Looks good! Great job with it.
So there weren't any changes to tithe farm itself? Just condensing it?
Condensing it and making it contain less people so there is less contention for the reduced patches.
Looks good! Great job with it.
So there weren't any changes to tithe farm itself? Just condensing it?
Condensing it and making it contain less people so there is less contention for the reduced patches.
We did check cluescrolls yes.
Thanks, I hate it.
"Wow, this account with over 100 viewers has like 3 followers" You can write a simple scraping tool to check the rs sections of twitch and see their creation dates, follower count, if they have links in their description, in sub only mode and many other things. It's not something that takes years to develop a solution
We can report them, yes - and do - but it's ultimately up to Twitch to remove the accounts (most do get removed within 20 mins but sometimes that's enough to do a lot of damage). They're like hydras too, and another pops up pretty much straight away.
It's a solution that we'll need help from Twitch with, ultimately.
Hey Steve whenever this system launches I did just recently lose 6 twisted bows which I would like back. You can just put them right in my bank (in tab 5, that's the ranged equips tab). ty m8
Sounds legit. I'll round up to 7 just in case you miscounted ;)
Will the blog on account recovery/lost items, also include things like restoring hardcore statuses? I don't have a HCIM, but if returning lost items is something you're considering, I think it should be looked into whether or not HCIM statuses that are lost due to bugs could be fixed.
I hate seeing people lose their status because of an in-game bug, or a server-side DC.
That isn't part of the plans we are looking at, and I'd probably want the expert J Mods who make the game and are close to the community to express their views, but if the need exists and genuine players are frustrated, then as a service team we would be happy to at least explore feasibility
Sadly the only mention of an authenticator delay was that they are aware of our requests... very disappointing
That isn't being ignored, but it lends itself well to the next blog - don't worry we will speak about it!
In short 'yes', although right now it is no further developed than a cool concept, it is something I'm personally quite an advocate for!
I have to give Jadex credit. They are one of the few games out there that actually listen to their player base.
I think from a support team perspective we have always listened, but that hasn't always been entirely obvious because we haven't always been good at letting you know the things we are working on as a result of your feedback - this blog, and the ones to follow, are a good step at putting that right.
Read moreI feel like this is coming because Jagex now has plans to become the largest MMO. Well Jagex, you need to do a lot of work. Blizzard's support is basically what you should aim for. You may not be #1, but Runescape is the #1 MMO game that releases their numbers. No other MMO is sporting/showing off they have 100k people playing at one time.
There are some major issues not addressed in this blog.
Refunds/returns. Currently, Jagex official offers no support to players who are victims of hacks or glitches besides niche cases. If I hacked 199atatime right now and got him 2 slayer, Jagex would not reset his account. If I hacked a guy for his rsn like "red," you would not return that guys runescape name. If I hacked a guy for 2b, you would not return his gp; even if you find the hacker and ban him with 2b on his account, you won't put that 2b gp back on the OG guy's account. If I experienced a bug, and got unwanted xp, I would not get rolled back unless the bug a...
Hey - as you mentioned, the above topics will be covered in future blogs, so I'll address the Twitch side of things.
We are working with Twitch to find a solution and are trying in-house methods too to stop this at the source. Thank you for your suggestion, but given that 99% of the phishing streams use VODs from existing streams, rather than actually playing the game, I'm not sure this would work - and would only punish those who genuinely wanted to stream for enjoyment.
We completely understand that many of you expect an email response to your enquiries. Currently we are only able to reply to some messages via email and others via the message centre, which can sometimes lead to our messages going unread. This will be changing so all responses will indeed be emailed out.
This is kind of worrying, so much for "Jagex will never email you" etc.
That stance relates more to phishing. In the context you have quoted the player will be expecting a response because they will have instigated the contact, and the email message will be regarding the enquiry the player has raised, which is a bit different to receiving an unsolicited email out of the blue.
