Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Dev Tracker

14 Sep


Originally posted by iBoMbY

I'm still not clear after this if I can now use an old save, and safely respec, after installing 1.0.3c?

I would recommend waiting until the next update with using respec feature, just in case.


Originally posted by Jodah

So if I'm reading this correctly, the original issue ones (demon and lich) are fixed now but the ones you listed are not. Is that accurate?

Yes, but the fix for lich and demon is not retroactive, with high probability the game will not be able to repair itself if it was saved after respec.


Originally posted by LobsterOfViolence

While I know it's not really your guys' purview, do you know if this bug extends out to respecs done via mods like Toybox?

Doesn't seem to be causing this exact issue, but can cause many others. So use at your own risk.


A fresh update after the patch: while some of the respec issues have been addressed, late-game mythic paths (Legend, Swarm, Gold Dragon, secret one) seem to still be affected. Try to avoid the feature for now, the problem is being worked on with maximum priority now.


Originally posted by RedditTotalWar

I know this is a lot to ask - but is there any way you are able to investigate and let us know where the specific breaking points are for the non-Demon/Lich paths?

I.e. Act 4 Mythic Quest for Azata - X NPC does not talk, etc.

I think this will help a lot of current players on the "maybe affected" paths determine if they have to restart/go-back on a specific playthrough. Obviously, it sounds like the Lich and Demon paths are a 100% issue.

I'll let you guys know if I manage to pick out specific spots. But it's not easy to tell among bugs caused by other issues. Only massively painful points like the demon and prison are obvious.


Originally posted by Pfitzgerald

Is there anything other than the prison issue? I got past that by using a modded respec (which also got rid of the double campaign map buffs from using the game's respec), but I've since respected using the game's feature several times.

Really don't want to lose out on a 100+ hour save if something like the entire latter acts won't work.

Everyone whose reports I've seen and who played demon either bumped into prison or played without problems to the end. So probably you're ok if you made it past that, but of course it's not a 100% guarantee.


Originally posted by Ceegee93

Is there anything we should look out for that might indicate a corrupted save? Also do you know if it's caused by respeccing to a different mythic path, or is it just respeccing in general?

If you see mythic quests behaving oddly in later chapters (uninteractable NPCs, non-appearing NPCs, non-opening locations), that is most likely it. It is reported that demon breaks almost 100% if respecced, lich has a relatively high chance, for others chance to get it broken is more or less minor.

Caused by any respec that touches your main character, not just mythic path respec. Companions are not affected.


Originally posted by ArchmageIlmryn

Do you know if it applies only to MC respec or even to companion respec? I.e if I as Lich respecced Wendu in act III but never respecced my main character, should I be fine?

Checked up with the tech team, it's only the MC respec.


Originally posted by JaMenUpptaget

Thanks for the clarification. I added it to the OP for visibility :)

Thank you!


Originally posted by DuErAlleredeDoed

Does it only apply to respecs of the main character? I've respeced some companions a few times but never my PC. Should that be safe, or may their companion quests etc break?

Yes it's only the main character. Companions are ok.


Originally posted by ArchmageIlmryn

What is the issue caused that crops up later? When does the game break if this bug does appear?

I know that there's a high chance you won't be able to enter the prison if you respecced as a demon.


Originally posted by Ananoriel

Wait, was this in the game the entire time since release? I did respec a lot through my playthrough already and I am almost finished with act II. Is that playthrough broken now?

Yes, it was all over. But unless you're demon and lich, you're probably okay.


Originally posted by typoking7

Wait... what if I respeced using a mod?

And what if that respec wasn't on my main character?

I'm going Azata so this shouldn't be TOO big of a problem hopefully, but I'm a little worried.

Behaviour of mods in these circumstances is unpredictable, so it's pure luck.


Originally posted by Hecuro

When is the next Patch?

Coming in really soon.


Originally posted by meandtheboysss1

does this problem effect the lich transformation problem both visuals and not becoming undead? and is it at any time during act 2 or only after you pick the 3rd rank in mythic path cause i did respec at the start of act 2 and have had 0 problems so far cause of it during my time in act 3 as lich

Visuals and becoming undead is fixed in the upcoming patch. It's a different issue.


Originally posted by iroairoa

Is there anyway for us to check if our saves are corrupted or not before we throw away hours of playtime unnecessarily?

Not that I'm aware of :\ But if everything seems to function fine so far and you're not playing demon or lich, it's probably worth trying to finish the current playthrough.


A bit of clarification on this:

The issue is that respec bug was affecting the mechanics so deeply, that we were not able to guarantee that your game will manage to repair itself even after the fix is deployed. I.e. things may be so broken in a given playthrough after respec, that even a fix won't help it. Highest chance to bump into this is with demon and lich mythics, other mythics have a chance to be affected, but it's considerably lower.

It does not necessarily mean your game won't work or that it will suddenly stop working after the patch - it simply means that if it was already broken, there's a chance it will remain such. Thus we recommend to revert back to an old save if possible.

Patch itself is about to come really shortly. Issue is fixed there and respeccing after patch is no longer dangerous.


Originally posted by seiga08

Hey just wanted to check, are there any plans to implement more of the occult classes later on?

Hi! More classes are possible in future DLCs, no details at this time though.

13 Sep


Originally posted by OwlcatStarrok

Hello! This is a known (and a quite nasty) bug, the Undead traits are not applied properly after transformation. Fix is already in works, it's coming in one of nearest patches. I'll try to come back later with a more precise ETA.

Sorry, immortal masters of life and death, your time will soon come!

Good news, just got a word from the tech team that they fixed it. So expecting it in the upcoming patch. Day-two.

12 Sep


Originally posted by RealZordan

There is a difference between Q/A for a linear 15 hour game, where every tester fully plays through the game 3 times a week and a 100 hours game with branching paths and dozens of character classes where testing is more a random spotcheck.

Also bug fixing is difficult to manage timewise, since it's often more a "Half-Life" than linear time frame. Lets say you know you have 1000 major bugs in the game, then you can probably fix half of them in a month, i.e. the ones that are common and reproducible. But then in the next month the bugs get rarer and you only fix 250 of the remaining ones and so on. Eventually you will have to cut off testing at some point.

Often bugs are very easily fixable post launch when you have thousands of bug reports but hard to nail down by ~100 testers.

Also more testing isn't free. Games have budgets and more testing means less game. Would would you take 10% less content for bugs that are fixed within a week after launch? As a produc...

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Something tells me you are working in gamedev :D