Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

29 Mar

Good news for everybody who likes Path of Exile music - we have a new track for your playlist. The Thaumaturgy Mystery Box soundtrack is now available as a free download!

To download the Thaumaturgy Mystery Box soundtrack, click (or Right-click, “Save link as”) on the file type you prefer: .flac[] or .mp3[].

It's also still possible to redeem your free redeem your free Thaumaturgy Mystery Box[... Read more

26 Mar

We're in the process of deploying the 3.10.1 update that contains a fair amount of improvements and fixes to the Delirium League, including a small adjustment that will further increase performance. We'll continue to monitor your reports and make additional improvements to Delirium where possible. Thank you for your feedback and support!

3.10.1 Patch Notes Delirium Improvements
  • Simulacrum Splinters now drop in stacks at the completion of a Delirium encounter.
  • Made various visual adjustments to Delirium mist to improve visibility of effects below the mist.
  • Added a variety of coloured lights to monsters and packs with Delirium on-death modifiers to more clearly represent the type of damage their skills will deal.
  • Added visual identifiers to monsters with the following Delirium modifiers to more clearly indicate that they have a modifier: Spatial Distortion, Cascading Storm, Banishing Flame, Winter Who...
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25 Mar

As part of the Delirium league, we introduced a strange voice who doesn't interact with players directly but instead manifests right in their heads. Nick, one of our narrative designers, has written an article about creation of the Strange Voice and the process behind it. We hope you enjoy it!


When a new league is in the works, there typically comes a point when we have to give the collection of planned mechanics a theme. Delirium was first described to me as an ever-expanding ring that would affect all monsters in an area, granting them powerful effects and making them harder to kill and more dangerous. It would be something that passes through the area quickly, encouraging players to move rapidly between monster packs, but would drop off if the player couldn't keep up with it. Whatever theme we gave this league had to allow for extremely broad but temporary effects.

The idea of something playing tr... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

24 Mar

At the end of this work week, we're planning to deploy Patch 3.10.1 which includes improvements to several aspects of Delirium (including the visual updates we discussed last week), bug fixes and more. We've prepared a preview of the patch notes so that you know what to expect.

Delirium Improvements
  • Made various visual adjustments to Delirium mist to improve visibility of effects below the mist.
  • Added a variety of coloured lights to monsters and packs with Delirium on-death modifiers to more clearly represent the type of damage their skills will deal.
  • The Vengeful Blast modifier now creates a Fire-damage Flameblast (rather than Cold-damage). We have improved the telegraphing of the Flameblast as well.
  • Updated the effects of the Vengeful Skyfire meteors.
  • Updated the effects and audio of the Crushing Terror telegraph and impact.
  • Added a ground target marker for Vengeful ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
This is a stressful time for many of us in the world and we want to bring a little light to the moment by offering a free Thaumaturgy Mystery Box! To redeem a free Thaumaturgy Mystery Box all you need to do is to open the in-game shop! The Mystery Box will be automatically added to your account. Please note that visiting the shop on the website does not trigger the free box - it must be accessed from inside the game client.

To receive a free Thaumaturgy Mystery Box, your account has to have been created prior to today. It's only possible to get one box per account.

You'll be able to collect one free mystery box any time within the next week.

Stay safe, everyone! We wish you all the best.
As an island nation in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean, New Zealand has an opportunity to stop the local spread of the recent coronavirus pandemic before it gets too entrenched. With around 100 cases from travellers returning home and two that may have been due to community transmission, our government announced yesterday that all New Zealanders will self-isolate for at least four weeks to eradicate the virus. This includes our entire development team.

The Path of Exile game service will remain online without disruption. Our server administrators were already solving problems from home when needed, so we do not expect any new issues that would affect the live service as a result of being unable to see each other in person.

We have moved all of our staff to working from home. While it's entirely possible for them to do any work they need to away from the office, it raises several new challenges for us.

Firstly, from a technical standpoint, there's a lot ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

22 Mar

Path of Exile has teamed up with Alienware to bring you the Arcane Helmet and new Arcane Horns for free when you participate in the Alienware Advent Calendar for daily rewards.

The Arcane Horns
The Arcane Horns are a new type of helmet attachment that are making their exclusive debut through Alienware! Currently, the only way to get them is by signing up to their loyalty programme. However, they'll be available to everyone in our store after our June expansion.

If you'd like to grab a pair of horns, just head to Alienware Arena here [] and create a new account. You will receive a code automatically after your registration is complete and can find it in your ... Read more

19 Mar

We want to give you an update on what's been happening behind the scenes since our recent manifesto about upcoming Delirium Improvements.

Paralysing/Wasting/Eroding/Diluting Touch Debuffs
These debuffs have been reduced substantially, down to 3 seconds. This change is already out on the live realm.

Monster Damage
  • We've gone through all Delirium monsters and assessed which ones need to be less deadly and have made those tweaks. We've made the following changes in this regard:
  • Reduced the difficulty of Delirium monsters at each mist depth (while increasing the drop rate of Simulacrum Splinters as part of the same rebalance).
  • Reduced the chance of Delirium modifiers appearing on monsters by a significant amount.
  • Reduced the damage that Rage monsters deal by 20%.
  • Disgust's mortars no longer deal damage on impact.
  • Reduced the damage of the stationary vol...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

18 Mar

While we continue to improve Path of Exile: Delirium, another batch of fixes have been completed and are currently being tested for deployment. We're keen to deploy the 3.10.0d patch as soon as possible. In the meantime, check out its patch notes.

Please note that the patch notes listed below may be changed prior to the release of this update.

Delirium Improvements
  • Delirium modifiers are now applied on a per-pack basis. This means that a given pack of monsters will only have a single Delirium modifier, rather than potentially having a variety of different modifiers.
  • Reduced the difficulty of Delirium monsters at each mist depth.
  • Increased the drop rate of Simulacrum Splinters.
  • Significantly reduced the chance of Delirium modifiers appearing on monsters.
  • Disgust's mortars no longer deal damage on impact.
  • Reduced the damage of the stationary volatiles created by...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

17 Mar

Thanks so much for your valuable feedback since launch. In this manifesto, we'd like to summarise the changes that we plan to make in the near future. Note that these are still in early discussion and haven't been implemented/tested yet, so the plans may change over the next few days.

For speed, we'll likely apply these types of changes in patches as soon as they're ready rather than delaying them to be deployed all at once.

Delirium Monster Damage
As you travel deeper into the mist, the life, damage and rewards from monsters become higher. Players have commented that they feel that monsters become too dangerous, deep in the encounters. The monster damage bonus scales up to 30% increased at absolute most. We are reviewing all of the Delirium monsters and skills to find any that are overtuned and will be making adjustments to any that might be dealing disproportionate damage.

Rewards Bar
When you touch the Mirror of Delirium, a random rew... Read more