about 5 years ago - Pagan: Absent Gods - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

8s hey y'all what's up with Samuel a
10s miracle from the game design hey all
13s whats up it's a mule and miracle from
15s its a mule a miracle from the hey all
18s whats up its a mule a miracle from the
20s game design team today we're going to
26s talk a bit more about our philosophy and
28s our approach to game design in pagan
30s online even before pagan online was the
33s game it is now we knew we wanted to take
35s a hack-and-slash game and give it our
37s own flavor we designed the game around
39s four C's gosh we wanted to have a
42s fast-paced combat that revolves a good
45s deal around player skill it should feel
47s epic and rewarding collect as with any a
50s RPG game collecting loot should be the
53s central team apart from collecting gear
55s in pagan online we wanted to make
57s unlocking heroes as one of the top
59s things to chase craft this is something
62s that probably changed the most over the
63s course of development and will change in
66s the future our goal is to have a
68s meaningful system for crafting that does
70s not overshadow the drop that you get
72s from killing that epic boss customized
75s customization is really important to us
77s we want to create a game that will
79s enable you to have lots of different
81s play styles sometimes this requires a
83s whole new feature for the game such as
85s creating an ability tree for each heroes
87s while other times it just requires more
89s work on already existing features like
91s stat system or combat system itself
93s another thing that is part of the design
96s process is level design even though our
98s approach to designing levels has changed
100s over the years we always take several
102s things into consideration when tackling
104s each level visually the levels are
106s always influenced by narrative and the
108s way we want to tell our story we always
110s start with a visual design in order to
112s establish general sense of what the
113s level is beat I see planes of Eggman or
116s sands of Delhi blood we always first
119s create levels for our campaign for
121s creating missions we use the same assets
123s and try to create as many different
124s experiences as we can when it comes to
127s spatial organization our Liao's are
129s currently heavily influenced by our
130s encounter system and the way the
132s combat works shorten instance comet is
135s something that is a remnant from a
136s really old game design decision and it's
138s something that we're looking to alter in
140s one of the next DLCs this means that
142s we're exploring on how to improve the
144s experience by creating procedurally
146s generated content that allows you to
147s explore maps and get surprised the
151s balancing of game difficulty is
152s something we approach really really
154s carefully we have to make sure that
156s players who are not veterans can beat
157s most of the content at least on Normal
160s difficulty while still providing a
162s challenge for those players who have the
164s best gear and a lot of mechanical skill
166s for endgame and master difficulty having
168s both top-end gear and mechanical skill
171s is something that we want to make
172s equally important so one cannot work
175s without the other we also have to make
177s sure that we gradually increase the
179s difficulty of the game and power of the
181s enemies so that the progression feels
183s smooth and natural another aspect of
185s game balancing is the actual balancing
187s of heroes we want to make every hero
190s equally powerful and viable in general
192s at the same time we want every hero to
195s excel in beating a particular content be
197s it boss fight patrol defense or
200s something else the balance of heroes in
202s general is something that we are not
203s completely satisfied with and that is
206s one of the main focus points of our work
208s at the moment right now we are working
210s on improving combat feel in general and
212s these changes should make some of the
215s characters more viable to play
216s especially the ones using melee as their
219s primary attack heroes that will gain the
221s most our King which and mascha while
223s mark and mystic will also see
225s significant improvements speaking of
228s heroes let's talk about how they are
230s made there are two components when
231s designing heroes a visual component and
234s game design component sometimes you have
236s an idea for a cool hero mechanics or a
238s play style then we come up with a brief
240s and do some visual explorations in form
243s of sketches for example that was the
245s case with the mirror we knew we wanted
246s to have a hero with a companion that
248s plays off him in a way other times our
250s artists just go wild and create a guy
252s like Luke Ian then us game designers get
254s inspired and create cool ideas like his
258s dual spell mechanics once we have some
260s kind of base game design set we enter
262s the production phase we start thinking
264s on what type of personnel
266s do you want this here to have then our
267s narrative designer starts working on his
269s voice lines in parallel with that we
271s build a high poly 3d model and we
273s iterate on it until we're completely
275s satisfied with the design
277s after the 3d model is complete we are
279s making the low poly version of it which
281s is ready to be ripped and animated all
283s of our heroes have some general
285s animations like run idle walk knock back
288s so we animate those first and then we
290s start animating abilities basically
292s every asset that is produced from models
294s to animations is being important into
297s our project then set up by our technical
300s artists in parallel to animation work
302s our programs start coding the gameplay
305s and abilities and making them moddable
307s for the ability tree once animations are
309s complete along with the programming we
311s can start testing the hero see if
313s completed or it's going somewhere during
316s this phase make final adjustments and
317s then add VFX to all of the abilities as
320s a finishing touch that's all for this
323s dev blog and from our side that's all
326s from if you have any additional
328s questions thoughts or wishes for next
330s develop topic you can leave us a comment
331s in see you guys in pantheon
334s [Music]
335s [Applause]