almost 6 years
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Hello and welcome to the Pagan Online steam community. I'm here to answer your questions - but since these seem to come up a lot, read the following first!
11/07 DATABASE RESET INFO With patch 0.5.0. aka BFP #1, your progression has been reset and your compensation added to your hero forges . Read more about it here!
HOW IS THIS HUB SET UP? We're getting a lot of new topics opened every day, which is great! In order to make sure all of them stay up long enough to get some traction and answers, please post in the correct categories:
Game discussions and other long threads on open topics STAY HERE.
Questions, requests for help and bug reports go to HELP.
Videos, fan art and other contributions by you go to EPICNESS.
Proposals and change requests for game content or features go to SUGGESTIONS.
Topics may be moved to the proper category if they are posted in the wrong one.
First, check out our latest list of Known issues and the pinned messages in HELP, or head to our Discord channel[] and check the channel #help-and-support. If you're not finding the solution, you can post here, but consider that Discord is more likely to get you a quick answer as there are folks on there 24/7, unlike here.
On our Customer Support Portal you may find help in the knowledge base or submit a ticket.
Do I need a Wargaming account to play Pagan Online?
You will need to log in your Wargaming account (or create one) to play Pagan Online, even if you are playing on Steam. You will however not need to install the Wargaming Center launcher if you’re on Steam!
Is Pagan Online available in my country and language?
We’re available in all countries in the world except Japan and Korea, which will come later down the line.
In Early Access, Pagan Online is available in the following languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Polish, Portuguese, Chinese and Russian.
How can I get Archmage Woodward, the Early Access reward pet?
Archmage Woodward is automatically added to your account when purchasing Pagan Online in Early Access.
To get your pet, go to your HERO FORGE, click on the Customization tab on the top right, and simply hit EQUIP.
What about the Ascendance, the Trials reward pet?
If you participated in one of the Trials, you will receive an email from us on your account you used to apply for Trials, complete with the code and instructions you need to redeem your reward pet.
If you’re redeeming your pet on a Wargaming version of Pagan Online, make sure you are logged in the account you will be playing from.
Will you wipe my account after Early Access?
We have no plans to reset your progress when we go from Early Access to release. We will only do it if we have no other options.
When you move on from Early Access to Release, will I have to buy Pagan Online again?
Not at all! Purchasing Pagan Online in Early Access gives you the base game even after release.
Are you going to sell bundles, DLCs or add micro-transactions after Early Access?
We are planning on extending the world of Pagan Online with regular content extensions including new heroes, new zones and more. We have no plans to add a purchasable in-game currency, and we will not have any items available that provide any kind of power advantage.
Will the new heroes only be introduced through DLC, or will they be implemented randomly through updates, etc?
For now, we’ve mostly planned to have feature/bug fixes/polish/balance/quality of life updates for everyone who bought Early Access so the game gets better and better for everyone - for the price already paid and not a cent more. However, most of the content updates will be taking place in DLCs. All the big content chunks are gonna be separated into DLCs (we call these Battle Chapters) and the smaller content/quality of life and feature updates are gonna be 100% free.
Has there been any consideration of merchandise?
Right now we're just 3D printing some smaller figurines for our sake. If these turn out good, then t-shirts and other merchandise might find its way to the players!
When will the game be fully released?
Pagan Online will go into full release in 2019, on Steam and Wargaming Center. Watch announcements for a more specific date.
Where are your servers located?
We have servers in several locations in Europe, the United States and South-East Asia.
Will there be PvP in Pagan Online one day? What about Consoles?
While we’re not excluding these ideas on principle, our current focus is to make one kickass Solo and CO-OP game for PC.
When are the release of Acts 6 and 7 planned?
Act 6 is coming quite soon, and final Acts 7 and 8 are coming together, all before we release!
Will there be Auction House/Trading system?
We know that Auction Houses and Trading have huge impact on the game economy and whole game experience. The fact that it's not in the production at this very moment doesn't mean we haven't discussed it or that it's not gonna happen - it's just a matter of doing it right. And for doing it right, we need to listen to people for a longer period of time, look at them playing for many more hours, and figure out how to bring such a huge feature to Pagan without sacrificing or screwing up anything. It's a huge challenge, but we're up for the challenge, as soon as we figure out how to make it a killer one.
