Go forth, be merry, cause destruction. #planetside2
The Containment Site is open, and Chapter 3 is finally here! Join the conflict today! #planetside2 https://t.co/EX3mjxAG2J
The Containment Site is open, and Chapter 3 is finally here! Join the conflict today! #planetside2
@gretchenncute @absolutelyrad1 For what it's worth, since there seems to be confusion (from at least the one guy spamming me?) I'm a fan of the older color grading, but like I mentioned, we just need to think forward with any changes we make. There were valid reasons for why things changed to what we have now.
@gretchenncute @absolutelyrad1 Not talking about Hossin in particular. Across the board higher contrasts and deeper shadows from before my time meant that both indoors and against rock faces/with certain camos/times of day made target acquisition harder. I remember this pretty vividly as a player.
@planetside2: All PC servers will come down for the following changes on Wednesday, Apr. 28, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST). Downtime for th…
@Nlioc4 Nice catch, will correct that now.
@KeenerJayden 👀
All PC servers will come down for the following changes on Wednesday, Apr. 28, at 6:00am PT (3:00pm CEST). Downtime for this update is expected to last up to 3 hours.
Patch notes below
@Burry58568725 PC only. PS4 has significant memory issues that we still need to address before getting this update there.
Also, be sure to read the blurb at the veeeeeeeeeery bottom of the patch notes for some insight about what's up next.
Containment Sites come to Live... TOMORROW. Been itching to get these notes out all day, enjoy: #planetside2
@kingzoey_ Can definitely do that. Won't be in for this update, but a hotfix following.
@Rapicas Putting updates to PTS is just a good practice we're trying to get into, it shouldn't signal delays unless we explicitly state as much. So, no. No plans to delay the update.
@Intro1942 That shouldn't have been possible on Live in quite some time. If it's broken now though, please let me know.
@absolutelyrad1 Visibility issues were a big complaint at the time, so flatly "returning" to older versions without considering the context is unproductive. Making the game look better is definitely one of our long-term goals though. Some of that can take place in sky files, and some elsewhere.
Just updated PTS with some general bug fixing, as well as improvements to the crouch changes that were introduced in the PTS update prior: #planetside2
[ALERT] The downtime scheduled for Emerald server has been postponed. We'll share a new time/day once it's rescheduled.
@TheMustarde Will keep all this in mind as we work through NSO. Thank you.
@planetside2: [ALERT] Attention soldiers, the Emerald server will be offline for emergency maintenance at 10am PT (1pm ET) tomorrow. Thi…