@SokaarL: The 10th Anniversary Charity Flyby is happening in 15 minutes on Oshur on Emerald! Come participate in the cease-fire spectacl…
📅 Mark your calendars! The Ultimate Empire Showdown kicks off tomorrow at 2PM PST. 🎉Tune it at
⭐️Ultimate Empire Showdown Nov. 20th @ 2pm pt.⭐️ 👉Check out our interview with the VS event captain @StarcraftWinter!
⭐️Read the Interview: 📺Watch the event 11/20:
⭐️Ultimate Empire Showdown Nov. 20th @ 2pm pt.⭐️ 👉Check out our interview with the TR event captain @CMDRCyrious!
🫡DOUBLE XP FOR ALL 11/18 - 20🎉 📈Enjoy double xp for all this weekend and celebrate #PlanetSide2's 10th Anniversary Sunday!
⭐️Learn more about our 10th Anniversary update:
.@MagicPainGlove got the good views over on #planetside2
@planetside2: ⭐️Ultimate Empire Showdown Nov. 20th @ 2pm pt.⭐️ 👉Check out our interview with the NC event captain @CAMIKAZE78!
⭐️Ultimate Empire Showdown Nov. 20th @ 2pm pt.⭐️ 👉Check out our interview with the NC event captain @CAMIKAZE78!
Snuck in a change earlier today to turn off lens effects caused by sunlight (you know those "water spot" looking things at the edges of the screen?) We can turn it back on once we fix the issue with lens effects appearing even while the sun is obscured. #planetside2
Special thank you to RadLock, from Recursion. It only made sense to have one of the community's own voice this trailer: #planetside2
@planetside2: 🫡Happy 10th Anniversary #PlanetSide2🎂 Capture the Conduit CTF mechanic, new Bastion Fleet Carrier role adjustment, base ch…
We are performing rolling zone restarts. Active zones will be restarted by 2pm pt. today. This will fix the Infinite Mining Drill issue. Thank you for your patience. #PlanetSide2
🫡Happy 10th Anniversary #PlanetSide2🎂 Capture the Conduit CTF mechanic, new Bastion Fleet Carrier role adjustment, base changes and more! 📝Patch Notes: 💾Download Today:
@Rhe7orical Working to get this resolved now.
@McFunkypants: Congrats on 10 years, @planetside2! a full decade of being awesome!
biggest battles in the industry, no "sitting on the…
Servers are back online. Check the patch notes here:
@planetside2: 🎉Nov. 17, 2022 - 10-Year Anniversary (PC Update)🎉 🎂#PlanetSide2 turns 10 on 11/20! 🔸Ultimate Showdown Event 11/20 2pm PT.…
@JonasChupp Nah. So long as folks are here for it, it'll continue to be around.