over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Hey all! First game update of 2023 is here and it's a big one. Let us know your thoughts in thread and I'll aim to respond as much as possible.

I hope all of you had a fantastic holiday season if you were celebrating anything, and that you're excited for what's to come in 2023!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by towelcat

The Nutcracker Staff no longer always hits 0.


We expanded on this a little bit in the main body regarding the Xmas event, it's something we're openly looking to discuss since we know there was a lot of talk about it in limited build communities!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by DJ_Lazza

See y'all after the rollback!

I beg you don't put this thought out into the universe

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Mysterra

Points-based CA when?

This is something that's still on the team's radar, we don't have anything to share right now but I'm hopeful it's something you'll be hearing about in the not-too-distant future.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Incarceron

I see dates for the wildy boss reworks but when will the d pick be added to VM?

Alongside the rework, so January 25th!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by flauwehumoregel

Maybe I have read over it but will there be any downtime after the update?

We're not expecting any downtime beyond the standard world reboot.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by JevonP

The nutcracker staff was a unique item helpful for skillers, speed runs, and niche cases a guaranteed fun weapon. Any chance it's functionality returns on another item?

E: sorry I'm gonna read the whole post lol.

I think there's a chance for sure! If we weren't open to discussion we wouldn't have said as much in the post, just that it was a fairly significant change that wasn't strictly intended - something for us to engage in more focused discussion on in the future.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by epicdoge12

I feel the Fairy Ring visuals are a little too obvious and detract from their integration into the world. Perhaps this effect could only be visible while you are holding a lunar or dramen staff? The Explorer's Ring 4 would be give a right click toggle to turn the visuals on or off to resolve it always being usable.

My understanding for the 'why' is that there are limitations on just increasing the clickable area of Fairy Rings as-is because of the way they're designed/coded. The easiest way for devs to improve was to add a 'beam' clickbox, but needed some art that was suitably magical to line up with the clickbox.

If it's a common point of concern then I'll make sure to pass it on to the art team and see if we can make changes!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by poipoipoipoipoipoop

Any thoughts on extending the staff's 10% ancients buff to the stun duration of shadow spells when cast on the abyssal sire? An extra 3 seconds is 1-2 more hits and worth bringing if you're not using a sang.

This is an interesting one, I'll pass this one on!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by PhantomEnds

Any advice for people looking to get this Quest done asap, without any spoilers of course?

Get your puzzle-solving brain in gear, it has a lot of escape room-esque elements. I think it's a lot of fun, was a genuine pleasure to get to test!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by HC_BTW

Lot of updates in this one! Just hope nothing breaks.

Would coin pouches get any treatment soon as well? Would be lovely!

Coin Pouches should be making an appearance in an upcoming blog for Poll 78.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by jakebarryb

Not a fan of what has been done to the equipment interface tbh.

Surely attack speed information should be in the combat options tab, considering that's where you can adjust it. Even then I'd only put it in the rollover tooltip, once you've checked a weapon's attack speed you don't really need to be constantly reminded; no matter what I equip my whip still hit the same speed.

Also, if you insist on it being in equipment interface why have the attack/defense bonuses been organised like that? At least group the three melees together on the left please.

Idk maybe I missed a poll, but I certainly didn't want this information/feature implemented like this.

Will pass this on to the team and see what they think, especially if other players share similar concerns! Ultimately think having the information displayed somewhere in-game is an improvement in any case

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by towelcat

Finally, and arguably most importantly of all: a door in the Ardougne Clocktower has been refitted so that it no longer extends into the roof, saving the structural integrity of this historic and culturally relevant building.

Can we still use the Draynor Manor key for this new door? 👀

I loved this in your Twitter trivia series over the break! I'm not actually sure is the honest answer - better get myth-busting?

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Jacolac

Stat Restore and Boost Potion Share spells now take Holy Wrench, Max Cape, Prayer Skillcape and Ring of the Gods (i) into consideration.

What does this mean!?

My understanding is that when using pot share for things like prayer pots/restores, the prayer points shared weren't benefitting from items that ordinarily increase the number of prayer points restored per dose. Now they do!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Miztchara

Great blog and updates. Only thing missing for me is that it doesn't mention the rev weapons and what's happening to them and their drop rates?

Should be what was polled - 50% rate increase and an on-task increase if memory serves!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by ccampzz35

Quest helper when

It's actually a fun quest! Would highly encourage you to give it a go on release, satisfying one to unravel imo

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by weewoo271

Can you give us the drop rate of the dpick from the vm ore packs please, or was that intentionally left mysterious?

That info should be included in the newspost for the Rework two weeks from now, with us being open to adjustments if needed!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Soft_Ad9267

The wilderness bosses were all originally in multi combat zones , why are they now moved to singles plus ? Would you consider making a portion of the lairs multi combat zones ? It just seems strange to move them from technically multi to now singles .

