it you want
1085s them but yes and they won't be either
1086s yeah one thing I definitely wanted I was
1090s definitely experimenting with a reward
1092s thing this is maybe a sneak peek into
1093s what will be coming but we want to tear
1094s the rewards so that everybody feels like
1096s they they sort of achieved something so
1100s similar I think most systems have like a
1101s bronze to sort of diamond system I think
1104s we're going like the the metals for
1105s runescape right so you might finish as
1107s the as a mithril tier for this league
1110s and you might be thinking I might go for
1112s for adamant right and next time I'm
1114s gonna go for for rune or drag any of
1115s your that sort of person trihard so
1117s because the rewards you know will have
1119s different tiers associated with them
1121s you'll definitely feel like you can
1123s obtain obtained something that's you
1124s know that and you you know the idea you
1126s could show that off right yeah it should
1129s feel like every minute you spend every
1131s point you get is worth getting right
1134s yeah cool there are a few more questions
1137s but there's I suppose just by the nature
1139s than them they're more specific and
1140s quite detailed they're asking for things
1142s that maybe haven't quite been planned
1143s out just yet like I say a lot of this is
1145s going to depend on the feedback loop and
1148s the designs as they as they go on I'll
1150s ask one more which I think a couple of
1154s people wanted to know which is will we
1155s be able to play on our main accounts
1157s simultaneously while competing in the
1160s leagues like with like before the other
1163s modes we've done you cannot log in the
1165s same account on two separate worlds so I
1168s know you if you wanted to play on me at
1170s the same time you'd have to Chris I can
1172s account for it okay there was one
1174s Mobley's question that was listed I
1175s won't mind answering so if somebody
1178s asked whether this is going to replace
1179s the eSports and competitive gaming and
1181s dead man the answer was no so what JD
1184s came to Q&A last week and talked about
1185s the new head of any sports and the work
1187s she's doing this is completely separate
1189s from what she's doing so this is not
1190s replacing dead man cause not as we don't
1193s have any more movement on dead man but
1196s to work that new head of eSports is
1197s doing his
1198s proper comprehensive strategy for 2020
1201s 2021 so it's not a case of like
1203s clamoring for ideas for the next dead
1205s man season like we used to and not be
1207s able to deliver them it's a long-term
1209s vision that you have you'll be exposed
1212s to you can see months in advance of when
1214s you can expect to compete and what you
1216s expect to be doing and so I know it's
1217s quite frustrating for a lot of you
1219s Deadman players who wonders like crack
1221s on and start fighting and doing PvP
1223s again but I promise it'll be worth the
1225s wait right I think we'll leave it there
1231s for now on leagues obviously we'll keep
1233s you guys updated as more more progress
1238s occurs one other thing I wanted to touch
1241s on was we know you guys are very hungry
1245s for answers to some burning questions
1248s that you have questions that tend to
1252s actually go beyond the people that you
1254s see on the sofa week to week but
1256s nonetheless are very close to your
1258s guys's hearts things like what's the
1263s situation with account security what are
1265s we doing about third-party clients
1267s what's what's being done to manage the
1270s botting situation this kind of stuff we
1272s know it's very very important and we'd
1274s like to address it ideally we talked
1278s about it before for interest that's our
1281s plan and it might be that there are
1283s certain things we can't say what I will
1285s say so we know the big subjects you want
1286s to talk about was gambling - spoke about
1288s like I can't security third party
1289s clients the issues of botting some of
1292s you even concerned about the number of
1294s staff leaving for example and what we
1296s all say is a lot of those subjects work
1298s is happening and progressing some of it
1300s I think really positively behind closed
1302s doors we just not in a position to be
1303s able to disclose it yet
1304s has a development team for the game
1306s there's only so much we can say like we
1308s can talk about game content that's
1309s coming out cool a lot of the stuff we're
1311s relying on answers from other people
1313s running a business they know the
1315s questions you've got they know you want
1317s answers and we're trying to get them for
1319s you what I'd love is if we can talk
1322s about most of those things before
1324s runefest depends like some of the detail
1327s we share will vary subject the subjects
1329s but we'd have to go to focus on Rufus
1331s being like
1332s this is 2020 and beyond for game content
1334s and we spoken about everything else
1336s before then
1338s thank you very much mod sweet right I'm
1342s gonna move on to the questions that you
1344s guys raised the first being the the
1347s ancient warriors suggestion that we were
1349s referenced earlier actually got a
1351s command for this as well if you haven't
1352s seen the design exclamation mark ancient
1354s warriors will tell you what we're
1355s talking about but so the question for
1357s everyone on the sofa was do you like the
