
Planetside Dev Tracker

20 Apr


Nice catch. Looks like we need to take a closer look at all these maps we are exporting.

18 Jan


Originally posted by VORTXS

They fixed that last patch I believe, u/dbdrew forgot to change one thing and fixed it.

Yep it should be fixed now.

10 Jan


Originally posted by ncbwilson

Hi Roxxlyy will this include the flag to revert the construction xp as well?

This will fix the construction xp happening on decaying targets, yes.

09 Jan


Originally posted by current1y

Construction repair farming is back. Seems like a rollback with sprinkles.

The construction repair farming came from a single object, because of a single experience flag not being set. No rollbacks.


This update was not a rollback, it was an update. See Paul's comments on

10 Dec


I did something similar to this earlier this year and upgraded from a 4690k to the 8600k. With a little (lazy) tuning, my chip was able to hit 4.6 GHz easily on air w/ a Hyper 212 Evo. Temps usually hovered around 65-70 C. On water with the same clock speeds and a 240 rad it sits in the low 40's. (I could probably push it ever further, but I'm lazy haha). So far my experience with ps2, the 8600k has made the biggest improvement in larger fights. With medium to high settings @ 3400x1440, I rarely see drops below 90 in most fights with some large fights pushing high 60's. Everywhere else it's usually a stable ~120.

Tldr; I did the same thing 4690k -> 8600k and I'm very happy with it. Hope this helps!

22 Nov


Originally posted by Iridar51

Just a whole ton of animation work would be involved.

How much animation work, exactly? Kind of a brag, but I was able to create animations for pistol dual wielding mod for XCOM 2 in three weeks or so. And I'm an amateur.

A lot of animation work. It is a new wield type so there would need to be custom locomotion animations (passive, active and ADS stances, as well as jumps, falls, and lands), reloads, deaths, firing recoils, additives for aiming, custom vehicle animations, hit recoils, etc. And that is just the actual animation work. There also needs to be the animation network support for handling all of these new animations. It also has to be done for both first and third person for everything I just listed. Looking at the video I am sure you have a sense of this stuff, it is just a in a larger scale than XCOM. It is quite a time investment to do this right.

16 Nov


Originally posted by Hell_Diguner

You can bind anything to the control key in-game. Pretty sure I set one of my push-to-talk keys to control at one point in the past. Maybe the 'disable indicator interactions' default can be unbound, and cannot be rebound? This was added the same time as construction, and the new controls for manipulating construction objects originally had some hard-coded keybinds that didn't play nice if you rebound wasd to something different (eg: I use esdf). /u/db_zant

I suspect you're correct and you clobbered this keybind when you had your push-to-talk bound to the ctrl key. I'm not sure why it isn't appearing in the list of keybinding options in the settings, but it's something I can look into tomorrow.

In the meantime, I have a few workarounds that might be able to help you out: First, It looks like either left or right control will allow you to click through allies on the minimap. If you haven't bound anything to your right control key give it a try and see if that works for you.

If not, you can try fiddling with your keybind file in the PlanetSide install directory (mine is C:\Users\Public\Daybreak Game Company\Installed Games\PlanetSide 2). If you have a shortcut on your desktop just right click > open file location and it should take you to the directory. Once there, follow these instructions:

  1. Close out your game.
  2. Locate InputProfile_User.xml and open it up in a text editor.
  3. ...
Read more

11 Oct


Originally posted by Aloysyus

/tell not possible, no options in /joinchannel. How does that even work?

my /joinchannel squad is on "false" but works both in textchat and voicechat.

This Tells misbehaving is a bug and will be resolved shortly.

06 Jul


Glad to hear that you are enjoying the construction overhaul! However, I feel your pain friend. Like you I am also color blind and those pesky no-deploy zones are very hard to spot. Rest assured though, this is definitely on our radar :)

13 Jun


Originally posted by lordsteve1

Lol. We tested this on Koltyr last night. Managed 10+ kills with two rounds shot into a line of our squad, then got kicked from the server. Good times!

Please tell me you recorded that haha


Glad you're enjoying them! Fixes for the TR/VS attachments are already in the works.


Originally posted by halospud

Working as intended.

This makes me happy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

05 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


I'm aware, and I've been working on fixing that already. Should be ready soon.

18 May


Originally posted by MissAtley

Ehh... I guess you guys found the bug. unfortunately people are using this to have one person place a repair module under a silo/object then have their friend place the silo then when the silo finishes building you can then "place" the module you were previewing under the silo and bam, invulnerable silo that is ruining the game fairly a lot recently.

This Placing construction modules inside of other construction elements this way is fixed on PTS and should make it to live soon :)

07 May


Originally posted by uzzi38

I believe u/db_zant is the guy to summon for this kind of thing?

You are correct, I am indeed the guy. I just got this working and it's making it's way to internal testing as we speak.

03 May


Fingers alone get my 10/10. We just need to combine this change with another to add grief when damaging yourself and we will have the NC playing much better as a team in no time.

06 Apr


Originally posted by unit220

/u/db_zant I’m not sure if this exactly falls under your spectrum as UI Guy, but could we help this guy out?

It was a little out of my purview, but I was actually able to get this done! Thanks for bringing it to my attention. It should be out in an update either tomorrow or early next week.

Tagging OP /u/CaptaPraelium. Hoping this improves your experience!

08 Feb

29 Nov


Originally posted by Atemu12

It has an underscore either at the beginning or the end, can't remember though.

Let's just try it, the worst that could happen is that we poke a stranger: /u/Sherman_ /u/_Sherman

Your on to me!

Bill answered the question pretty well already. Likely possible but it would definitely have to become a targeted feature with code and ui support. I'll mention it and see if there in interest.