[2021] Exposition | Hotfix
over 3 years ago -
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page
over 3 years ago -
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The ghost will now move through the DOTS Projector at different speeds each time
Fixed a bug where video cameras would turn off in your hand if the CCTV monitor changed camera
Fixed a bug where the CCTV monitor would freeze if you walked out of the truck with a tripod
Fixed a bug where the DOTS Projector interaction would only work if the host placed it
Fixed an issue where the DOTS Projector interaction was happening twice as often if you placed two down
Fixed a spot where you could get stuck in the Ridgeview bedroom
Fixed several performance issues with the video cameras
VR: Fixed grab rotations for the tripod and flashlights
VR: Fixed a bug where video cameras weren't opening after being grabbed
VR: Fixed a bug where video cameras weren't staying open when placed on a tripod
Fixed a bug where you couldn't see VR players head mounted cameras
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