1359s idea of turning the ancient warriors
1360s into a barrow style minigame similar
1364s well but in the wilderness I don't have
1367s anyone here has Reynold seeing the
1368s design the premise would be that you
1370s were well just that you go deep into the
1372s wilderness fight the ancient warriors
1374s for a chance to get their equipment
1377s I'm the premise sounds very cool know
1380s that roses that Rose is popular like
1382s from a money-making perspective you know
1385s it's not comparable to the likes of like
1387s the grind herbal stuff like Warcraft but
1389s people still do a special early game
1390s it's still for sought after with a
1392s collection log our iron men still do it
1394s and it's just new content I'll go back
1398s to what I said earlier
1399s maybe the PvP weapons and PvP armors are
1401s too strong but you might be like you
1403s like this concept but you want the
1405s equipment changed slightly which case we
1407s can probably accommodate that so when if
1409s you're saying no tell us because you
1411s don't like the entire premise of it you
1412s don't like the weapons don't like the
1414s armors and then we can adjust
1415s accordingly the fly opinion I think is
1418s stopping it's cool in terms of the
1419s equipment I'll let the players either
1420s say yeah I like the idea of the concept
1424s we do just have to be careful about the
1425s whole like it's not PvP content really
1428s it's PBM content in the wilderness a lot
1430s people are saying that and a lot of
1431s Peavy Emmer's don't like being forced to
1433s go into the wilderness for the content
1434s but that does give us a bit more leeway
1436s to make it you know more profitable more
1438s risk in you know then than anything else
1441s I personally think it's fine as long as
1444s there's a fine team balance that goes
1446s with that and naturally that's fair I
1449s think I would I would echo that concern
1451s which had been raised where we are
1454s putting pvm content in the wilderness so
1457s that's that's not for me the the idea of
1459s the ancient warriors weapons was to
1462s enhance the PvP experience we were
1463s talking about PK as fighting be cares
1465s because preying on people who don't
1468s intend to fight back or just trying to
1470s do PVM content in the wilderness I don't
1472s think that generates the same type of
1474s activity that we'd actually like to
1475s encourage but I'm open to the idea if it
1478s is popular and that also juice or rather
1482s see them come from bounty hunter but if
1484s that's not necessarily the right place
1486s I'm open to alternatives like this one
1487s what this would do for PvP realistically
1490s is like ignore the PPM as being fed to
1494s PvP as slide but it introduced new metas
1496s and tons of gear I think that's the one
1498s thing we could say or do for PvP I
1500s prefer but I prefer the weapons and
1503s armours to come from genuine PvP Robert
1504s and this activity yeah I do worried that
1508s while the update sounds good it could
1510s just be dominated by clans and then
1512s people who actually want to do the
1513s content will just go I can't do that
1514s because there's 50 people and a client
1516s just doing that and that's not really a
1517s fun experience for players either unless
1519s you're in the clan I think at least if I
1523s was to design it I would try and make
1524s sure that the fights at least were
1526s really hard so you had to bring some
1528s level of gear as well if you can do it
1529s in like black D hide a crystal bow or
1531s just a trident or something it's
1533s definitely wrong for that content you'd
1535s want to have to take different types of
1536s gear different styles and have to do it
1538s really well but I would be I would be
1540s worried about the whole like myth
1541s argument you're requiring people to
1543s bring an awful lot of content and awful
1546s lot of their equipment into the
1547s wilderness just to die to a clan
1549s yeah so we aren't bringing much at all
1552s yeah they wouldn't have to right move on
1556s to our next question which says the
1558s recent LMS poll questions may have
1561s failed for various reasons like the
1562s items being tradable or because people
1564s just didn't want them could a question
1566s be added to the end of poll of polls
1569s along the lines of the things I voted no
1572s - were primarily because and it could
1575s have options like they're not right for
1577s the game it can I have concerns for the
1579s economy impact or I don't engage in this
1581s content that kind of thing is that
1584s something we've considered doing it's
1586s pretty interesting
1587s there is a method of polling or voting
1592s rather than polling who calls it porting
1593s other than us voting called the single
1595s transferable vote and the idea is that
1598s you can
1599s I say google it for like a better but
1604s actually good trying to explain single
1605s transfer I'm not gonna saying we
1608s incorporate that in old-school you might
1610s be able to say yes I like the content
1611s yes I like it but you need to work on X
1614s like the stats yes I like it but it
1616s shouldn't be tradable for example so I
1618s guess what the players suggested is
1620s almost the opposite of that I think at
1623s the very least it would give us some
1624s interesting insights into why you guys
1628s are voting the way you are and that
1629s feedback will allow us to better shape
