We are taking the Cobalt server offline to fix an issue with the Outfit Wars leaderboard. Check this thread for further updates. #PlanetSide2
@PS2Battles: The first round of a new season of #Planetside2 #OutfitWars is about to take place! will catch a fe…
@CAMIKAZE78: We are live in 8ish hours for the first round of @planetside2's Outfit Wars on the Emerald Server.
We'll be covering the B…
📢Outfit Shoutout: Elementary Beginnings📢 Looking for an active TR outfit on Miller? Check out Elementary Beginnings. Experience tactical or casual gaming sessions!
👥Discord: #PlanetSide2
⚡️Outfit Wars Matches begin Tomorrow⚡️ ⭐️1st Round of Qualifiers starts 9/2 and 9/3.
⭐️Check your Outfit Wars tab in game for the full schedule. #PlanetSide2
This has been a bit of a nightmare all around, but if you restart your client now, match times and matchups will be proper. #planetside2
We published a client side update for the game launcher. Starting the game up again will download this fix. Match start times and match lineups should be correct now. Thank you for your patience.
@planetside2: We published a client side update for the game launcher. Starting the game up again will download this fix. Match start ti…
We are investigating the Outfit Wars match lineup and match schedule issues. We apologize for the inconvenience. We will share an update as soon as it becomes available. #PlanetSide2
@LevelCapGaming @planetside2 No plans for additional joystick support at the moment, but you've got a few heroes like this who can make it work:
We are back from maintenance, servers are back online. Here are today's patch notes: #PlanetSide2
We are performing final checks on the servers, we will be online shortly. #PlanetSide2
🚨Aug. 31, 2022 - PC Update🚨 👉Outfit Wars match schedule fix and other OW changes 👉NS Scorpion bomblet fix and other changes and fixes 📅8/31 @ 6am PT / 3pm CEST ~ 2hr Downtime 🗒️Patch Notes: #PlanetSide2
📢Outfit Shoutout: Freelancers Union📢 Looking for a structured outfit with organized platoons and leadership opportunities? Check out the Freelancers Union on Miller.
Looking into the match times display issue. I'll let you know when there's more information. #planetside2
Servers are back online. We will continue to monitor server performance throughout the day. Thank you for your patience. #PlanetSide2
@IConsumeConten1 No estimate at this time but we will keep this thread updated as soon as further updates become available.
We are bringing down the servers for an emergency maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.
We are looking into technical issues with various servers at the moment. Further updates will be shared in this thread. #PlanetSide2
@Gimpylung Seriously.