@silverBlack007 @Obsidian @GOGcom @atomrpg @larianstudios
Ahoy, Watchers! Get ready for #Deadfire's biggest sale yet. Get the @Obsidian Edition of the game for 60% off on @GOGcom!
@scottOroepel Hi! We're currently working on getting the Deadfire soundtrack up and hope to have more information soon!
@Carrie_Patel: Eothas has a buddy—thanks, @Adoroable !
@jesawyer: VictorCreed's ongoing attempt at The Ultimate
@ArtofYorugami @szczvpiorku 100% Agree!! Magnificent!
@Saerzion @MegaConOrlando @Obsidian You look incredible!
@ToriCarlini Eothas is all powerful!
Happy #NationalPizzaPartyDay to all of our Watchers out there.
@szczvpiorku By Wael's eye, this is amazing!
@Ulisaypo: Happy one year anniversary #Deadfire ! Everyone wish a happy birthday to the birthday (re-birthday?) boy!
@scriptfinch @Obsidian
@matthansenart: By request: All the gods of Eora on one stage. I love these nerds. Poor Watcher. #PillarsMemories #Deadfire
@yuramoonbow: hunt a god, save your soul
happy one year anniversary to pillars of eternity II: deadfire!~ @WorldofEternity
@yuramoonbow Thank you so much! This is breathtaking!
@fangmich Such a handsome lad! <3
@fangmich: Happy 1 year anniversary,#Deadfire ✨
@turnbasedgamers The consoles are still under development by Versus Evil, but they have announced it will be released this year.
Update 5.0 is launching now and #Deadfire Backer Update 61 is here!
Find out what the team has put into the final patch for the game!