1630s content even it might mean reporting
1634s some things based on that could also be
1636s really useful now like with LMS for
1638s example it's hard to know how many
1640s players that voted no because they don't
1642s play LMS or don't like LMS compared to
1647s how many they both didn't know because
1648s they didn't like that suggestion but
1650s would rather have something else instead
1652s so it could be really useful I think
1655s yeah it'd be really it would be useful
1657s to have more context of them why people
1659s over the way they have yeah yeah cuz
1663s yeah I've been talking to this about so
1666s I'm talking about this with people from
1668s our data analytics team in particular
1670s investing engaging this this exact thing
1673s with PvP Poland what we can see who
1676s votes based on their their stats or the
1678s types of things they do in game we can't
1681s tell why they're voting the way they are
1683s so obviously as my task you mentioned
1685s earlier some some of you guys are
1686s concerned about spite voting being an
1688s issue there's no way for us to
1690s distinguish just looking at the numbers
1692s who's voting no to a thing because they
1694s think it's not good for the game or
1695s because they've got some sort of n
1696s debtor against a certain other group in
1698s the community but maybe options like
1701s this in a poll would help us decipher at
1703s least get some insight into that our
1707s next question is how many mobile BOTS
1711s are being banned
1712s I think this is a hot topic at the
1714s moment in particular mod a call and very
1717s kindly got some numbers from mod wiith
1719s for me saying that 13800 and eleven
1724s mobile specific bots have been banned
1726s since october 1st 2018 however this week
1730s we've alone sorry this week alone we've
1732s been
1733s and 1342 mobile-specific bots so there's
1739s some stats for you it's not to say that
1741s see this is the kind of reaction I
1744s expected sounded like a lot but you have
1748s to bear in mind Mobile botting is not
1750s nearly as prevalent a medium it's is so
1752s much I don't know sound like I certainly
1756s knows a lot about bossing I think it is
1758s from what I understand technically it's
1759s a much harder thing to pull off than on
1761s desktop and it's not nearly as big an
1764s issue on mobile as it is on desktop this
1769s is just to say that we are banning quite
1770s a lot of bots relatively and is an issue
1773s that is being addressed I know my wife
1776s has been talking quite openly about it
1777s on Twitter so he's probably best to talk
1781s to directly or we can try and get more
1783s information on it having I think you're
1785s right what you said but giving stats
1787s alone like that without much context
1788s from I guess like cm and content there's
1791s only so much insight we can offer but if
1794s you look at it like 13 K in a year
1796s compared to one and a half K in a week
1799s it looks like there's a renewed focus on
1801s it so why the number might not be as
1802s high as you would like and perhaps that
1804s giving you some comfort going forward
1808s could we explain the way updates are
1810s chosen internally I love that the game
1812s is driven by player feedback but
1814s currently we don't understand how things
1815s go to a poll if things are answered yes
1818s to on the live stream and put in the
1819s backlog hood and who decides when that
1821s particular thing makes it to the polls I
1823s think I don't put you on the spot you're
1825s pretty best place to us that I kind of
1827s loop right so we have mobile different
1831s teams one of which is the operators the
1834s operators team is the ones who generally
1836s are running the week to week updates and
1839s their words are generally handling the
1841s smaller quality of life scale polls
1843s they're doing the bounty hunter stuff
1845s they've done a lot of LMS stuff so a lot
1847s of that comes from the Q&A a lot more of
1850s it it's generally the smaller quality of
1852s life scale
1853s I used to tempt quality of life I know
1854s it's not generally coaches quality of
1856s life but that scale of change it
1858s generally just handled by that team and
1860s they go through and prioritize with what
1862s time they have they don't often have a
1863s load of time to dedicate to that sort of
1865s stuff
1866s because they're doing projects like LMS
1868s and stuff and things like that but
1869s that's where there was go the biggest
1871s stuff there's a we're sort of trying to
1875s define a new process at the minute with
1877s how we actually go about it because in
1880s in previous years where it was more like
1882s we basically got together as a team and
1884s just chose the ones we like the sound of
1886s most based on what we've read on Twitter
1889s based on how we feel at the community
1891s based on priority service we've done
1893s with the players as well now trying to
1896s build that into a yeah bit of a smarter
1898s approach about how we do things so every
1902s month we actually have ideation days and
1904s so every month people in the team spend
1907s a couple of days just put your ideas
1908s together or developing a community idea
1911s and putting them into a suggestion we
1913s discuss all the suggestions and the ones
1916s that the team says we like this idea or
1919s we don't like this idea if we like it we
1921s generally take that forward for further
