almost 5 years ago - /u/Sasha_jp - Direct link

We love games our way - creating them; you love games your way - playing and sharing everything about them. We see the Might & Glory Club as an opportunity for us to support your creativity and passion for games. If we’re lucky, we will be even able to help some of you to turn your passion into a career!

But how can we help you do that? Well, here's a first step. We're going to grant access to the release version of Pagan Online to members of the Might & Glory Club, as well as a bunch of exclusive pet activation codes (so you can use them do run sweet giveaways). The only way people can check out the release version of Pagan Online and get exclusive rewards a whole week before the official launch is either visiting our Gamescom booth or watching your streams, videos, reading your reviews, graphic novels and whatever else you creative people can come up with!

We're taking applications until August 15 - and if you have a question, well... see you Monday, August 12 at 4 PM UTC on here. I will gleefully take all of your questions about the initiative, and more.

See you Monday, sweet folks!