over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by 5erenade



over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Savings_Key_2861

Hey Mod Light, do you know what happended to the proposed changes to untradeable items for GIM?

We saw a lot of divided feedback about the idea at the time, so it was considered a bit too controversial for us to move forward. We actually have a blog coming out this week about GIM specifically and that includes a small word about it too. Keep ur eyes peeled for that - I think it'll be out on Thursday

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by donthatepvpplease

u/JagexLight you changed what Kirby said though. His exact words were: "The Wilderness is bizarre and I really don't understand in mechanically". That's very different from what's in the transcript.

How is that guy, who admits to not understanding the wilderness working on the wilderness bosses? (and who clearly wants the wilderness to be dead (his exact words))

If anything has changed it’s not on purpose, we have started to use a bot to try and transcript the stream so I’ll double check and amend if this part needs changing

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


I haven’t changed anything yet - can you tell me which part needs changing or looking at again?

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by donthatepvpplease

Sorry, ctrl F couldn't find it because it was added as an image instead of text. Kirby's 2nd answer from question 8 is the complete opposite of what he said. He said "The wilderness is bizarre and i really don't understand it mechanically" Not: "The wilderness is bizarre and i understand it mechanically."

It just feels kinda off to have someone who says he doesn't understand it and literally says it should be dead to be working on the updates for that specific region....

Could you maybe tell us which mods exactly are working on the wildy updates atm? I know it shifted in the past but it would help is direct our questions better.

Also In the pvp feedback discord the singles clans are severely underrepresented. None of the leader or high ranks of the singles clans have been invited to join in the conversation. This feels weird since the majority of singles pkers pk in singles teams.... would it be possible to exclude the content creators from the 100 spots (still invite them) but invite additional people to account for a total of 100 non content creators? (I get that it could take some time with Mod Goblins account suspended (I laughed at that, ngl:p))

Apparently, verbatim, he says: "The Wilderness is bizarre, and I don't really understand it mechanically. I understand it mechanically, but I don't know if it's good." So I think that it was just cut down to make more sense.

Tbh there will always be some slight discrepancies happening with these Q and A summaries - either through AI error or human error. I would hope this isn’t a huge deal but I can update it if you really feel it is misrepresenting the truth

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by AdministrativePast17

Can GIM groups PLEASE be able to trade untradeable items?

They keep saying there was divided feedback on it which sounds like bs to me. Why would I not want to be able to share slightly degraded barrows items or the multiple Xeric Talismans I have?

It’s not BS I promise lol, just wasn’t something we could get a consensus on at the time. It wasn’t just the smaller items that were mentioned in the original blog

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Late_Operation1692

If I’m not mistaken, it was said on the previous post in regards to this Q&A that the subject would be brought up again.

I was asking for podcast topics so that’s a separate topic which would not be the regular Q and A streams (something I would love in the future but it requires a lot of work and set up and planning)

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by donthatepvpplease

Well honestly from the context when hearing him speak he says that he doesn't understand how or why the wilderness works as an area in the game or "ecosystem", but understands that you can mechanically attack players etc. so I do think there is quite of bit of context in that sentence which get's removed.

But the other points in my previous post were more important. Any way you can help with those?:)

(cheers for spending your time on this :):) )

I can’t tell you which moderators are on specific teams because its up to them whether they want to share that. It would not be appropriate for me to speak on their behalf.

However as CM you can speak to any member of the CM team about your pvp questions, that is what we are here for! :) So I will forward your feedback about the people invited in the discord to the team and if you have any other feedback just let me or any CM know

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by JuniorRaccoon2818

Are we not going to be getting a summary blog for the lore livestream the other week?

I believe that Q and A had some creators on it as a trial and we want to avoid transcripts of creators if possible. But that’s great feedback to know that you would be interested in lore summaries and maybe then we will have more lore streams that should be transcripted

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by JuniorRaccoon2818

Total respect for not transcripting the content creators without their consent. The lore focused community is small but passionate and we'd love both more streams and more documentation of what's revealed in those streams :)

If I can take the opportunity to give a bit of feedback, though, it would probably be best if Mod Ed or Mod Errol had a glance at the questions beforehand to make sure there's some they can actually answer. It's a shame to make them go on stream for an hour just to have them say they can't spoil anything.

That's great feedback - thank you! <3