1923s investigation we do a little bit more
1926s digging into like how many players are
1927s likely to play certain updates so that
1930s we can and do it with actual analysis
1933s rather than just reading what we see
1934s online and going forward from there we
1938s look at what dev time we have and
1940s essentially you may end up making a
1942s priority decision about if a load of
1944s players are gonna play this and it's
1945s really cheap to make hell yeah that
1947s sounds like a really good thing to get
1949s done sooner rather than later but
1951s essentially eventually we build up some
1953s bigger schedule it gets complicated
1955s because sometimes things require engine
1957s and sometimes things require the web
1958s team and so we've got to agree that with
1960s the rest of the business as well so the
1962s bigger topics generally can take quite a
1964s while to get sorted but I think it's a
1967s fairly different rundown of roughly how
1969s it works but that's great obviously
1971s dependent on what the update is it might
1974s go into more design it might go into a
1977s couple of weeks of actually getting
1978s refined and what it is and then it will
1982s come through a blog or an announcement
1983s or maybe it'll be saved for a very fast
1985s announcement which you know coming up
1988s fairly soon there's a look some pretty
1990s big announcements coming it really
1991s fastest yeah pretty hyped about that
1993s before the stream Kieran and I was
1995s talking about kind of general openness
1997s and how we want just openness about
1999s everything
1999s before we've spoken about like the
2001s return of month foreheads vlogs for
2003s example and I think what would be a
2006s great thing to consider would be so
2008s there's ideation days for example if we
2010s could share some concepts with plays
2012s beforehand and then where we look at do
2014s the team like it would players play it
2016s and another analysis we could--we have
2018s player sentiment towards them as well
2020s the only problem is then what if I guess
2024s how much visibility we've shown it it
2025s could be a project that players
2026s absolutely adore but when it comes to
2029s analysis and scrutinizing it just won't
2031s perform well and then it's about
2032s managing an expectation but if it
2034s becomes the norm then players would
2035s expect it otherwise it'll be a tricky
2037s conversation how yeah there's one thing
2039s we are considering on the topic of
2044s choosing the kind of content that we'd
2045s like to do an s question asks if we
2050s could have a month or even a couple of
2051s weeks where we only update old content
2054s they point out that there are plenty of
2056s minigames that could do with a revamp
2059s meeting so you book to me yes so I was
2063s going to say we've booked we were
2064s planning to do this is the short answer
2067s we already got a meeting planned next
2069s week where we're going to lay the
2073s groundwork for a survey essentially to
2074s ask you guys very very precisely which
2078s content that already exists in game is
2080s the most important to you and why and
2081s we're going to use that as it could be a
2083s very thorough one that includes every
2084s kind of content in the game so that we
2088s can use that to order the priority of
2090s all the content that exists for updating
2093s it will take a little while to carry out
2095s and plan but hopefully once it's in
2098s place whenever we need to address well
2101s need to turn back to all content rather
2103s than create new stuff we'll have that to
2104s refer to do see a lot of people
2106s mentioning stealing creation in
2108s retaliation to what you just said which
2111s is interesting I'm excited that attack
2112s can be brand new content so it's we're
2114s not you want us to go back and revisit
2115s stuff or add new content like the ones
2117s you just suggested but I would like to
2119s say is that most of our updates every
2122s single week and most of our polls we do
2123s do relate to old content or fixing and
2127s changes in some way so I think it's more
2129s of a case of we do have a dev team and
2131s like ma - specifically as well
2133s dedicated to all the content and the
2135s quick changes you want to see but
2137s perhaps it's more rejuve overseer
2140s dedicated like a larger project on an
2142s older bit of content rather than lots of
2144s small changes and which is what I guess
2146s this this meeting and then subsequent
2147s surveys and polls would show us your
2150s opinion on do you want lots of little
2152s changes or do you want us to focus on
2154s one larger project that has gone through
2158s like survey and polling scrutiny yeah
2161s there's also a difficult thing to
2162s consider which is there's a lot of style
2164s gist hash to old content I know people
2166s love to hate on pest control but just
2168s imagine if it was gone now I know a lot
2170s people look like yeah that's great
2171s remove a horrible hate doing that though
2173s a lot people who still would have a lot
2175s of nostalgia to doing that and would say
2176s it's a rite of passage you have to do to
2178s get your really void and we need to be
2180s careful about you know how much we touch
2183s all their updates I'm all from like
2184s obviously making some of them nicer to
2186s do or smoothing out you know a lot of
2188s the issues with them but I think people