There are two variants: the reworked, multi-combat bosses. And some new, toned-down singles-plus bosses that allow people to chase uniques (for reduced GP/hr) if they're not wanting to commit to a full multi experience.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by IWantU_INeedU_ILoveU

How will the wilderness boss changes affect the wildy achievement diary. Does one need to kill the higher level ones to complete the elite task?

My current understanding is that both versions will count towards CAs and Diaries.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by weewoo271

Thanks, just wanted to remind you of the make-good promise after the ToA fiasco of it taking weeks after release to reveal the drop rates

Should be the case that we release drop rates 2 weeks after content releases. Although where things like TOA have more 'involved' mechanics for drops, bosses like this will likely be crowdsourced pretty accurately by the Wiki in a really short space of time.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by MegaMugabe21

I'm guessing this boss will be like Vorkath, easy in quest and beefed up afterwards?

You guess correctly!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by AntonMikhailov

Any update on when the US East servers will receive the same upgrades all the other servers have?

I've not heard any updates on this since getting back, will make sure it gets some newspost inclusion when we know more!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Danzzo36

Hey goblin, I haven't heard anything about bank tabs recently, but I was wondering if you guys are able to able a "Clear line" and "Clear tab" options to remove bank fillers. Currently it's either remove one or remove every single one you have, and when doing things like Guadians of the rift combo runes, where you don't want to deposit the one your using to make the combos, you have to fill every bank slot you have and then remove them all after.

There are a lot of other instances where people may want to fill their bank slots up for the time being, but if they currently are using them anywhere else, you always have to remove potentially hundreds one by one. With these options, I could put them in a bank tab I'm not using and be done in one or two clicks.

Will raise this in next week's Player Suggestions meeting to see if it's possible and what the team think!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Absolutismo

Hi, the clickable broadcast in game is not sending you to the latest update in osrs.game

Should be in the process of updating this as we speak!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by Super-Skrull

So I’ve been fly-fishing south of prif for 2 hours or so every day for the last couple of weeks, in one of the locations where the hotspot doesn’t move.

After the update today one of the spots is appearing and reappearing, I wonder what caused this? I didn’t see it listed in the changes

This minor inconvenience to my semi-afk 50k/h fishing exp is truly causing me inconsolable pain and mental anguish and I simply do not know how I will be able to cope without knowing I’m not imagining things

I can only imagine that this bug/change is something which is now in the game to spite me, the main character, specifically

Spots like this and the Karams take a little bit after a Game Update to sync up again. Give it a few mins and you should be able to get back to your AFK gains

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by TBone_95

Any news on the near-miss poll for previous content that fell in the 70-74.9% approval range?

You can expect to see some near-miss offerings on Poll 78, the blog for which should be making its way to players in the very near future!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexAyiza - Direct link

Originally posted by zac_is_bad

It was polled and agreed on that it would be single way, and they just changed it with no communication to be singe plus combat zones.

I had been looking forward to getting some rings, the shield thing and of course the d pick - which should never have been locked in the wilderness - and now I will avoid the content.

I can understand your frustration towards the change but just to provide some clarity here, we never polled the Wilderness Boss Rework design, only the rewards.

Hopefully you shouldn't have too hard a time escaping from these areas if you keep your wits about you! They're all below level 30 Wilderness and you'll only have the potential of one other player to focus on rather than the Multi-way combat variants.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by wheresmyspacebar2

Hey Goblin.

Not sure if anyone else is having the issue but im finding since the update, when i press enter to chat in our clan chat, its sending a blank line before i even start typing.

Couple others have had similar issues but im noticing it a lot more on my end.

Will raise with the team! Is this behaviour the same on vanilla client (i.e. not RuneLite)

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexGoblin - Direct link

Originally posted by wheresmyspacebar2

Honestly haven't checked, used Runelite for so long now xD
I can jump on vanilla if you want and see if i suffer the same issue?

I think the 'Press Enter to start typing' is a RuneLite feature (going purely off of memory), and generally with any issues like this it's always best to check with default clients before reporting otherwise I risk sending the team on a wild goose chase

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by blobman1st

Hey, just died on the first boss and my pile of items (uim btw) is inside the trigger for the bossfight, and I can't telegrab my items due to the tower of life. Any possible fix u/JagexGoblin ? I've logged out in the meantime but I'm terrified of wiping like this

Hey, we are looking into the issue and should have a solution for you to get the items back soon! I'll update the newspost and reply here once this has happened.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexSarnie - Direct link

Originally posted by JagexSarnie

Hey, we are looking into the issue and should have a solution for you to get the items back soon! I'll update the newspost and reply here once this has happened.

Okay, we've deployed a fix to stop this from happening going forward.

For those UIM players already affected, we've disabled the area entry for the boss fight, so you can reclaim your items. You can then speak to the NPC nearby to start the fight again.

We will re-enable the area entry trigger after a comfortable amount of time.

Please let me know if this works! Cheers!