@planetside2: For a limited time only, equip your soldier with the NS-11A Frontline assault rifle and Gladiator helmet in the Prime Fron…
For a limited time only, equip your soldier with the NS-11A Frontline assault rifle and Gladiator helmet in the Prime Frontline Bundle!
The Prime Frontline Bundle is available for Prime members only. Grab your code before Dec 21st over at #PlanetSide2
Three new commands have been added to the Bastion's repertoire: Lockdown, Assault and Anchor. Let us know how is your experience with the new role adjustment!
Learn more about the update here: http://bit.ly/3GEuWC7?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=default&utm_content=ap_by2jm0u0ax #PlanetSide2
Regarding server latency issues. Adjustments are now on Live to help alleviate the performance impact, while we perform further investigation: #planetside2
⛳️Capture the Conduit⛳️ Have you played the latest gameplay mechanic? How many conduits have you captured so far?
Learn more about our latest update here: #PlanetSide2
@troopek "Perfect" implants are available account wide.
The Vanu Sovereignty takes the win in this year's Ultimate Empire Showdown. Watch the whole event play out in the VOD below.
Many thanks to @ArsheeTv @CAMIKAZE78 @CMDRCyrious @StarcraftWinter and @PS2Battles for helping make this event epic! #PlanetSide2
Thank you to @PS2Battles for helping organize today's Ultimate Empire Showdown! Be sure to check out the vod here!
@StarcraftWinter Congrats to @StarcraftWinter for winning the final event in the Ultimate Empire Showdown event!
🥇Congratulations to @StarcraftWinter's VS team in winning this year's Ultimate Empire Showdown event!
Tune in to our after match interviews with @WrelPlays and the team captains @CAMIKAZE78 and @CMDRCyrious #PlanetSide2
🎖️@StarcraftWinter wins the Soldier Showdown event! Show your support for the VS victory!
The final event Combined Arms Alert is next! #PlanetSide2
🎖️@CAMIKAZE78 wins the Colossus Clash event! Show your support for the NC's victory!
Soldier Showdown is up next! #PlanetSide2
🎖️1st Win in the Ultimate Empire Showdown events goes to @StarcraftWinter.
Watch the other events now! #PlanetSide2
🚨 The Ultimate Empire Showdown is Live! 🚨
Which empire you think will reign supreme?
Tune in at to find out!
@planetside2: 1 Hour from now @CAMIKAZE78 @StarcraftWinter @CMDRCyrious will lead their empires into battle for the Ultimate Empire Show…
1 Hour from now @CAMIKAZE78 @StarcraftWinter @CMDRCyrious will lead their empires into battle for the Ultimate Empire Showdown!
⭐️Broadcast by @ArsheeTv and @PS2Battles
Tune in at
@CMDRCyrious: Interview with Matt Higby - Original Creative Director of Planetside 2
🥳Today PlanetSide 2 officially turns 10 years old! What are your favorite memories from the last 10 years of war on Auraxis? 🎉🎉
@SokaarL: What an amazing event. Thank you everyone for coming and Orbi for organizing!
@planetside2 @WrelPlays #planetside2 https://t…
@CaptainCoxPS2: @planetside2 @WrelPlays Fantastic 10 year charity event! Beautiful job @SokaarL and all the outfits that assisted with…