@xaastr0m @AndySites Teleporter is going to go in the triple stack left of the main spawn.
@planetside2: PS4 NA maintenance is complete and all servers are now unlocked!
PS4 NA maintenance is complete and all servers are now unlocked!
ALERT: PS4 NA servers (Genudine) will come down in 30 minutes at 1pm PST for emergency maintenance. We apologize for the short notice. Downtime is expected to last under 1.5 hours.
@planetside2: ALERT: PS4 NA servers (Genudine) will come down in 30 minutes at 1pm PST for emergency maintenance. We apologize for the s…
Looks like Ops will be ready at 1pm. Expect an official tweet from the @planetside2 account shortly.
We are aware of the events on Genudine (NA PS4 server) causing players to get disconnected. Ops is preparing some changes that should be ready to deploy in the next few hours. We will tweet once this maintenance is scheduled to begin. Expect an approx 1 hr downtime #planetside2
@CAMIKAZE78: As we look to the new year, it's time to discuss what @planetside2 needs in 2021. We already know what initiatives the deve…
@ALapidis: Planetside 2 - Endeavor Weapons Series via @artstationhq
@PS2AlertTracker: PS2Alerts has been released! Alert data is now being collected on a permanent basis and contributing towards the Metag…
@scorcher646 @RoguePlanetSD @AndySites @WrelPlays Happy New Year! 🎊 🙌
@CAMIKAZE78: It's about damn time for our first stream of the new year, and I may or may not be testing out a new microphone...
Come st…
@AndySites: Happy New Year to the #planetside2 community. In a year that has been such a wild roller coaster ride, you’ve been the brig…
Happy New Year to the #planetside2 community. In a year that has been such a wild roller coaster ride, you’ve been the bright spot each day for me and the @RoguePlanetSD team. Your support and dedication revitalized PS2 in a way we couldn’t have imagined. Thank you all. 🙏
@Burry58568725 Favorite game, for sure.
Just finished playing through Witcher 3 again. Best game ever.
Honorable soldiers of Auraxis, you inspire us daily with your loyalty, support, and dedication. 🙏
Here's to a great 2021, and all the battles yet to come!
🎇 o7 🎇
@CMDRCyrious: What you missed in 2020! The most Epic Year of #Planetside2 2 since Launch... See you for the prem…
@Athmosfear Mentioned both in the patch notes and in-game that it runs through Jan. 3rd.