Original Post — Direct link
about 2 years ago - /u/Mod_Kieren - Direct link

Would like to change this. Remove has a confirmation box I believe? Thus Remove in theory could be left click in build mode too.

I personally think Mahogany Homes aside, construction is the worst skill to train. It's only saving grace is that it is extremely quick via the build/remove method - if it was slower, no doubt it'd be extremely hated.

Left click options should generally try to be the most frequently used option - I don't want to intentionally break that such that the game doesn't just become easyscape. This is the same reasoning we tweaked the 3rd party guidelines to permit swapping of options on NPCs - particularly to allow pickpocketing to be left click as opposed to Talk-to.

No promises it'll change any time immediately - this would still need agreeing with others in the team and communicating properly with the community if we decide to look at it.