This look, I kiss. #planetside2
@planetside2: Join us for another large-scale playtest of the new Containment Sites on the Public Test Server an hour from now! Informat…
Join us for another large-scale playtest of the new Containment Sites on the Public Test Server an hour from now! Information to download the PTS is at the top of our patch notes: #planetside2
@WrelPlays: Second Containment Site playtest starts in about 3 hours. Plenty of helpful feedback from the first, so far. Looking forward…
Side note, if you participated in the Saturday playtest and didn't fill out your feedback yet, please do that in the form here, we'll be locking those submissions when the next playtest begins:
Second Containment Site playtest starts in about 3 hours. Plenty of helpful feedback from the first, so far. Looking forward to seeing our EU server players get a chance to test at scale. #planetside2
@WrelPlays: Saturday playtest concluded, more than 500 players showed up to help test the new facility. Nice work, all. Feedback thread…
Saturday playtest concluded, more than 500 players showed up to help test the new facility. Nice work, all. Feedback thread here: #planetside2
@planetside2: Our Containment Site playtest begins soon! Come play and get a special banner for your Live account! Test Server download…
Our Containment Site playtest begins soon! Come play and get a special banner for your Live account! Test Server download instructions at the top of the notes here: #planetside2
@WrelPlays: Containment. Site. Playtest. In. One. Hour. (PTS patch notes here if you missed them: ) #planetside2…
Containment. Site. Playtest. In. One. Hour. (PTS patch notes here if you missed them: ) #planetside2
@iloveplanetside That's correct.
Containment Site playtest at 6pm PT today, make sure you're all synced up as it's a pretty big download. Help us prove out the new facility at scale, should be a fun time. #planetside2
@planetside2: Containment Site is ready for testing! Come join us this weekend to vet the new facility coming to Esamir in Chapter 03!…
Containment Site is ready for testing! Come join us this weekend to vet the new facility coming to Esamir in Chapter 03!
PUBLIC PLAYTESTS THIS WEEKEND! All the details here: #planetside2
@ALapidis: Esamir is evolving, and some new secrets just cannot be contained. The Containment Site has some cool new tricks up it's slee…
@Shozaku @bgeorge @WrelPlays @DaybreakGames Could be a number of things. But should be solved fairly soon hopefully.
It looks like those of you that are still having issues with login may have unintentionally exceeded max login attempts so the launcher is getting stuck in your logs. We're working on running a clear on them.
@sgt_beau It's likely tied to exceeding max logins on the launcher so the log is a tad overwhelmed we're looking at getting them cleared for those of you affected.