about 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Bon_Jovi_Friday

Should make tutorial island one of the speed run challenges. I know it's not a quest but it's already a popular category considering how easy it is to make a new account and try again.

This was brought up in feedback & is technically possible in the future if we decide to invest more time into expanding Quest Speedrunning! Along with the Champion's Guild at 32 QP. Possible but any development time towards it would only really be done if it was popular

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by youste22

if you get the speedrun rewards now, will they be reset on release or does progresss stay?

Beta worlds don't yet give trophies or points so progress will not transfer, but you will be able to test the system and see how long it took you to complete a Quest. :) We would love to hear feedback on the times we've provided in the blog to see how the balancing is and make tweaks before launch later this month.

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Dman1rocks

Why are you dropping a new weapon without a poll?

The beta is to give people a chance to play around with the weapons and give us feedback for any tweaks before polling (assuming this is relating to the Wilderness Boss Rework Rewards, at least).

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by WryGoat

Silent Prayers has been replaced with Deadly Prayers, a new Invocation that drains your prayer by 20% of damage taken, rounding down. This is worth 20 Raid Level.

Is this 20% of raw damage or 20% of the damage taken after it's mitigated by prayer? Because that's obviously an enormous difference

Deadly Prayers reduction is based on the damage you've taken, so 20% of your Prayer from whatever the Hitsplat says. Hopefully, that helps!

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Glad_Ad_6546

"Feeling Special I". Think this is an error. Maybe a teaser to a Feeling Special II??!!!?!?!!!! Jokes aside, thanks for the changes on these invocations. Can't wait for you guys to add more invocations.

This has been correctly changed. Thanks for highlighting this! :)

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by redrunner34

Do I need to do anything to access the Mac client on Steam? It is still showing as Windows only for me

This should be available from about midday (BST), I've updated the newspost accordingly.

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Bandos_yarrak

Does the special attack of the Accursed Sceptre work outside of pvp?

Does the special attack of the Accursed Sceptre work outside of pvp?

Indeed it does :)

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by Xxredz

Quest worlds not working?

Thanks for letting us know. We are aware and currently investigating this issue. We'll let you know more once it's been resolved.

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by arjstoc

food/potions dropped no longer follows you across worlds. was this intentional?

Is this in the Beta worlds or normal game worlds?

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Lewufuwi

I'm sure you're probably aware at this point, but the Quest Speedrunning worlds don't seem to be accessible at the moment. It says they're still updating.

We apologise for this - the team is just investigating now, we're trying to see how to fix it and whether this needs a reboot or we can fix it another way.

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by arjstoc

main game

Thanks, we'll have the team look into this!

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by keudel

Would this be rounded off upwards?
For example if zebak would hit you a 1 would it drain 1 prayer?
Or would it start affecting your prayer only from 5 damage and upwards?

It rounds down as stated in the Newspost 🙂

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Miserable_Wait7931

I think the wilderness boss rework will fail and be dead content within a month itll be overran by clans charging players for protection it's going to be the original revenant caves all over again

I understand where people are coming from with this and completely get the concerns, but feel as though there is a lot in the WBR aimed to alleviate these concerns.

1: Singles variants still allowing access to uniques (same time to complete for current uniques, maybe slightly reduced rates for proposed new uniques)

For me this means that irons are less likely to feel as though they would need to pay for protection to obtain uniques, which (speaking anecdotally, since I was just playing at the time and a little more casually, but still had some fun with multi revs in small groups of pals) was a pretty significant chunk of the 'demand' for these services in the multi revs era. Irons are a big chunk of the playerbase, giving them an alternative to specifically chase the uniques they might be after should reduce the demand for this kind of service. Compounded a little by the fact that the base Rev weapons are so much better than the next best thing for any Wilderness content, while the proposed upgrades function good for anti-PKing but aren't massively stronger for typical wildy PvM action.

2: Entry fee

Part of what made protection so easy in those days was the ease with which you could just chain-die while 1-item ragging and face 0 consequence in enough numbers. Obviously numbers always confer an advantage in multi, but by introducing a fee (whose value still isn't set in stone) this should hopefully discourage ragging on the scale that multi revs saw.

3: NPCs to prevent hopping around boss lair exits.

This should make it a little more cumbersome to just speed-hop through worlds and hold down quite as many if protection proves to be worthwhile. (Though with the MVP-style loot system and how good other moneymakers are at the moment compared to what was there to compete with revs in terms of gp/hr back in the day, I'm not sure that paying for protection would prove super useful? Could be wrong, but at least part of the hope behind the design).

4: Spread

3 overworld lair entrances, 4 overworld escape caves exists, lairs being separate from the escape caves and spread around the caves as well. There's a lot more 'space' to try and cover if you're holding a world down, I don't think there are many groups with the numbers at current to realistically hold down a larger area, especially with how many worlds there are right now.

I wholly understand if people aren't a fan of this comment, and I'm not trying to necessarily convince anybody or change their mind, just wanting to highlight some of the steps taken at a design level to try and address these concerns. That's all without getting into us having learned lessons from last time about ways we can spot abuse and hopefully keep a handle on concerns about RWT etc.

I'd also hope that we'd be willing to make any more changes that feel necessary to ensure the content is healthy and being engaged with because it's fun group content for thrill-seekers or multi-enjoyers rather than just a money printer that gets deleted.

Hope anybody reading this has a fab day, and also hope to see some of you in the beta trying out the rewards and sending us feedback!

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by ControlledSingular

Good. I mean bad that you are wasting time developing a BIS weapon from pvp that will never pass the polls, but good that it will not pass the polls.

They're all PvM drops! Which one in particular are you referring to as 'BIS' in this case?

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by ControlledSingular

Korasi sword.

It's 'BiS' in terms of a BiS one-handed non-degradeable Strength training option for 75 Attack accounts, but outclassed in DPS by most other offerings (whip included). It has a max hit below AGS (and Claws, I think), as well as the Volatile staff (the best one-handed comparison) while also having a higher spec cost.

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by iLikeCryo

Did they stealth nerf Need Some Help or what spirit gives out? Done 3 raids in duo and every single time with Need Some Help invocation on both of us have only gotten 1 salt and 1 adrenaline from Power / 1 ambrosia and 1 scarab from Life after update. Before update we always got 2 salt from Power or 2 ambrosia 1 scarab / 1 ambrosia 2 scarab from Life at least once.

Unfortunately, we fixed a bug in the midraid loot quantity calculations that inadvertently caused a nerf. We are going to undo this change so that the Invocation will act the same as it did before the update.

Keep an eye on the newspost for when the fix goes out!

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by JagexSarnie

Unfortunately, we fixed a bug in the midraid loot quantity calculations that inadvertently caused a nerf. We are going to undo this change so that the Invocation will act the same as it did before the update.

Keep an eye on the newspost for when the fix goes out!

This has now been fixed. Please let me know if there are any further issues. Cheers!

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by frogkid2476

i can't access the quest speedrunning worlds says they're "OFF"

These worlds are now online :)

about 2 years ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by ShawshankException

Can you please tell us if the singles forms for the bosses will also count for the diary?

I'm pretty sure our plan is for them to count for any KC tasks for Wilderness Diary or CAs!