Emerald has pretty high pop counts at the moment, but the login servers are getting hammered still.
So we're going to swing it this way. If you make it onto Connery in the next 30 minutes and into Oshur, you'll be given the title as well. #PlanetSide2
Emerald will be back online momentarily. We'll break the record a little... less extensively when it comes back online. #PlanetSide2
Aaaaaaaaand Emerald successfully destroyed.
We've already jumped up to 1530 players on Amerish on Emerald. You're all rockstars. #PlanetSide2
Due to PTS troubles. The World Record attempt will TAKE PLACE ON EMERALD. This event will start in 30 minutes. AMERISH will be our continent of choice.
Hello my friends. Change of plans. PTS is still taking a dump. So we're going to move this party to EMERALD. Yes, the population capital of Auraxis. Be ONLINE in 30 minutes, and I'll be there bumping that population cap up. We will be on AMERISH. Let's get it done. #planetside2
Hello my friends. Change of plans. PTS is still taking a dump. So we're going to move this party to EMERALD. Yes, the population capital of Auraxis.
Be ONLINE in 30 minutes, and I'll be there bumping that population cap up. We will be on AMERISH. Let's get it done. #planetside2
Test Server is available for download, however we're investigating an issue preventing mouse and keyboard inputs.
Fixing this will likely push us past our 12pm PT goal for opening PTS to the public, but we're aiming to have it resolved before the 2pm PT playtest. #PlanetSide2
@Woedric @planetside2 The intention is to run a full continent alert, so I'd say about an hour and a half total.
@zachgoncalves We started some investigation into that last night. Still sorting through it.
📢Prep your PTS Client for Tomorrow, Nov. 5th!📢 👉Read our Test Server Policy 📝You may use your live game account login info to log into the server 💾Download the PTS Client here: #PlanetSide2
@GenysisHD @planetside2 Has a bug that still needs addressed before it can go Live, and our efforts are focused elsewhere at the moment.
We are working to have the new version of the PTS client available for you to download as soon as possible today but it will not be available at this hour. Check this thread for further updates. #PlanetSide2
@planetside2: 🚨11/4/22 - PTS Update (10th Anniversary Record Break)🚨 👉World Record Break 11/5 @ 2PM PT / 10PM CET! 👉Double XP For All Ev…
🚨11/4/22 - PTS Update (10th Anniversary Record Break)🚨 👉World Record Break 11/5 @ 2PM PT / 10PM CET! 👉Double XP For All Event (check schedule below)! 👉Capture the Conduit and more! 📅PTS Opens 11/5 @ 12PM PT / 8PM CET ⭐️Patch Notes: #PlanetSide2
@planetside2: 📈Double XP For All 📈 ⭐️Each weekend, starting Nov 4th - Nov 20th. ⭐️World Record breaking event 11/5. ⭐️Learn more here: h…
📈Double XP For All 📈 ⭐️Each weekend, starting Nov 4th - Nov 20th. ⭐️World Record breaking event 11/5. ⭐️Learn more here: #PlanetSide2
@SokaarL Well done!! 🎉👏🫡
@planetside2: 📰Planting a Flag this Anniversary - Dev Letter 11/2📰 ⛳️New Capture the Conduit mode 🚀New Bastion Fleet Carrier changes and…
📰Planting a Flag this Anniversary - Dev Letter 11/2📰 ⛳️New Capture the Conduit mode 🚀New Bastion Fleet Carrier changes and more! ⭐️Learn more about our 10th anniversary update: #PlanetSide2
@JonasChupp Hey thanks! Glad you still enjoy those old videos.