over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Aluzim

Please fix the issue with the new pharaoh's sceptre not working above 20 wilderness like it's supposed to.

Hi there! This should have been hotfixed on Friday last week - is this not the case?

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by 16ind

Elite casket buff waiting room

Hey there, I would like to confirm that the Elite Clue changes & Hallowed Sepulchre changes are coming out next week, they are currently in RC

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by mister--g

It's really just the elite clue scroll drop table changes that make 3rd age more likely. People are stacking up elite caskets waiting for it to happen.

Hey there, I would like to confirm that the Elite Clue changes & Hallowed Sepulchre changes are coming out next week, they are currently in RC

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Twin_Turbo

Poll 76 changes when? GIM highscoes update when?

Hi Twin, can you clarify a bit more about what GIM HiScores update means - is it an issue with incorrect group sizes, or something potentially with the prestige system? It's a bit vague atm for me to know what you mean

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by mister--g

Thank you!

That's good to hear , been tempted to open them for a while. What is RC?

RC means release candidate and is closer to the live testing environment - all the dev work has been done but we've had a bottleneck with QA recently (not QA's fault it is more about our release schedules). I apologise for the delay. This is definitely something I would love to explain to you guys in detail as I know you are curious about the process of QA but it takes a lot of planning and organisation as well as willing guests to discuss it on stream/video

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Doctor_Monty

i think they may mean hiscores as in GIM specific boss hiscores

GIM Boss specific HiScores - I brought this up in our game update call as it's a small update this week, forgive me if anything here doesn't make sense as I'm just relaying what I heard!

We need to create variables for GIM specific bosses, which we plug onto hiscores. This type of update needs both engine and dev. We'd have to create something called clan variables to track but also continuously update, and our engine features needs to be able to transmit that to the hiscores.

It's considered a "nice to have" feature but it requires a *lot* of work and currently the tech for this isn't available. The devs said that even if we did create the clan variables described above, we don't have a good way to update the clan variable to group activity done on every world simultaneously. For example, two ppl killing a boss simultaneously on diff worlds would override each other.

Ash then mentioned investigating this further with a possible solution where clan members would be required to 'check in' on the clans' home world to update their clan counter. When they discussed this further the user flow just seemed bad. It's a come back to if our tech ever supports it, and then engine would also be needing work to update the HiScores too. I hope this helps

over 2 years ago - /u/JagexLight - Direct link

Originally posted by Doctor_Monty

None of that makes any sense what so ever to me but i do appreciate you replying and typing it our, and explaining WHY it hasnt been done yet

Sorry haha, that's probably my fault! I tried to capture as much info as possible but didn't hear everything the devs were saying. The TLDR is it's a lot of work and very clunky with the current technology