almost 6 years ago - Sasha_JP - Direct link
Originally posted by ablogin47rus: а где та самая мифология ? даже герои не пойми как называются ! Морок единственный перс чьё имя вызывает ассоциации ! некоторым даже нету Русско язычного перевода ! и в стиме она только на английском . плохо плохо очень плохо

Hey Ablogin! Sorry for the answer in English - my Russian is a little rusty.

Pagan Online is set in a pre-biblical universe inspired by slav myths; you'll see familiar names there: Perun, Veles, Svarog, Dabog, and more. However our heroes are all original characters coming out of the creative minds of our writers and designers. Some of them have very clear slav roots like Masha, Kingewitch or Istok! Keep in mind that the World of Pagan Online is full of magic and myths. You can read more about it here[].

We're going into Early Access this month and will be out in a handful of languages, not just English ;) As we continue to build our game and its living world, we will progressively add more. Give us a shot and a bit of time, we will get there.
almost 6 years ago - Sasha_JP - Direct link
Originally posted by ablogin47rus: Yandex translator to help you ) translate into English with it

I will give it a try :3
Спасибо. Хорошего вам дня!