
Overwatch Dev Tracker

24 May

Originally posted by AlessDreem

How close have you been to make a really controversial change (like deleting brig XD) that barely didn't make it through?

Other than a bunch of stuff we've thrown on the test server and pulled at the last minute (like Zen's discord being able to target through barriers), maybe the most significant was Sombra's hero design. For most of her development, she was a Support hero instead of a Damage hero. In this role, her main goal was to hack every enemy, while sneaking around and trying to stay alive. At that time, Hacking an enemy was a long duration debuff that reduced their healing/damage output, rather than the short duration high-impact debuff it became later.

The idea was that she was balanced so that if she successfully got enough hacks on the enemy team, your team would effectively be able to win a 5-6 (since she wasn't very good in combat for her team), simply because the debuffs were strong enough to allow for that. This is all fine and good on paper, and it was pretty fun to play her this way, but people just hated getting debuffed in this way. In fact, every time we'...

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Originally posted by nardstorm

Who has the highest SR on the blizzard team right now, and how high is that SR?

I'm not sure what SR this person is at now but the highest I'm aware of was around ~4300. We really have a wide range of skill levels on the team, while we do many team wide playtests, we also have focused playtests for specific skill ranges when necessary.



Originally posted by ItsTotallyNotMyFault

Loved this question from the last AMA but what were some abilities that were originally planned for heroes but had to be cut out?

We've tried and discarded quite a few abilities during development of our heroes, it's a very natural part of the process. Sometimes the ideas are better fits for other heroes, sometimes they just don't work and we chalk that up as a lesson.

Here's one I worked on for Torbjörn:

Torbjörn had something we referred to as the "Claw Trap" that he deployed similar to Widowmaker's Venom Mine, but instead of dealing damage the trap grabbed a hold of you and prevented the enemy from moving outside a fixed radius of the trap. You could move freely around next to the trap, but couldn't move far away until you destroyed the base of the trap. It had some fun moments as it could do things like stop a charging Reinhardt or prevent Pharah from launching high into the sky, but it really caused a lot of confusion. After a bunch of iteration, we decided to go in a different direction.


Originally posted by Dryden001

Any new workshop content in the works. Customizable maps, spawnable shields, spawnable turrets

Hey there! We ARE working on something super cool in this space, not exactly what you called out, but I'm pretty excited about it. We're not ready to announce it yet, but I thought I'd drop a reply here and let you know that yes.. more workshop related things are still coming :)


Originally posted by seyandiz

Have you considered moving some of the more CC focused DPS heroes into the tank role?

Obviously 5v5 is a huge shakeup. We've heard comments from /u/blizz_geoffgoodman and others that a general shift from DPS CC to Tank CC is expected.

Instead of removing Mei's freeze - give her "frozone" movement speed and some rebalancing on her base health and ability health. She has always acted as an off-tank as is. I think Doomfist would be another good example.

Instead of reworking these iconic heroes - rebalancing them to fit the tank role. This would bring some hero mains into the tank role that hadn't previously enjoyed it - as well as increasing the small tank role hero pool.

Lastly - will we see a "Classic 6v6 Quick Play" option in the arcade like we currently see of "No Limits"?

I think the common one that comes up here is Mei, which is something we've talked about in the past, but we haven't run the "mei tank" experiment internally yet. I feel like she would have to change quite a bit to fit the tank role, so its a bit more of a rework to have her fit well into that role. That doesn't mean its off the table, just that its not a trivial change to throw in and try out.

If we did try it, im sure we'd try the ice slide that everyone loves to think about :) It certainly feels more acceptable on a Tank, which would allow her to engage in front of her team etc.

Doomfist I think requires a bit more thought than even Mei. He is extremely unique, even amongst the Overwatch roster, but he essentially requires CC to control him, and he throws out a bit too much CC himself, even if her were a tank. We haven't started digging into him yet, as we're still figuring out how some of these CC changes are going to play out, but hes on my list to look at as so...

