Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

14 May


Originally posted by Jaycon356

A'ight, so this is my perspective on things. I played the game 10 or 11 years ago for about ~3 months, only ever in F2P.

I tried getting back into RS3 in 2016 because I have a friend that really enjoys the game, and dropped off pretty quickly because it had the 'Dead MMO' feeling. I've played quiet a few in my day, but the overcrowded areas, constant badgering from the MTX shop, and general lack of interesting content made me fall off when the free membership expired. So then I tried OSRS, and my main mistake was making an Ironman, I played for a few weeks, but stopped when I learned that I couldn't buy bonds with GP on an Ironman.

I got back into things recently after coming across some youtube series on the game. New character, Not an Ironman. This time, I had a concrete goal: Earn a bond. And while I have the bond, I haven't redeemed it yet due to real world obligations. This took an absurd amount of time, and I probably would have saved myself a lot of heada...

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Thanks for the feedback - you make a ton of good points here, a lot is stuff we're aware of, and want to try improve.

At the core, the game is the game, that isn't going to change right - but what we don't do, is help people understand what it is that it offers.

There's a ton of choice, so much that you can do, and not any awareness of how to get to what you want to do, without assistance from friends or guides - which can be an overwhelming amount of information.

A ton of new players are checking out the game, especially due to mobile, and we want to make sure as many as possible stick around - it means the games got a much healthier future, more players etc.

What we did mention in the post too, is that any changes we make will be tested via A/B tests. These will ensure we're making positive changes there, and if something doesn't work - we'll simply not move forward with it. As a framework, it's something we're getting up to speed with, we've spent...

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Originally posted by ihavea3ds

I think the changes are indicative of Jagex’s lack of understanding as to what drives player retention and how to integrate the new gaming market with the older systems

You hit the nail on the head with this point. 2008 onwards Jagex kept trying to rework the new player experience to keep retention to such an extent that they changed the game dramatically by adding new tutorials, cluttering Lumbridge up and transforming Burthope into a noob area.

And all those changes pretty much flopped and didn't do what Jagex set out to do: retaining new players.

People REEEing about change to early game is unwarranted but I think REEEing at Jagex to listen and implement these changes not hamfistedly is necessary so OSRS doesn't make the same mistakes as it's predecessor.

What do you think will help with new player retention?


I'm so happy to see you guys getting involved with suggestions for this problem. I think this is a really nice way to tie together information, whilst not feeling jarringly separate from the game.

There's some things to tackle first before we get to region based extra information - i.e. right now, a serious proportion of players logout directly after the tutorial. That's a really important problem to try solve :).

This idea itself could have minimap symbols that players are introduced to so they know what to look out for - it is essentially making a good version of the Lumbridge guide - who right now isn't all that useful.

Keep the ideas coming!


Let us know which questions you'd like answered on Wednesday's Q&A livestream at 5pm BST!

Questions that provoke discussion are valued over Yes/No questions.



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13 May


Originally posted by Righton12

Just dont end up like RS3 that has so much crap and junk the game is over saturated. Simplicity is key imo ease ppl in instead of drowning them

We want to do this as simply as possible - one of the reasons we're finding new players aren't staying as long as we'd like is the sheer volume of content overwhelming them, so we wouldn't want to make that worse with even more complexity!


Originally posted by Aaaromp

In RSC there was a tutorial island NPC that briefly mentioned and explained what and where the wilderness is. Always thought it was weird how he was left out of RS2's tutorial island. Probably would be beneficial to explain to players that there is a dangerous part of the map they can just walk into where they can lose their stuff.

Getting Around

Other games have a similar system but they typically provide some kind of consumable teleports, like tele tabs. I think a better way to tackle this instead of a one time system that you are seemingly arbitrarily locked out of at some point is to also introduce new players to some kind of teleports that they would eventually unlock or have access to later on, so that they are more familiarized with the game and how it works.

Teletabs is something we discussed internally too. Definitely food for thought!


Originally posted by ItzMaarkus

We have canoes that can be unlocked through woodcutting. Make them f2p. Dont see the point in adding a new service.

You could just make draynor and varrock agility rooftop courses f2p also. There is content in the game that can be utilised.

Thanks, as ever, for the suggestions! We'll be monitoring this post over the coming days and weeks for your ideas.


This player was banned across quite a few accounts. Should you suspect anyone else of using AHK, please report them in-game for Macroing and send information through to [email protected]


7k crystal? It can only be created with a new item that comes from content within Prifddinas. It won't be created using existing seeds.

10 May

09 May


Originally posted by Sir_Suh_Dude

Getting a bit confused why a manual check every so often on the BH worlds isn't being done, Jagex has shown they can have real time heatmaps during DMM, it wouldnt be hard to have a few people on staff check on them every so often for anomalous gatherings away from the standard Edgeville BH pking.

We do clear them out often but there's the whole rest of the game to take care of too, and I'm sure you'd really start to notice rather major issues if we applied your method to our way of working. It's worth noting that BH Emblems would be much worse than what you're seeing if we didn't do anything.

07 May


Join us on the sofas where the Old School RuneScape team answer your questions each week. Our Q&As are a perfect introduction to our JMod team for new OSRS players and old RuneScape experts alike.

Ask your questions and pitch your proposals, watch us tomorrow (Wednesday) at 5pm GMT!


Questions that provoke discussion are valued over yes/no questions.

Cheers all!


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05 May

03 May


Originally posted by ExactKaleidoscope2

In a comical sense? Because he said "don't blame QA," followed by a description of how they checked (tested) it poorly?

Not a he.


Originally posted by cryseis

4 QA's on the team and no one thought to run a BVA (Boundary value analysis) test... tut tut

Incorrect.... different QA's are on different projects.


Originally posted by Tabatron

As someone who has been pking since 08, it's pretty easy to tell when someone is AHK/scripting or actually good at the game. It's literally impossible to be able to click that precisely/switch prayers that clean in the following clips:




Both of the players in these clips have received bans against their accounts


Originally posted by ExactKaleidoscope2

The RC rates were not disproportionate to normal RS skills given how much money had to be spent. What goes into making a command decision that something is "broken?"

The rates achievable at ZMI were something like 4x (or more) than what was polled


Originally posted by geheurjk

What is the purpose of an in-game clock? I have never played RS on a device that didn't already have its own clock, and RS isn't one of those full-screen games that makes it take 10 seconds to alt-tab.

A universal clock was requested by several clans and events teams for organising and synchronising schedules


Originally posted by Odd_Zilla

Don't forget, prayer manipulation still exists and should be removed.

We made our stance on this clear in this week's Q&A if you're interested: https://twitch.tv/oldschoolrs