Do you have a Test server to help for future patches? Public Test realm like in other games?
Not at this time. We have, of course, Private Test environments, and they are invite-only. We will consider opening Public Test environment after we hit Full Launch.
Will the skill tree be reworked?
Yes, we're working on a new, huge, overarching skill tree. It's the biggest feature we're working on and even with top priority, it's gonna take some time to get live. It's a big one so it requires a lot of time to be built, tested, balanced and shipped. It should be a huge portion of the meta and a huge addition to a whole gameplay experience - it's just gonna take some more time.
At the moment, ultrawide resolutions are very much zoomed in. Are there any plans to address this issue?
We will! It's part of planned improvements alongside more QoL improvements.
Any chance for a Summoner Hero in the future?
We're working on all kinds of wicked hero types - some of them fall under expected archetypes, and some are completely new. Summoners are certainly on top of the list for the future hero classes.
How can I get more heroes?
Since patch 0.4.0., heroes are unlocked using Hero Souls. You will gain one Hero Soul with every assassination you complete for the first time, for a total of up to 7 hero souls.
Once you finish the campaign quest The Prayers in Act I, you will be able to join missions. With each mission completed, you’ll win a key fragment. Once assembled, these keys will let you unlock Assassinations.
What’s the max level for heroes and accounts?
Your hero’s max level is 30, and your account’s max legacy level is 7.
Is there CO-OP in Pagan Online?
CO-OP is one of the core features of gameplay in Pagan Online and was added it with patch 0.2.0. CO-OP mode is unlocked by finishing the mission The Prayers in Act I, and missions, assassinations and threats are all available in CO-OP. While the campaign is not currently playable with friends, we do plan to implement it further down the line.
Can I rebind my keys?
Yes, you can change your key bindings in the options.
How do I beat this one boss?
The key to the challenge of facing bosses is figuring out the special mechanics, and the Pagan Online team feels strongly about spoilers. If you need to know AT ALL COST, head on to our Discord server[]’s #gameplay-talk channel.
Ok one more question…!
The fine folk from #gameplay-talk likely have the answer! Don’t hesitate to ask.
How are the servers holding up? The latency for item handling is frustrating - any plans to address?
We're actively working on backend, and that's one huge reason while the game is an Early Access game - there is still a ton of work to be done, and hopefully, over time you'll see many of these glitches and inconveniences disappear.
Do you expect that players who enjoy exploring new worlds, for lore or other reasons, will have something to enjoy in Pagan Online?
In the not so far future, maps will be filled with many new interactions, side missions and places of interest (along with some secrets). Battles are still planned to be short (25 mins at most) but with more and more things to do aside from battling foes.
What will be the time between big updates - will it be like Path of Exile (3 months) or more like a small patch every 2 weeks?
We're aiming for some similar cadenza of updates for sure!
Any chance for (proper) Linux support?
Unfortunately, we're not working on further Linux support currently (which doesn't mean we won't in the future).
Is there a date on when the native gamepad is going to be implemented?
We're working on controller support, but it’s taking us more time than we anticipated - it's just that we didn't really design the menus to be very gamepad-friendly, so it turned out to be more difficult than it should be. This third-party solution here from blew us away, huge kudos from the dev team!
Will there be raids in the game? Do you recognize how critical endgame progression is to the growth of the game and how important it will be to keep players invested?
We're currently working on several different things that would drastically expand the endgame content, and Raids are certainly one of the things we're thinking about.
It's still in the pre-production phase so it's not going to be in the game right away, but in some of the bigger updates in the nearer future, you might see something similar to it.
We're in pre-production of an overarching skill system, we're building new heroes, zones, enemies, missions, assassinations and story acts, along with bringing higher level dungeons, stronger enemies, battle modifiers, more stats (more interesting ones) and new legendary recipes. Along with that - we're developing many other smaller features that would add to different aspects of the gaming experience + co-op and social features.
How can I change the difficulty level?
In the battle gate, on the lower right, pick one of three options to battle in normal, hard or master difficulty. You need to reach level 16 to unlock the Master difficulty.