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Originally posted by nazurinn13

Any major changes to the game engine, visual rendering, texturing as thus far?

Yes, we've had a lot of changes to the game engine. Many optimizations, better lighting, and many new features have been added. PvE has also allowed us to look much more at how our environments tell our story, so we've added many features that help with that. In addition, since the hardware landscape has changed a lot since Overwatch was launched, we're taking the opportunity (both on the artist side and the technical side) to beef up our high end features and assets.


Originally posted by dylankates

Hi Blizzard! Will Overwatch 2 launch on all platforms day one? Specifically will it hit Nintendo Switch the same day as PC, Xbox and PlayStation, and will it run on both the previous gen and newer gen consoles?

Hey there! As a live ops engineer I loved shipping Overwatch on all platforms and in all regions at the same time, it was a huge challenge and was very exciting. It's definitely our goal to do the same for Overwatch 2, but of course I can't promise that we wont' hit any blockers that prevent us from doing that.


Originally posted by LancerJayden

THANK YOU. i'm glad her freeze mechanic is still in her base kit somewhere!. is it possible that freezing with her primary fire could be a pve talent? since she already has other freeze talents (like her cold snap one) in other talents.

I would say freezing with her primary in PvE is a minimum of what you'll see. We have so many crazy ideas for talents for every hero, I can't wait to show you guys more as we get closer.


Originally posted by BitInternational9405

Will there be a Beta?

Almost certainly, yes. If I knew when, I couldn't tell you. If I told you, I'd have to kill you. But u/blizz_akeller is our resident secret-leaker, so you might give him a try! :)

Originally posted by SpriteGuy_000

What is one common misconception about the game (OW1, OW2, or anything else) that you hear all the time from the community that you'd like to clear up?

For me, in the short term, i'd say the biggest misconception I see about 5v5 and 1 Tank being that off-tanks are being removed, changed, etc. But really, many off-tank heroes are getting tankier, and many main tank heroes are getting less tanky and more damage/options, so really the new Tanks are somewhere in-between MTs and OTs.

If anything, I would guess that off-tanks would have an easier time adjusting to OW2's new Tank role than main-tank players.


Originally posted by HML022

Any hopes for 120 tick servers in the future?

We do use 120 tick for the Overwatch League but right now we're not seriously considering them for the main live game. We find the most significant benefit of playing on 120 tick comes only when combined with all players in a match having excellent network quality and extremely low latency.

I'll never say never, it could happen, but not currently planned.


Originally posted by Alliseeisgold24

Will the PS5 get a official 120 FPS patch before OW2 arrives?

We don't have any plans to do so, at the moment. We would have to invest a non-trivial amount of time to upgrade original Overwatch to recognize and separately treat the PS5 (it involves changing the platform SDK). Instead, we're taking that time to focus on making OW2 the best we can on the next gen consoles.

Originally posted by Valehar_

As an off-tank player in a 6-stack team, playing mostly scrims, small tournaments and ranked, what can i legetimatly expect for my Ow2 experience ?

I would say a lot about OW2 is going to be different. The tank play will certainly change, but if you're an experienced off-tank player im sure you'll find great success with those same heroes in OW2 as a solo tank.


Originally posted by undeadfish

u/billwarnecke Best Drag Race season?

Great question! I think the first season I watched was Season 4, so it'll always have a special place in my heart.

I was so happy to see Jinkx Monsoon participate in the Mei Gala, that was rad. If anyone knows someone at World of Wonder have them call me, I want to be a guest judge.

Originally posted by Classic_Lee

Hello! So you mentioned in this news blog that Bastion is going to be reworked "from the ground up". Are you able to share some things you are trying with Bastion?



When re-approching Bastion the biggest starting point is like, "what is the core of this hero that feels like we should make sure to preserve". Our answer to that is he is a transforming robot, with huge damage potential when he is using his various modes well. We want to make sure Bastion isn't purely about aim-skill, but he also has a big focus on situational awareness and timing/positioning.