2191s got remember like they voted for old
2193s school runescape right there's an
2195s element of that which is what's old
2197s school and if we touch it too much is it
2199s still old school and I think players
2201s need to remember that a little bit there
2204s is an obsession lately where it looks
2206s like adding different set effects and
2209s kind of rebalancing adding new
2210s attributes to different weapons and
2212s stuff and it's a case of I think with
2215s weapons and so somebody suggested the
2218s likes of adding different qualities to
2220s daggers and they're more hammers to try
2222s and make them equal DPS in that kind of
2225s situation my personal thing is one thing
2227s is going to be better than the other I
2228s mean I know it's a very obvious thing to
2231s say but I don't think you should spend
2233s time just trying to rebalance
2235s accordingly
2236s and similarly adding set effects for the
2238s sake of making a bit of dead content
2240s viable it seems kind of contradictory
2243s because it's not your rebalancing our
2245s content you're making something new
2246s essentially you could create a new bit
2248s of armour does the same thing but I also
2251s think like a lot of the old content
2253s people talk about when they wanted
2254s reworked it's not necessarily stuff like
2256s pest control where it's used a lot but
2258s maybe completely dead content that is
2261s just kind of it exists and there's
2264s assets for it but no one touches it
2266s true there are some notorious minigames
2268s in particular which bring to mind and
2270s that sort of thing I did see a lot of
2273s people spam actually just higher as high
2274s any people which I think okay obviously
2277s we've seen them a few names leave like
2280s we had we had to modernize and what man
2283s start work earlier but what Philippi and
2285s in what Husky you're still relatively
2287s new yeah a new dev joining of New Delhi
2290s next week next week yeah so we are doing
2293s that cool I'll move on to a next
2296s question where the player wants to know
2300s if we have any plans to make Last Man
2302s Standing a rotating game-mode now that
2304s the rework has been out for a while
2305s they'd like to switch things up this
2307s would mean that different stats and item
2308s builds rotate every couple weeks which
2312s represent the different types of pikia
2315s suggestion on the mod rock and he says
2319s that he would like to do it if it's
2320s popular enough we could do something
2322s like this well exactly like this it's
2325s just a case of you know prioritizing it
2327s and comparing it against the demand for
2329s other things in the same way that we do
2331s with all suggestions but it's completely
2333s on the table it is the thing people
2335s would like did you speak to mod Rocket
2337s all about like if we're gonna do high
2338s stakes for his new LMS or anything like
2340s that again because I know that's a
2341s feature that's still I think it's on it
2342s I believe that high stakes stuff we
2344s could we can just turn it on mod rock
2346s that signed it like that I have one
2348s thing I would say like the LMS rework
2350s was awesome but it was very much always
2352s a personal project and whilst it's been
2355s really successful we can't just kind of
2357s throw away lots of different planning
2359s for different projects and then suddenly
2360s say write this personal projects have
2362s become great let's add these new build
2365s variants but if something would like to
2367s do we were obviously we were taking it
2369s back by the success of Last Man Standing
2371s did lead to a lot of internal focus on
2373s it particularly like the marketing team
2376s thought like this is incredible
2377s could the team do more to support it so
2379s that kind of backing we should have easy
2382s justification for the time of changes
2384s you want to see whether it's a new map
2385s whether it's pure builds or if the
2389s bespoke armors and weapons everything
2392s you did just meet summit health isn't
2393s getting done basically as always the way
2395s we looked a bit with every decision we
2397s make about what we spent time on
2399s the it's still fairly new though I'd
2400s like to keep it as is at least for a
2402s while and then you know maybe we can
2403s look at doing stuff to it later all
2406s these ideas are great yeah all right I'd
2410s like to spend the rest of the stream
2411s moving on to more specific suggestions
2414s again apologies there hasn't been more
2416s time this week to to go through these
2418s we'll try and answer as many as we can
2420s on the threads where we've asked for
2421s them if we don't get to get to them here
2425s the first asks that diary rewards get
2428s the sinha's a shroud treatment whereby
2430s the appearances can be changed as a
2431s right-click option so you could go
2433s through the different tiers have set so
2436s you could wear the lower tier ones yeah
2443s it's doable it's just it's probably a
2446s bigger job than you'd hope because all
2449s of the diary checks for like if you have
2452s to have the Omer quit probably look for
2454s that specific item rather than rather
2457s than like some other parameter so we
2461s could but not reveal and it would
2464s basically just be a give you a cosmetic
2466s difference and how you look the easier
2468s thing to do would be to say you can have
2470s an already cloak one if you want it's