Does a higher difficulty level mean higher rewards?
Yes! The higher the difficulty, the better the loot.
How can I get higher in the leaderboards?
In Pagan Online, we have Glory which is displayed in teal. This meter goes up in combat based on the number of enemies killed, the number of chained kills and the extra-challenges offered to you with every encounter. Increasing the difficulty level of an encounter will result in much higher glory, so crank it up to climb to the top!
Do you plan to add a Hardcore mode in the future?
Hardcore mode in Pagan Online is coming, and it's not gonna be called "Insane", "Hardcore" or "Pro"'s gonna be...."Paganic mode" :smiley: Still no ETA on when it's gonna be live, but it's coming.
Any plans for guilds or clan system?
We implement social features one by one as these are really really difficult to hit the right spot with. As such, we're still fine-tuning co-op (which exists, just it is still being refined for the maximum experience) - then we're working on new ways to express yourself and stand out in the Pantheon (which will be more crowded by then). After that and all the feedback we receive from you guys, we're gonna start building Guilds - with everything that guilds need to have for our game in mind. Once again, the most important thing is not just that Guilds exist, but that they bring supernew value to the game experience and in-game socialization.
Maybe an achievement system or something collectible?
Yes, already in production :)
How can I get materials for crafting?
Materials drop randomly with every room you conquer. Take a sneak peek at the descriptions of encounters to find out what rewards they can yield!
Can I dismantle my items?
Items cannot be dismantled, but they can be re-forged if you have the right recipe! We heard that this is a feature you guys want, so we're looking at it.
If I die before finishing an encounter, do I get to keep the loot?
Yes! Even in death, your loot is safe.
What are blueprints and how do I use them?
Blueprints are recipes for Legendary items, found under the same tab as normal recipes, to the right. Materials for legendary gear are known as artifacts. You will need the exact artifacts to craft a blueprint. Base items for legendary gear are specific. Hover over the blueprint to find out which base item you need to craft it.
You need to have a crafting level of at least 6 to craft blueprints. Level up your crafting level by fulfilling objectives, listed on the left of your crafting screen.
Is there shared storage between my characters?
Yes, your Stash is shared across all your heroes.
11/07 DATABASE RESET INFO With patch 0.5.0. aka BFP #1, your progression has been reset and your compensation added to your hero forges . Read more about it here!
HOW IS THIS HUB SET UP? We're getting a lot of new topics opened every day, which is great! In order to make sure all of them stay up long enough to get some traction and answers, please post in the correct categories:
Game discussions and other long threads on open topics STAY HERE.
Questions, requests for help and bug reports go to HELP.
Videos, fan art and other contributions by you go to EPICNESS.
Proposals and change requests for game content or features go to SUGGESTIONS.
Topics may be moved to the proper category if they are posted in the wrong one.
First, check out our latest list of Known issues and the pinned messages in HELP, or head to our Discord channel[] and check the channel #help-and-support. If you're not finding the solution, you can post here, but consider that Discord is more likely to get you a quick answer as there are folks on there 24/7, unlike here.
On our Customer Support Portal you may find help in the knowledge base or submit a ticket.
Do I need a Wargaming account to play Pagan Online?
You will need to log in your Wargaming account (or create one) to play Pagan Online, even if you are playing on Steam. You will however not need to install the Wargaming Center launcher if you’re on Steam!
Is Pagan Online available in my country and language?
We’re available in all countries in the world except Japan and Korea, which will come later down the line.
In Early Access, Pagan Online is available in the following languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Polish, Portuguese, Chinese and Russian.
How can I get Archmage Woodward, the Early Access reward pet?
Archmage Woodward is automatically added to your account when purchasing Pagan Online in Early Access.
To get your pet, go to your HERO FORGE, click on the Customization tab on the top right, and simply hit EQUIP.
What about the Ascendance, the Trials reward pet?
If you participated in one of the Trials, you will receive an email from us on your account you used to apply for Trials, complete with the code and instructions you need to redeem your reward pet.
If you’re redeeming your pet on a Wargaming version of Pagan Online, make sure you are logged in the account you will be playing from.
Will you wipe my account after Early Access?
