about 5 years ago - Sasha_JP - Direct link
Originally posted by Vem: @Gnomac Thank you for your reply but please let me clarify.

Road-maps clarify short term expectations with time commitments, and long term plans.

Statements such as -

" When are the release of Acts 6 and 7 planned?
Act 6 is coming quite soon, and final Acts 7 and 8 are coming together, in a couple of months most likely :)" -Sasha_JP

On Discord, unfortunately are vague at best.

Does that statement mean

A) Act 6 less than a month away, and Acts 7-8 Within two months of the release of act 6?
B) Act 6 1-2 mo away, Acts 7-8 are in development and coming together nicely.
C) Acts 6-8 within 1-2 months.
D) We only plan on developing 8 Acts total for the life of the game

Don't take this wrong, I think the Dev's have been some of the most active on the forums. Rarely do i read a good post without a reply from a Dev. Just trying to figure out the communication pipeline so that I can set meaningful self expectations.

I-E Why would i min max when only 8 acts are going to be coming? How many materials should i farm in preparation for 6-8, Will there be a reason to play after Act 8? What kind of exciting content is coming to keep the game active (poe / diablo did seasons) I very much am interested in what the Dev's plans are since I believe they have blazed a new trail and did very very good work.

Hey Vem. Sorry if that's a little vague :D we'll have more proper communication about dates and times, and what you can expect exactly from us, in the weeks to come. For now, keep these couple things in mind which I hope will give you some hints: we started testing Pagan Online with players five months ago, and we've been in Early Access for one week. We may not have a detailed map, but we're going where we're going *fast*. We also told you to expect full release this year, and we don't mean December 31.

We have two timelines: the immediate - what we absolutely want to get done as soon as possible for Early Access (more on that later today) and the mid to long term - when to release, when to have new content, what comes next. First one is easy, second one, not so much.