2471s not gonna function as an already cloak
2473s for I think that would be a lot easier
2474s to do there would be a lot of creating
2477s new items if we had an already cloak one
2479s that is an article to an article at one
2480s that is only three already put one there
2482s is an already cloak forward and all the
2483s checks that would just get really messy
2485s and very music costly and as Kim said
2487s more time spent on that is less time
2489s spent on me the other updates they want
2491s and I don't think there'd be a huge
2492s demand for that right I suppose it would
2494s just be easier then so that let people
2496s claim each tier that they've earned so
2498s far yeah owned by the beach I think we'd
2501s have to have look at cases where that
2503s might be a problem okay there might be
2505s in each cases where it's checking I
2508s can't take off top my head but I'm
2510s thinking like maybe an already cooked
2512s for Ben if it doesn't work if you have
2513s an already clogged one and it already
2514s cooked for at the same I don't know we
2515s might though maybe French cases okay
2518s of course so we're open to it if there's
2520s enough demand but it it would require a
2522s bit of Investigation
2523s I mean some places like it by reckon I'd
2525s like something else instead yeah yeah
2527s most likely okay the next one was a very
2531s popular suggestion on
2532s read it currently the crystal pickaxe
2535s has no effect on mining dents essence
2537s blocks but charges are still used while
2539s doing so would it be possible to either
2541s prevent it using charges in this case or
2543s increase the rate at which it behinds
2545s the blocks I believe it doesn't matter
2549s make a difference what pickaxe are using
2551s when you mind that even if you use a
2552s bronze pickaxe it's just as fast I think
2555s there's a fixed rate yeah yeah it's a
2558s fixed animation before it gets them so
2560s the pickaxe doesn't actually change that
2562s if it's not me giving you a benefit I
2565s think it makes them for it not Diaz a
2566s charge yeah although we we had a similar
2569s well we've had a similar suggestion a
2571s few times where people point out you're
2573s using charges against the the statues
2577s and cherries they cover what they're
2578s called the guardians the Guardians
2580s despite not getting an extra benefit
2582s from it and I think we said starts
2586s essentially has been well you use it if
2588s you want to use a different pickaxe in
2591s short for head I know it's not maybe not
2594s really well articulated that's I mean
2595s ever people want the cosmetic don't
2597s people want the cosmetic aspect of the
2598s pickaxe like I think that's perfectly
2600s reasonable they've got this pickaxe that
2602s was harder to obtain right you want to
2603s show it off especially if you're an iron
2605s man if you upgrade you don't graded you
2607s track and take actually all of a sudden
2608s you doing for different situation as
2610s well I think if it's not giving you a
2612s benefit it's it's reasonable to expect
2613s did not use a charge and so for dense
2617s essence I mean each one of these cases
2618s probably have to be handled individually
2620s so it's not some global solution but
2623s yeah we could do it for dense essence
2626s pretty easily I think cool my next
2629s suggestion was an eternal burner in the
2632s Poh where you would use a small ring
2634s stone on each one's of the burners
2635s either side of your altars they used to
2637s get the the bonus with this burner it
2640s would be unlimited and you'd have to
2642s light it up anymore so you could use
2643s this in all their in stone did that the
2644s effect comes from burning the hub right
2647s so it is a while still what you set like
2649s a fire it's not burning anything you
2651s need like an eternal Marin seal which is
2654s which is like this maybe you throw in
2660s like 20 Marin tilts and like a pet food
2664s dispenser
2665s I suppose the idea with the smaller ring
2667s stone was it's not as easy to get as
2668s meirin till so if we're adding Mara
2670s until constantly that's quite a much
2672s more significant buff no just just make
2675s it cost like 10 k-mer until and a bunch
2677s of gold leaves and marble blocks to make
2678s the new one oh no maybe maybe I think
2683s this chat don't like this one so much
2684s it's nitch it's it's quite literally
2687s just for people who are hosting right
2688s right so they don't have to go do it as
2690s much most hosts are quite happy to go in
2693s and light the fires anyway then get lots
2695s of donations I think it's worth their
2696s time I just don't think it's the problem
2699s that needs solving
2699s really is its long-established prayer
2703s superfast anyway it's yeah I see like
2707s someone saying ultimate iron man not
2709s really true they go to pest control for
2712s their prayer for the most part they
2714s don't really haven't easy access to a
2715s lot of noted dragon bones and if they do
2717s they don't need a huge supply them to
2720s they wouldn't get a smoldering stone for
2722s that you know it wouldn't be worth going
2724s to grind smoldering stones for that
2726s purpose okay it sounds like we're not so
2729s keen on that one but suggestions like
2730s that should we do like a almost like a
2734s Q&A poll where we have almost like X
2737s Factor
2737s we were like vote YES vote no then we
2739s can save loads of time and this we can
