[2022] Cursed Possessions | Update v0.5.1.1
about 3 years ago -
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page
about 3 years ago -
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Added a priority system for the photo evidence detection (top to bottom):
Dead Body
Cursed Items
Dirty Water
Removed Christmas event decorations and changes
Maple Lodge Campsite will now have random weather again
Lowered the volume of the bulb smash sound
You can no longer take multiple photos of a Ghost, instead it will search for different evidence within the photo
Ghost photos are now much easier to take, especially when the ghost is partially hidden
Removed the double chance for the Mimic to spawn
Lights will no longer randomly flicker away from the ghost when the ghost is hunting
Fixed a bug where the ghost could not hear host players during hunts
Fixed a bug where you could not take a photo of some door and light switch interactions
Fixed a bug where the refrigerator audio was still playing if the power was off at the start of the game
Fixed a bug where the Mirror was showing the wrong area on some maps and outside the map on Asylum
Fixed an issue where the Prison Ouija Board was spawning sideways
Fixed a bug where the ghost would kill you if it heard you in a closet and then you moved into a different closet
Fixed a bug on Willow where some sounds near the ceiling on the first floor would get muffled
Fixed a bug where the ghost could interact with the DOTS Projector when it was turned off
Fixed a bug where you could get a ghost photo if the ghost was directly behind you when taking a photo
Fixed a bug where the small house candle did not emit any light
Fixed a bug where you could hear dead players after being revived
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