about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by Meeqohh

Any info on Maven preventing the use of rituals if it's near the map boss?

We don't have any updates to provide just yet but we are working on it.

about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by Mazork

CTRL+F Arcane Surge 0 Results :(

This appears to be fixed internally but still requires some testing. We will ask if it's possible to squeeze it into 3.13.1.

about 4 years ago - /u/Bex_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by sHORTYWZ

/u/bex_ggg - any update on the master missions not populating? I'm in the same boat as the poster from last week - have progressed in maps all the way to T16 (187 maps to date) and have not received a single master mission (unless I have explicitly summoned them) since Maven has become available.

No updates yet but definitely still on my radar.

about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by Spectre_06

Any word on fixing the fact that in many instances the fourth ritual in a map is not awarding tribute?

That's noted in this post.

Fixed a bug where the fourth Ritual in a zone would sometimes provide less Tribute than intended.

about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by lowkeyripper

• Fixed a bug where The Maven would sometimes fail to use her skills correctly when witnessing a map boss encounter.

/u/bex_ggg does this effect her healing capabilities at all?

Those are separate issues but the issue with Maven's healing has also been improved internally but hasn't made it into this patch.

about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by Fyurius_Ryage

Why do we need to wait (up to) a week for this update? Presumably everything on this list is fixed, but pending QA. Sooner is better GGG, please, I am sick of fighting invisible mobs already.

We're aiming to get this patch out either tomorrow or the day after.

about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by ManiAmara


Have the reported issues with spawning Harvest in Haewark after taking the Atlas passives appeared on your radar internally at all? There have been a number of threads and bug reports but I don't believe I have seen any official comment yet so I just wanted to check in about it. I get that you guys are really busy though, keep up the good work.

Sorry I responded to one of your prior comments with this before, I deleted that to move it here as I thought it might deserve its own thread since the issue above it was unrelated.

We have a note of these reports.

about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by Grave_Master

u/Community_Team If I had a crash, should I post dump on forum or game does this by itself?

Please email us at [email protected] with details of the crash like what you were doing when it happened, whether you had an error message along with your dxdiag file. Correction: please post these reports on the Tech Support part of the forum. If it appears to be related to specific game mechanic then please post your report to the Bug Reports forum. We do also track information that's automatically sent via the client when a crash occurs.

about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by Pyromancer1509

When you say "the issue with Maven's healing", are you referring to issues where the healing can mess up boss phases? Or the wider balancing issue around the healing mechanic? Or another issue entirely?

There's been people saying excessive healing by Maven can feel unfair to low dps builds, and i'd like to know if that's something you guys are fixing, or even consider as an issue (even if you think it's fine, it'd be nice to know!)

The issue regarding boss phases was only an issue for Silo and addressed in this patch. The balancing of the Maven's healing ability is what we've addressed internally that did not make it into this patch. The gist of the healing fix is that her cooldown on healing is longer and the heal will no longer apply to bosses while they're invulnerable.

about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by bers90

> Maven's Invitations are now a guaranteed drop upon capturing the 10th boss in an Atlas region for the first time.

guess whos capturing 9/10 on all atlas zones until the patch :) this guy.

u/Community_Team what about the people who have indeed captured 10/10 nearly everywhere but just didnt get any invitations due to them not dropping enough? that change is not going to help them and i wager thats alot of people

Players who have captured 10 bosses and have not received an invitation will receive a guaranteed invitation drop upon killing a boss within that region.

about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by ZGiSH

I know this is a really really niche bug but I've tried to bring it up about 5 times on the official forums now with no acknowledgement, it seemingly is not going to be fixed, and I would really like at least some answer.

Support totem (spell totem support and ballista totem support) life calculation is bugged. The life of the totem is supposed to be based on the support gem level but it is currently based on the active gem level. This primarily affects totem life when linked to skills granted by items such as Icestorm and personally makes it harder to scale my reflect totem build.

I just want to know if this change was intended and just not reflected in any of the patch notes.

This is something we're currently not aware of. Would you be able to submit a bug report on the forum with as much detail as possible?

about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by Kraineth

No fix for Flickershades not hitting with their slash ability?

This has been fixed internally but has not been included in this patch.

Edit: Our team have now confirmed that this will be included in this patch.

about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by Mountebank

/u/Community_Team Since 3.13 started a lot of my MTX have been broken while using Vulkan. This wasn’t true last league so I’m assuming it has to do with the texture streaming. Specifically, Celestial Caustic Arrow’s ground effect is invisible, Night Lotus Toxic Rain is missing the flower and explosion effect, and the Harlequin weapon skin just turns my bow invisible. Also, sometimes my Ranger’s character model has no head...

Is anything being done about this? It feels terrible to be unable to use the MTX that I paid for. The MTX still work in DX11, but then that causes all sorts of other performance issues that I’d rather avoid.

Would you be able to submit a bug report on the forum with as much detail as possible?

about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by ZGiSH

Will create a new thread if it helps. This is the oldest thread that had the issue reported created during Sept 20, 2020.

The thread I posted with totem life calculations.

Thank you very much for looking into it!

Just an update, after some exploration based on your comment, we've figured out what's happening here and are discussing what the outcome will be.

about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by Duthos

nothing about invisible mobs in rituals. great. i was just killed because i could not find the f**king mob before a malevolent ritual killed me. about a min of nothing to hit or leech from while trying to find a mob that is invisible before i ran out of flask charges and life.

good times.

It looks like this is another issue that we have a fix on the way for but may not make it for this patch.

about 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by cowin13

Any news on fixes for the alternate quality golem skills? The Anomalous golems increased buff effect seem to not be working. Have seen multiple other people with the same issue where they have tested switching the Anomalous version with the normal one. without any increase or decrease in stats pertaining to their buff.

This issue is currently being worked on but we don't have a timeline for when this will be resolved.