2742s really get like what I don't to be
2744s overly critical of that specific
2745s suggestion but there's general
2747s suggestions that you might perceive as
2749s bad ideas we can just say vote no and
2752s then it's gone and if there's a bit of
2756s discrepancy in the voting then maybe we
2758s can talk about it and discuss it more I
2760s like that we'll need signs made yeah
2763s some parts okay just imagine the drama
2769s chat hate the question we don't want to
2770s we don't want to talk about one person
2772s on the couch doesn't chat suddenly hates
2773s that one person because they want to
2775s move on well they like that suggestion
2777s is a sign so actually maybe that's
2778s something we should get again new signs
2781s gained a perfect move our next one which
2786s is good Wesley the NPC who currently
2789s grind certain items in nada offered to
2792s break coconuts into broken broken
2794s coconuts for a fee additionally goods
2796s are her who makes unfinished potions
2798s right next to West
2799s after Turner's broken coconuts into
2801s vials of coconut milk for an additional
2803s fee this is a very specific question but
2806s it had quite a lot of people talking
2807s about it so it's just to speed up her
2812s blog all right tonight man
2813s yeah it's basically that I'm on
2815s herb-lore does it need speeding you not
2820s really I think a long time ago and I'm
2823s not even sure if it still is considering
2825s the amount abs you get from farming
2826s contracts now haven't looked at it but
2827s you used to have to make one of the
2829s weapon poisons I think you had to get a
2831s lot of nightshade to do it it it's one
2834s of those like sure but isn't a pressing
2837s need for it right I just like this
2840s approach yes - we've made it so that
2843s they what I can also break thing we
2847s added them to that Leon things that just
2849s goes in your inventory once you've
2850s started the process so I think that's
2852s probably helped somewhat I don't know
2856s how many iron many we have in the chat
2857s but it seems most he knows if the
2858s differences were trillions vials of
2860s water you get vows of war I'm a shot I
2861s think it's interesting someone said they
2863s don't give a damn about and I am one I'm
2866s speaking as an iron man on that topic
2869s times a day mate yeah I just forget it
2872s yeah I don't see to me I'm just like I
2875s wouldn't even use that as an Iron Man
2877s anyway so it's a very niche thing and I
2878s don't see it's literally but for the
2880s thick of a buff
2881s there's no point yeah in my eyes anyway
2884s I think it belongs in the pile of we
2886s could do to change some players might
2889s like to change but I reckon more players
2890s would like something else instead
2891s yeah okay can we use fire lighters to
2895s recolor the Phoenix pet I've seen this
2898s one lots a few times yeah it's easy the
2901s graphics thing to do
2902s could we add it in like the next clue
2904s scroll expansion pole if so yeah we'll
2907s do that if it's just recalls it's fairly
2908s easy to do here yeah I'm sure the peck
2911s and we were killers but I think
2912s firelight is a really rubbish way to do
2914s it right I think we can do easily way
2916s cooler than file it is as a new item
2917s that you can get from something like
2919s completion or as you say rather than
2921s just I guess my life you know I stomach
2924s rather than just fire like this is what
2927s I mean okay I think the reason people
2929s are commutative is more like a meaty
2930s like notice a says
2933s my file is tradable yeah yeah thanks
2936s yeah no I wouldn't know that answer yeah
2942s I think violet is worth the suggestion
2945s because they're not very useful at the
2946s moment and it gives them a nice use but
2949s then if there would be enough if it's
2951s wick hula for the Petri colors would be
2953s a bit harder to get like if it's
2954s something you personally earned not just
2956s something I bought a recolor if they're
2957s treatable if they're not tradable then
2960s it is a case of how many clues did you
2962s have to do to get the thousand of that
2963s color of fire lighter bearing in mind
2964s there's five or six different actors but
2967s we could go out for weigh on it right
2968s there somebody just write it out as well
2969s like what the runecrafting pit you just
2970s you know you just go to a different
2972s alter the mining pet you just mind a
2974s different alright so you choose a
2976s different or on it so you could do it
2978s quite cheap as well with five layers hmm
2981s I think I think the next um clue scroll
2985s polls probably a good place to put the
2987s suggestion hit stop it appearing every
2989s now and again if we need least ask it
2991s once sounds good I'll ask our last
2996s question I know you guys have submitted
2998s lots of chat questions that I'm sorry
3000s we're very close to running out of time
3002s so I'm not tight that's the mod name
3007s sorry pal tight I didn't introduce you
3009s at the beginning of the stream more time
3010s has actually been watching the chat for
3012s us this whole time
3013s feels bad man sorry for not mentioning
3015s you at the beginning um he has also
3018s gathered chat questions for us I'll make
3019s sure any that we didn't answer this
3021s weekend but a clue included next week
3023s our pre chosen question to round things
3029s off of the stream was could we have an