Maybe for account security also give us
1) OPTIONAL authenticator delay 2) optional 5 recovery questions (not possible anymore, and can't change if you have them) 3) link your ID or something to your account
All topics we will comment on in the next blog, don't worry we know these things are on peoples minds but they deserve a dedicated blog so we can fully explain the issues
Search “Matthew Kemp” not “Mod Mat K”
As soon as they see the nipple impostor I'm a shoe in.
Read moreYou know what, I'm actually optimistic about Jagex's future regarding player support. We will have to wait and see what the end result will be, but the transparency and honesty here is fantastic.
The Current Situation
I think we secretly knew that Jagex's systems were heavily outdated. I didn't expect it to be this bad though. Glad they're finally upgrading. It definitely won't be easy going from a legacy system to a modern one.
Answer Bot
I always like these kind of bots on other websites. There it's a great tool that fits a certain niche between a regular search and 'human' support. It basically just narrows down your search results by asking follow-up questions.
Not sure where Jagex is going with this though. The wording almost make it seem that it will be something hidden away, that you'll only see when making a ticket. I don't know, I just hope it's going to be good.
The Support Center...
Thanks for your considered response, we'll expand on live chat in future blogs but you are right to identify the verification issue, getting the balance right between helping people quickly in live chat but also verifying who we are speaking to is a challenge. The natural approach (I think) would be to only offer the service where verification is not important, for example to offer general advice, tech support etc.
I agree, but there are many on this sub who think that wilderness griefing should be bannable or following someone to crash them should be bannable. Now personally I think none of that should be bannable- if it's in the game and not clearly a glitch then it should be allowed- but in 2019 people think lots of shit should be bannable that isn't even chat related at all.
In the upcoming survey we will specifically ask for player views on toxicity, it is a complex issue that isn't just text based and does bleed into things like ragging and griefing, and everyone will have a different tolerance level and view on severity - we need to get those survey results to really understand any concerns the community have (if any) and then use those results to make informed decisions moving forwards
But I still cannot access any type of account support since the email I used was a school based one that I no longer have access to, but Jagex says to check my email.
How can you help me? Recovery doesn’t work even though it’s my account. I know when I made it and what city I was in and previous passwords.
Any help would be great.
I tried over a year ago but did not get thru Reddit Customer Support: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/8gvrep/changing_an_old_account_email_no_longer_accessible/
If your email is old/inaccessible, you need to update it by providing some supporting info and the new email address you would like to set - we'll review that and provided everything adds up we'll set your new email to the account and you will be good to go. It sounds like you have already tried that route and your requests are being denied, in that case I'm afraid you do need to strengthen the request - see our denied password reset tips to help improve your chances of a successful recovery.
If I would suggest something, is to do like Blizzard and ask for real IDs and documents when someone is trying to recover the account or password, at least one of your document will match with account details, chat log or something. My friend got his smartphone stolen and lost the authenticator, Blizzard asked for real ID to recovery the account, together with a lot of question about the account data, just by seeing he trying to recovery his own account, I was relieved because I was sure if any person besides the true owner won't have the answer for a lot of questions Blizzard questioned.
Thanks for your comment, the topic of recovery will be part of a future blog - but in relation to your suggestion I'm afraid it isn't quite that simple. There is a huge volume of accounts that wouldn't have any sort of account management data that could be verified against ID, and that also assumes that all players have sufficient ID they could actually supply!
It's a sensible suggestion though, and this sort of dialogue is really useful to us, so keep it coming!
I am very concerned about this "lost item return service" I've said it before and i'll say it again. It won't work for a game like this, it'll crush the economy once people figure out how to exploit the system. Ofcourse if its a system that grabs the item from the hacker/scammer's account and transfers it back to the original owner, perhaps it could be a good service.
We will expand on that topic in a future blog, we've mentioned it in this blog because we want to be transparent and open about some of the things we'd like to explore further. Lost items return (or lack of it) is a common criticism aimed at us, so it's only right that we listen to that feedback and see what we might be able to do to help. It really is early stages though, but for now you can be assured that we will give it careful consideration.