We have no plans to reset your progress when we go from Early Access to release. We will only do it if we have no other options.
When you move on from Early Access to Release, will I have to buy Pagan Online again?
Not at all! Purchasing Pagan Online in Early Access gives you the base game even after release.
Are you going to sell bundles, DLCs or add micro-transactions after Early Access?
We are planning on extending the world of Pagan Online with regular content extensions including new heroes, new zones and more. We have no plans to add a purchasable in-game currency, and we will not have any items available that provide any kind of power advantage.
Will the new heroes only be introduced through DLC, or will they be implemented randomly through updates, etc?
For now, we’ve mostly planned to have feature/bug fixes/polish/balance/quality of life updates for everyone who bought Early Access so the game gets better and better for everyone - for the price already paid and not a cent more. However, most of the content updates will be taking place in DLCs. All the big content chunks are gonna be separated into DLCs (we call these Battle Chapters) and the smaller content/quality of life and feature updates are gonna be 100% free.
Has there been any consideration of merchandise?
Right now we're just 3D printing some smaller figurines for our sake. If these turn out good, then t-shirts and other merchandise might find its way to the players!
When will the game be fully released?
Pagan Online will go into full release in 2019, on Steam and Wargaming Center. Watch announcements for a more specific date.
Where are your servers located?
We have servers in several locations in Europe, the United States and South-East Asia.
Will there be PvP in Pagan Online one day? What about Consoles?
While we’re not excluding these ideas on principle, our current focus is to make one kickass Solo and CO-OP game for PC.
When are the release of Acts 6 and 7 planned?
Act 6 is coming quite soon, and final Acts 7 and 8 are coming together, all before we release!
Will there be Auction House/Trading system?
We know that Auction Houses and Trading have huge impact on the game economy and whole game experience. The fact that it's not in the production at this very moment doesn't mean we haven't discussed it or that it's not gonna happen - it's just a matter of doing it right. And for doing it right, we need to listen to people for a longer period of time, look at them playing for many more hours, and figure out how to bring such a huge feature to Pagan without sacrificing or screwing up anything. It's a huge challenge, but we're up for the challenge, as soon as we figure out how to make it a killer one.
Do you have a Test server to help for future patches? Public Test realm like in other games?
Not at this time. We have, of course, Private Test environments, and they are invite-only. We will consider opening Public Test environment after we hit Full Launch.
Will the skill tree be reworked?
Yes, we're working on a new, huge, overarching skill tree. It's the biggest feature we're working on and even with top priority, it's gonna take some time to get live. It's a big one so it requires a lot of time to be built, tested, balanced and shipped. It should be a huge portion of the meta and a huge addition to a whole gameplay experience - it's just gonna take some more time.
At the moment, ultrawide resolutions are very much zoomed in. Are there any plans to address this issue?
We will! It's part of planned improvements alongside more QoL improvements.
Any chance for a Summoner Hero in the future?
We're working on all kinds of wicked hero types - some of them fall under expected archetypes, and some are completely new. Summoners are certainly on top of the list for the future hero classes.
How can I get more heroes?
Since patch 0.4.0., heroes are unlocked using Hero Souls. You will gain one Hero Soul with every assassination you complete for the first time, for a total of up to 7 hero souls.
Once you finish the campaign quest The Prayers in Act I, you will be able to join missions. With each mission completed, you’ll win a key fragment. Once assembled, these keys will let you unlock Assassinations.
What’s the max level for heroes and accounts?
Your hero’s max level is 30, and your account’s max legacy level is 7.
Is there CO-OP in Pagan Online?
CO-OP is one of the core features of gameplay in Pagan Online and was added it with patch 0.2.0. CO-OP mode is unlocked by finishing the mission The Prayers in Act I, and missions, assassinations and threats are all available in CO-OP. While the campaign is not currently playable with friends, we do plan to implement it further down the line.
Can I rebind my keys?
Yes, you can change your key bindings in the options.
How do I beat this one boss?
The key to the challenge of facing bosses is figuring out the special mechanics, and the Pagan Online team feels strongly about spoilers. If you need to know AT ALL COST, head on to our Discord server[]’s #gameplay-talk channel.
Ok one more question…!