3030s option to combine rare slayer monster
3033s heads with their respective slayer
3034s weapons for a cosmetic upgrade similar
3036s to how mutants work for example using a
3039s Karass head on the leaf blade a battle
3041s axe or a basilisk head on the mirror
3043s shield they don't have much use outside
3045s of the poh just familiar customer like
3050s an ornament kit right sort of thing yeah
3053s chatsberry no against it which probably
3055s very no yeah yep I don't know I feel
3058s like if there's a problem with the way
3059s the weapon looks the weapon should just
3061s look better they can't do that because
3062s it's I think it's not a problem with the
3066s way the weapon so much is the coverage I
3068s use it just feels like the fair things
3073s to do like like some of the others also
3075s some of them are not very rare I mean
3077s and also what what do you recolor with
3079s the vork Kath is it the Dragon Fire Ward
3081s at that point and it's a 1 in 50 I know
3084s some of them are very rare like grass
3085s guides like they said good yeah all
3092s right sounds like probably not gonna go
3093s along with something like that alright
3098s well we're a little bit over time now so
3101s I will wrap things up like I say any
3102s questions we didn't answer and
3104s suggestions in the threads that we've
3105s put up will get answered either asked on
3107s the QA or we'll go ahead and answer
3109s through them manually which I probably
3110s like like spit bolts and answer some
3112s questions are seen in chat : so you're
3114s asked about Halloween event my philippi
3116s actual first project I believe yeah was
3119s there a specific question or wasn't just
3121s any update on it yeah I'm pretty done
3124s with it now
3125s it's in review currently a QA so it's
3129s it's looking pretty good
3130s we have I think the reward is a little
3134s bit bigger this year there's for now
3137s twelve items in total some are a bit
3141s similar to each other but so yeah it's
3145s going really well
3146s it's been a really nice first project
3149s it's a it's a very old school yeah yeah
3154s I remember reading it and I was like yes
3156s hundred times yes this is a pretty cool
3158s concept loved it ship it what they are
3161s 18 for September we got like a month a
3163s month till Halloween boys exciting
3166s yeah and flippin really first cutscene
3168s and I'm excited for you guys
3171s yesterday I watch it it's um I don't
3175s give any spoilers but is is so good it's
3177s so old school
3177s very old school very funny very excited
3181s for the event I'm glad you had a good
3182s time making it flippy now was really fun
3185s that's great again somebody in the chat
3188s called John something apologies I missed
3190s the last of it you're asking about more
3191s peanuts in all the school the baseball
3194s team in charge of recruiting P mods
3195s typically what they want to know is kind
3198s of what time zone and what we always are
3199s playing on and we can look at recruiting
3201s people specifically that are
3202s underrepresented because we hire a lot
3204s of peanuts but sometimes it might not be
3206s so even across regions so if you want to
3209s hatch I get Queen and let me know kind
3211s of what time zones one represented like
3214s a Python for you might as well do a
3217s little plug here as well as someone who
3220s is working on leaks I'm not gonna answer
3222s any questions that people send me about
3223s what the we're doing for this next
3225s league but if anyone has anything they
3226s think the clarify that maybe we haven't
3228s explained very well I don't mind
3229s answering some of those on Twitter if I
3230s can't answer I'll just say it and please
3232s respect that but I don't want to give
3233s away what we're doing for the immediate
3235s one but I don't mind answering something
3237s I've tried to answer some of the
3239s questions already thrown I probably go
3240s back to that at some point later tonight
3243s and that's at jagex husky and just to
3246s finish to kind of reiterate them the non
3249s answer we gave earlier we know there are
3251s lots of questions about the big subjects
3253s like third-party clients botting
3255s accounts accuracy even members of staff
3257s leaving as a dev team we're not the best
3259s place to answer those questions but we
3262s are actively trying to get the answers
3263s for you we're hoping to be able to
3265s update you and very least on varying
3269s levels of progress for each one before
3271s runefest said Emma runefest can just be
3273s all about the content and get everybody
3275s excited for 2020 alright thank you very
3280s much for that guys just a quick reminder
3284s at the beginning the stream we show some
3286s new merch is going to the store as
3287s tomorrow with the update escalation mark
3290s Mars will lead you straight to her tweet
3292s where she's left her announcement letter
3294s declaring that she's leaving the article
3297s team we also touched on PvP and
3301s asymmetrical leagues for the league's
3303s blog which we posted earlier today I'm
3307s going to thank I think I just did
3309s actually but thanks again everyone for
3310s joining so for this week thank you our
3313s producer mod shed and mod tied
3316s and of course thank you you guys for
3318s watching we hope you guys have a
3319s wonderful wonderful week and we'll catch
3321s you in the next one
3322s bye bye for now