Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

16 Mar

This weekend we launched Path of Exile: Delirium and were really pleased that we reached a new peak in concurrent player numbers. While there were some server issues[] that were exacerbated by a lengthy DDOS attack, things went relatively smoothly.

Over the weekend, we released two hotfixes[] and have released ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

13 Mar

Path of Exile: Delirium launches in less than a day! We can't wait to see you travelling through the deadly mists of Delirium, encountering your worst fears and seeking valuable rewards.

The realm goes down and patching begins at: Mar 13, 2020 10:00 AM (PDT)
The servers go live at: Mar 13, 2020 1:00 PM (PDT)

The patch size for the update will be around 10.8GB on Steam.

If you're looking for some extra character slots for your account for launch weekend, we're running a sale on these right now! Additionally, this is your last chance to get Polaris Mystery Boxes[]! It will leave the store when our next mystery box enters the store! Keep i... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

12 Mar

The Delirium expansion launches in just two days! To help you plan your builds even further, we've prepared gem data at level 20 with 20% quality for all the new and reworked gems in 3.10.0.

Check them out in this news post![]

11 Mar

We've just published the full patch notes for Path of Exile: Delirium!


To help you prepare your builds and update your item filters for the launch, we've also gathered all of the Passive Tree and Item Filter information in this news post!

Passive Tree Data We've listed the changes to the passive tree in the Patch Notes but if you're a community tool creator, you can find the JSON data here. If you're not sure what to do with this information, don't worry too much! We'll update Path of Exile's built-in item filter in the game and the Passive Skill Tree on the... Read more

10 Mar

In Path of Exile: Delirium, we're introducing Cluster Jewels which can be placed in the outermost sockets of your Passive Skill Tree. These jewels expand your passive tree and provide powerful new possibilities for your character builds. There are 280 new notables for you to utilise in your builds. Today's news unveils them all.

Many of these jewels also create more jewel sockets which means you can branch quite far outside your tree if you want to heavily invest in these passives.

There are three sizes of jewel - Large, Medium and Small, each with a different focus. Large jewels may be placed in the outermost passive skill tree sockets and focus on offensive bonuses. Medium jewels can be placed in the outermost passive skill tree sockets or a socket created by a large jewel and they focus on specific mechanics and utility effects. Small cluster jewels can be placed in sockets created by Large or Medium jewels and sockets on the outermost parts of the passive skill tr... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

08 Mar

In the Delirium League you'll have the option to complete 40 new challenges and earn exclusive microtransaction rewards. At 12, 24 and 36 challenges you will earn the Delirium Horns, Delirium Cloak and Delirium Wings respectively. Completing challenges also grants you pieces of the Delirium Totem Pole Hideout decoration.

When Path of Exile: Delirium launches on PC on March 13th, you'll be able to check out the full list of challenges to complete for these rewards!
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

06 Mar

Metamorph Ends Soon
The Metamorph League on PC ends on Monday March 9th at 2PM PDT. This means you have only a few days left to complete your unfinished challenges!

Thank you to everyone who played in Metamorph! We're not saying goodbye to Tane and his dangerous experiments, and hope they'll keep challenging you as part of Path of Exile's core in 3.10.0.

50 Point Sale
We've just started a 50 Point Sale with a huge variety of cosmetic effects available for only 50 points or less, including Skill Effects, Pets, Hideout Decorations and many more. Check out the full list of specials by pressing M in game.

The 50 Point Sale will run from the time of this post until Mar 9, 2020 8:00 PM (PDT).

In case you need points for this sale, we recommend checking out our new Delirium Supporter Packs!

The Past Mystery Boxes Return
For a limited time we're bringing back some of the past Mystery Boxes to the store, so you've g... Read more

05 Mar

In Path of Exile: Delirium we've made a variety of adjustments to some movement skills and introduced hundreds of new monster types to the pool of spectre possibilities.

Movement Skills
In the interest of giving players more competitive choices when picking a movement skill, we've made various improvements to some skills and have introduced a new Support Gem called Second Wind. Flame Dash was by far the most popular movement skill because of its versatility but with these changes we've given the other skills more niche uses that should make them more compelling choices.

The new Second Wind support adds an additional cooldown count to skills that already have a cooldown (excluding instant or triggered skills). This means you can use them one extra time before the cooldown prevents their use. This allows two uses in rapid succession for skills that usually only have one use like Blink Arrow or Dash, or four uses on Flame Dash or Smoke Mine.

The inten... Read more

04 Mar

Alongside Path of Exile: Delirium, we are introducing gems that allow you to translate mana investment into damage. This post shares more information about the new Stormbind and Arcane Cloak Skill Gems as well as the Archmage Support.

While there are some existing options in Path of Exile that facilitate using mana as a source of damage or defense, these usually come from quite niche sources. Since mana is such a fundamental mechanic, we felt that there could be more support for players who are interested in builds that fully invest in mana. Introducing new gems facilitates this desire while also having the bonus of allowing you to gain damage from your mana pool in a way that is distinct from reserving it for auras.

Arcane Cloak
Arcane Cloak is a Guard skill and, like other Guard skills, it is instant with a cooldown that does not expire during the skill's effect. The extent of your build's mana investment will scale both the offensive and defensive proper... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

03 Mar

Earlier this week, we posted a news article describing some of the changes to the Atlas of Worlds in the upcoming 3.10.0 expansion. In response to community feedback, we have written a Development Manifesto entry to discuss the concerns you raised. As always, thanks for your timely and passionate feedback.

Sustaining Maps
In Conquerors of the Atlas, we dramatically and somewhat inadvertently increased the map drop rate, through the following mechanisms:
  • Conqueror influence adding a large amount of monsters and content to Maps when spawned.
  • Additional maps from Awakening Levels (including Shaper and Elder Guardian maps).
  • Synthesis Unique Maps dropped by bosses.
  • Unique Watchstones.
  • Additional monsters spawned by higher-tier Sextants.
  • Conqueror maps being opened for "free" by Zana.
  • The map mod effect from Awakening Levels applying to Quantity and ...
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