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over 5 years ago - /u/Jagex_Wolf - Direct link

You know, I feel like I've had a conversation about this before and I can't quite remember why we didn't fix it at that point.

I've done some Unsolved mysteries level detective work and backtracked to how this happened (at midnight, no less... I should find a hobby):

Originally, in this blog post, we stated the compost potion would be level 17 to make (likely to fill in a bigger gap).

From feedback on this post, specifically from GentleTractor seen here, it looks as though his feedback identified that Harralander needing level 20 to be cleaned. Early level potions (the first 2 herbs, not Harralander) only require the cleaning level to create the unf's the next 2 herbs in level order to my previous knowledge only required +1 to the cleaning level and we either likely given it an extra level req than the cleaning because we wanted to fill an empty gap (it's empty for a reason I now see!) or by the looks of the things, the wiki page (which I likely used during the time of Fossil Island) indicated the unf pot requires 21 to create (+1 from the cleaning) and we may have taken that verbatim.

Anyway, now that's over, onto fixing it... we'll likely up the level required to make the compost potion as opposed to dropping the level required to make unfs. I'll try and get it in for this week; if not, we'll do the following. Thanks!

On a side note, your inventory looks ugly with all of that text.