We're looking at pushing his recon form's range out by changing his recon weapon. This helps him generally be more useful, but also helps create separation between his other forms, especially sentry. For sentry form, the cost of reducing his mobility to gain huge damage is still interesting and its the heart of what makes him work. However, completely removing his mobility has proved to be too harsh of a penalty, and frankly its not realistically possible to balance him with this downside in mind (especially between different skill levels). So right now we're testing al...

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Originally posted by Sheshbawn

Why does the Recall animated short play whenever we boot up Overwatch on console? Is this an oversight or intentional to hide some loading screens? Could we maybe get the option to not have it play?

The animated short will play on all versions, but on PC we only play it once. We track if it was shown in the settings and on console versions this is before the user logs in and we don't have access to any saved setting information at that time. We intentionally show the movie this early because we're loading core assets during this time.

We agree it'd be nice to be able to skip it, I spoke with our lead engine programmer a bit just now and it's something we'll look at, though I can't promise we'll be able to do it (because it would require moving where it plays, and reviewing asset loading times).



Originally posted by CalciumCommander

I'm just gonna get few of the things that grind my gears in one go. You could call those "miniscule", but all easy things to change.

Are you plannin to revamp the endorsements system where the decay doesn't trigger simply because you're on a losing streak and get no votes? Increasing the maximum level to 50 or so with much much more votes needed for really high levels, but also they don't decay unless you don't play the game for a week or so?

Any alternative ways to getting golden guns like points for wins in QP (even some 2-3 per win) or a currency price (like 30k currency for a gun)?

We are planning to do an update on the endorsements system in the future, so it's great hearing your feedback on this. To clarify one element on the system, you won't really decay if you don't play for a week or so. You naturally decay a certain amount when you play a game based on your current endorsement level, with higher endorsement levels decaying faster and requiring you to earn more endorsements per game. That's what makes higher endorsement levels harder to get.

As far as golden guns, we have no plans for providing them as rewards outside of earning them in competitive play.


Originally posted by mutsuto

Matchmaking is always a weighting of queue time vs MMR range/ team balancing. Would it be possible for users to put their own preference of this balance for themselves?

I'd always prefer to have better matchmaking at the cost of time. Even in Arcade. I'd like to have the agency to tell the system how I want it.

Hey mutsuto, we're unlikely to ever add this. My instincts were that this would add a lot of complexity and probably not be as helpful as one would hope. I spoke a bit with with an engineer on the team who the most knowledgeable about our matchmaking system, he noted that there are a lot of factors that contribute to matchmaking that are outside of a single person's control. For example in role queue the amount of roles in queue are the dominant factor for matchmaking time. Also the time of day and how active your particular region is at that time plays a big part in what matches can be made.

Adding a feature like this is also unpredictable, there are likely to be knock-on effects that we'd have to work through. It's tricky if many players set the slider to "match quickly", maybe the "prefer quality" players would never get a match, and if we decide to eventually pull them in that would be a poor experience since it wouldn't match your expectations based on the slider.

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Originally posted by GaindStream

How would it be more difficult than crossplay... for crossplay you have to do a lot of server tweaking and networking get around that could take well over a year to set up. Cross progression all you'd have to do is link your psn,xbox live, and switch account to your blizzard account, write some code to catalog each skin they have unlocked on each platform, and have each skin that is unlocked be unlocked on their blizzard account, and when the game loads in on another platform the servers recognize your unlocked skins via your blizzard account.

The difficultly centers around how we track entitlements and policy concerns with platform manufacturers. There are also a lot of technical concerns, but most are manageable with a good amount of work. It's all feasible, just a LOT more ducks to get in a row. And, unfortunately, the more groups involved, the more complicated something becomes. And cross-progression just gets more complicated, in that regard.