@DBG_Bishop: One last mesh. The faithful Spawn Beacon. @planetside2
@DBG_Bishop: Faction specific AI mines all got a little facelift. @planetside2
@DBG_Bishop: I had some time to re-make some assets for better performance and fidelity. Some of these assets haven't been touched since…
@planetside2: ALERT: All PC & PS4 servers will come down for extended maintenance this Wednesday, Jan 20, at 6am PST (3pm CET).
FYI - extended #PS2 maintenance tomorrow for a platform database migration. We tried to pick a quieter week for this prior to our next big update, and will do all we can to minimize downtime.
ALERT: All PC & PS4 servers will come down for extended maintenance this Wednesday, Jan 20, at 6am PST (3pm CET). Downtime is expected to last 6 hours. If the database migration & post-maintenance testing wraps early, we'll bring servers up immediately. https://t.co/pGSLHcv2lX https://t.co/ABEaEbiyjT
ALERT: All PC & PS4 servers will come down for extended maintenance this Wednesday, Jan 20, at 6am PST (3pm CET).
Downtime is expected to last 6 hours. If the database migration & post-maintenance testing wraps early, we'll bring servers up immediately.
@N7jpicard Dealing with orphaned squads and such is on the list for this year.
Outstanding video from @P4ndamoniumBRAC, definitely worth a watch: #planetside2
@CAMIKAZE78 @planetside2 @Game_Dev_Carto Not gonna lie, I was getting teary eyed seeing this.
Some screenshots from today's @planetside2 community event farewelling @AndySites and @Game_Dev_Carto. Not going to lie, it was really awesome seeing so many players coming together to officially farewell two very talented members of team. o7 gentlemen. #planetside2 https://t.co/gpqDWY52z1
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I should only be so lucky to ever be part of a community like this again. 💙💛
Taking some heavy 'cease'fire right now as Emerald wishes @AndySites a farewell! #Ps2 @planetside2 https://t.co/2HzV4Cxk55
@PS2Battles: Check out the OFFICIAL TRAILER for LaneSmash 2021 from FalcoArnold
@planetside2 @WrelPlays
@PWNRSH1P: Taking some heavy 'cease'fire right now as Emerald wishes @AndySites a farewell!
#Ps2 @planetside2
Reminder that this is happening right meow on Emerald, in the Shattered Warpgate area. #planetside2
FAREWELL CEASE FIRE PARTY. The legion would like to invite the entire PS2 community, to take a moment and say one final goodbye to the great @AndySites, and also remind us of the amazing job he and @Game_Dev_Carto did for our beloved game on 2020.@planetside2 @WrelPlays @ArsheeTv
@Velocikitty: Going live with some Lanesmash Practice on Planetside 2!
2L8 vs PR4H!
Come hang out <3
@ArsheeTv: Let's share something positive #planetside2 towards our 2 epic friends (Andy Sites and Carto) "Live on Stream"
Tomorrow, @…
@ArsheeTv @jgolenbo @planetside2 @WrelPlays @Game_Dev_Carto @RoguePlanetSD You guys are amazing. I’ll plan to login. ❤️