The fine folk from #gameplay-talk likely have the answer! Don’t hesitate to ask.
How are the servers holding up? The latency for item handling is frustrating - any plans to address?
We're actively working on backend, and that's one huge reason while the game is an Early Access game - there is still a ton of work to be done, and hopefully, over time you'll see many of these glitches and inconveniences disappear.
Do you expect that players who enjoy exploring new worlds, for lore or other reasons, will have something to enjoy in Pagan Online?
In the not so far future, maps will be filled with many new interactions, side missions and places of interest (along with some secrets). Battles are still planned to be short (25 mins at most) but with more and more things to do aside from battling foes.
What will be the time between big updates - will it be like Path of Exile (3 months) or more like a small patch every 2 weeks?
We're aiming for some similar cadenza of updates for sure!
Any chance for (proper) Linux support?
Unfortunately, we're not working on further Linux support currently (which doesn't mean we won't in the future).
Is there a date on when the native gamepad is going to be implemented?
We're working on controller support, but it’s taking us more time than we anticipated - it's just that we didn't really design the menus to be very gamepad-friendly, so it turned out to be more difficult than it should be. This third-party solution here from blew us away, huge kudos from the dev team!
Will there be raids in the game? Do you recognize how critical endgame progression is to the growth of the game and how important it will be to keep players invested?
We're currently working on several different things that would drastically expand the endgame content, and Raids are certainly one of the things we're thinking about.
It's still in the pre-production phase so it's not going to be in the game right away, but in some of the bigger updates in the nearer future, you might see something similar to it.
We're in pre-production of an overarching skill system, we're building new heroes, zones, enemies, missions, assassinations and story acts, along with bringing higher level dungeons, stronger enemies, battle modifiers, more stats (more interesting ones) and new legendary recipes. Along with that - we're developing many other smaller features that would add to different aspects of the gaming experience + co-op and social features.
How can I change the difficulty level?
In the battle gate, on the lower right, pick one of three options to battle in normal, hard or master difficulty. You need to reach level 16 to unlock the Master difficulty.
Does a higher difficulty level mean higher rewards?
Yes! The higher the difficulty, the better the loot.
How can I get higher in the leaderboards?
In Pagan Online, we have Glory which is displayed in teal. This meter goes up in combat based on the number of enemies killed, the number of chained kills and the extra-challenges offered to you with every encounter. Increasing the difficulty level of an encounter will result in much higher glory, so crank it up to climb to the top!
Do you plan to add a Hardcore mode in the future?
Hardcore mode in Pagan Online is coming, and it's not gonna be called "Insane", "Hardcore" or "Pro"'s gonna be...."Paganic mode" :smiley: Still no ETA on when it's gonna be live, but it's coming.
Any plans for guilds or clan system?
We implement social features one by one as these are really really difficult to hit the right spot with. As such, we're still fine-tuning co-op (which exists, just it is still being refined for the maximum experience) - then we're working on new ways to express yourself and stand out in the Pantheon (which will be more crowded by then). After that and all the feedback we receive from you guys, we're gonna start building Guilds - with everything that guilds need to have for our game in mind. Once again, the most important thing is not just that Guilds exist, but that they bring supernew value to the game experience and in-game socialization.
Maybe an achievement system or something collectible?
Yes, already in production :)
How can I get materials for crafting?
Materials drop randomly with every room you conquer. Take a sneak peek at the descriptions of encounters to find out what rewards they can yield!
Can I dismantle my items?
Items cannot be dismantled, but they can be re-forged if you have the right recipe! We heard that this is a feature you guys want, so we're looking at it.
If I die before finishing an encounter, do I get to keep the loot?
Yes! Even in death, your loot is safe.
What are blueprints and how do I use them?
Blueprints are recipes for Legendary items, found under the same tab as normal recipes, to the right. Materials for legendary gear are known as artifacts. You will need the exact artifacts to craft a blueprint. Base items for legendary gear are specific. Hover over the blueprint to find out which base item you need to craft it.
You need to have a crafting level of at least 6 to craft blueprints. Level up your crafting level by fulfilling objectives, listed on the left of your crafting screen.
Is there shared storage between my characters?
Yes, your Stash is shared across all your heroes.