⚡️Final Round of Qualifiers start today and will run through tomorrow.⚡️ ⭐️Check your Outfit Wars tab in game for the full schedule and score.
🎥Watch here: #PlanetSide2 #PlanetSide2
Now with the correct dates. 🫡
⚡️Outfit Wars Matches resume Tomorrow⚡️ ⭐️Final Round of Qualifiers starts 9/23 and 9/24.
⭐️Check your Outfit Wars tab in game for the full schedule. #PlanetSide2
⚡️Outfit Wars Matches resume Tomorrow⚡️ ⭐️Final Round of Qualifiers starts 9/22 and 9/21.
Hey, send me your top-5 bases most in need of a shielded Sunderer Garage. #planetside2
The Outfit Wars map color settings issue is fixed on Live now, just need to restart your client to pick it up. #planetside2
Enjoyed this video from @SpicyBeanDip1 on experiences as a new player in #planetside2. It's a well-rounded, well-spoken breakdown of this game we all play:
All servers are back online. You can read the patch notes here: #planetside2
@Larington Think we can get a client-only update out that fixes that. Will work toward it this morning, thank you.
@planetside2: 🚨Sept. 21, 2022 - PC Hotfix🚨 👉Hitching fixes! 👉Outfit Wars bug fixes and more! 📅Tomorrow @ 6am pt / 3pm cest. ~2hr Downtim…
@o0shane0o @deegthoughts Hey, thanks.
🚨Sept. 21, 2022 - PC Hotfix🚨 👉Hitching fixes! 👉Outfit Wars bug fixes and more! 📅Tomorrow @ 6am pt / 3pm cest. ~2hr Downtime
⭐️Click for the full patch notes: #PlanetSide2
Hitching fixes inbound: #planetside2
ROUND 3⃣ - Outfit Wars Match Results📢 Congratulations to last weekend's 3rd qualifier match winners. Thank you all for participating.
We look forward to seeing you in the 4th round this weekend! #PlanetSide2
@deegthoughts: I invited @WrelPlays back for his third appearance on the podcast to talk about @planetside2 Outfit Wars!
Look within to…
@ArsheeTv: Good Morning Matches are in 30 mins! EU Outfit Wars is next #planetside2
@ 11:00 AM [PDT] E…
@planetside2: 🚨Sept. 16, 2022 - PTS Update🚨 👉Outfit Wars bug fixes 👉Misc. changes, fixes and more! 📅PTS Update is live, get it from the…
@CAMIKAZE78: And we are live! And today... We have a hell of an Outfit Wars match prepped up for you.
Recursion v.s. Goblin Jumpers.…
@stonewalljones Hmmm, definitely shouldn't be that way. I'll doublecheck to see if those changes didn't actually get there.