about 3 years
ago -
Direct link
- You can no longer ask the ghost to play hide and seek with the Ouija board during a hunt
- Voodoo Doll heart pins will now trigger the hunt instantly, instead of after the animation
- Several improvements with how the ghost navigates to you during a hunt
- Hantu’s freezing breath will now only be visible in freezing temperature rooms
- The ghost can no longer choose Asylum hallways or staircases as it’s favourite room
- The mirror’s view into the ghost’s room will now keep rotating instead of resetting each time you look at it
- Several improvements to how the ghost wanders
- Lowered the chance for the ghost to wander
- The cursed possessions can no longer be used outside the location as there is no risk
- Fixed a bug where the ghost could not kill you if you were stood in some open closets
- Fixed a bug where you could stop the “hide and seek” question hunt
- Fixed a bug where the ghost could get stuck on top of the black car in Ridgeview
- Fixed a bug when holding the Ouija Board as it broke would make you unkillable
- Fixed a bug where the Summoning Circle was only draining 20% sanity when the ghost spawned, instead of 16% per candle
- Fixed a bug where lighting the summoning circle during a hunt would reset the hunt
- Fixed a bug where the Music Box was always spawning on Asylum
- Fixed a bug where the ghost was always wandering between floors
- Fixed a bug where the ghost was able to get far away from its room if it wandered multiple times in a row
- Fixed a bug where the Tanglewood kitchen sink’s water wasn’t aligned correctly
- Fixed several font and missing character issues
- Fixed a bug where a blue bucket’s handle was disappearing when you moved away from it
- Fixed a bug where the Ouija board was instantly breaking when used by a VR player