April Fools' is over, but the memories don't have to be. Take this mountable MAX unit technology home to your... desktop, with these 1920x1080 images.
@IStealYourDuck1 @planetside2 Here’s the link to the dev livestream, plans for this year are unchanged from what was mentioned there:
@planetside2: The April Fools' event has come to a close, and with that, the lethality of friendly fire has been restored. #planetside2
The April Fools' event has come to a close, and with that, the lethality of friendly fire has been restored. #planetside2
Remember, today is the last day of Double Experience and the no-friendly fire event! Share your thoughts in the replies! #planetside2
@planetside2: This just in, New Conglomerate receives indirect buff with friendly fire limitations in place. Reports indicate accidental…
This just in, New Conglomerate receives indirect buff with friendly fire limitations in place. Reports indicate accidental teamkilling has reduced slightly. #planetside2
@PS2Battles: Shoctorr is going live with his "Speedrunners" Charity tournament benefiting St. Jude. Two players compete for highest kill…
@justagentleman5 @Moukass1 @RoguePlanetSD @ALapidis Gave it three separate entrances and changed where the capture points are, among other things.
@Moukass1: Feedback on the new Esamir base designs that came out with the Shattered Warpgate update. Hoping to see more of these interes…
@tostitoo 👀
@PS2Battles @Game_Dev_Carto @DBG_Bishop If I recall, we were going to announce that based on overwhelming demand from the community, PlanetSide Arena's BR mode was being incorporated into PS2. Then we were going to add the constricting gas ring overlay to the map screen and HUD to continuously expand/contract all day.
@planetside2: Recent developments in the field of Long-term Operational Lethality have yielded astonishing new combat techniques! Check…
Recent developments in the field of Long-term Operational Lethality have yielded astonishing new combat techniques! Check out the announcement today! #planetside2
Hey @Game_Dev_Carto @DBG_Bishop - do you remember the PS2 April Fool's jokes I proposed that you thought might actually get us murdered?
@planetside2: Friendly fire (from direct damage) has now been disabled for all PC servers. Enjoooooooooooy. #planetside2
Friendly fire (from direct damage) has now been disabled for all PC servers. Enjoooooooooooy. #planetside2
@planetside2: Something's funny with these bullets... Our April Fools' Day(s) event begins tomorrow! Patch notes here:
Something's funny with these bullets... Our April Fools' Day(s) event begins tomorrow! Patch notes here: #planetside2
@Game_Dev_Carto Meanwhile, @Game_Dev_Carto preparing for his next work meeting like...