@StarcraftWinter: 🚨🚨TERRAN TACTICAL SUPERIORITY ON @planetside2
Here I demonstrate the correct way to Auraxiu…
@ArsheeTv: Planetside 2's COBALT CLASH
European's gather over 900+ players today to showcase which faction will triumph over the rest!…
"This is PlanetSide, everyone." Arshee streaming the COBALT CLASH right now on #planetside2
Planetside 2's COBALT CLASH European's gather over 900+ players today to showcase which faction will triumph over the rest! A 3 WAY FACTION WAR (TR-300 vs VS-300 vs NC-300) We start Live on Stream in 10 mins! #Epic #MMORPG #FPS #planetside2 @planetside2 @WrelPlays @jgolenbo https://t.co/qyIqCdvKwy
Found it 😁
In my final team meeting yesterday, someone posted this pic of Free Realms launch night as we unlocked the servers on April 28th 2009. Making games with great people is a lot of fun😁Not pictured: @j_smedley walking in shortly after asking WTF just happened 😂🤣#SantanaChampaign
@7262Dom @planetside2 NC for Life
It was emotionally crushing to say goodbye to my team and all of the great people I’ve worked with at Daybreak over the years. So many great memories. My @RoguePlanetSD team and the @planetside2 community will always hold a special place in my heart. Thank you all ❤️
So I made a decision today and it was perhaps the most difficult of my career. All of the kind replies, DMs and emails aren’t making it any easier. Everything about PS2 is special; the game, the team and especially the community. As excited as I am for my next steps... (cont)
A message from @AndySites to the #PS2 community. Best wishes and good luck!!! https://t.co/CoG2iqxxrT https://t.co/3NMnT96fMm
@StarcraftWinter: Another week, another schedule i can reference so i dont have to answer the annoying people in twitch chat who wouldn'…
@Nicekiwi @CAMIKAZE78 @ArsheeTv @AndySites Confirming our friend is alive and well 🙏. We’re sad to see him go, but immeasurably grateful for all he’s done for the game and for our team. He’s left us in a really great spot headed into 2021, and we’ll do everything in our power to capitalize on it!
@Nogigs1: @planetside2 @AndySites We love you @AndySites , thank you for all your hard work making this game what it is today. o7 man💘
@deegthoughts You do a great job, Deeg.
@floydbishop @AndySites @WrelPlays declined 😢
@_N00____ @AndySites 😂
@PS2Battles: @AndySites a huge shout-out from all of us here at PSB and in the Jaeger community for everything you've done for us and th…
@planetside2: A message from @AndySites to the #PS2 community. Best wishes and good luck!!!
A message from @AndySites to the #PS2 community. Best wishes and good luck!!!
@Game_Dev_Carto @thebloxxer22 @Soaryn117 @Direwolf20 It was a mug I literally saw everyday for months. All I needed to do was take the pic.